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Booh yah!



  • Our town library's getting a desperately needed renovation/expansion! And the article passed by an overwhelming majority. Makes me have some hope for this world now.
  • edited May 2010
    Something like 20%. I'm not exactly sure what the percentage is, because I'm right at the end of my current 6-month, and the renewal is going to have a lower price for not wrecking for a year + the difference from the changes I made. I lowered my annual mileage estimate, raised my deductible from $250 to $500, and took the business use off my vehicle (since I'm not doing that anymore). Mostly, this was an attempt to make ends meet this summer. I haz teh poor.
    Oh, raising the deductible will do that. You had a $250 deductible? That's wicked low, I only have a $1000 on my saab. Don't you have an old and beat up camry? Why have collision at all?
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Oh, raising the deductible will do that. You had a $250 deductible? T
    I had a $1000 deductible with the old Sunfire. Dropped collision the moment I was no longer required to carry it, too.
  • Unlike your Sunfire, my SAAB is worth at least something. :P
  • Oh, raising the deductible will do that. You had a $250 deductible? That's wicked low, I only have a $1000 on my saab. Don't you have an old and beat up camry? Why have collision at all?
    WTF you dick, it's an '03 and it's in good condition! Have you ever even seen my car? Plus I have to have coverage; as long as the bank owns my car, I have to have collision coverage. When I initially took out the policy, it was like $7 more a month to get the deductible down from $500 to $250. Well worth it, especially considering that despite never having wrecked my old car, as soon as I bought this one I was in 3 accidents in a year. That deductible meant I only paid $750 total for all three. *sigh* At least no on was ever hurt, they were all minor, and the damage was fully repairable. Anyway there's absolutely no way I can afford a $1000 deductible if I do get into a wreck. $500 is a stretch, but I can probably make it. The only reason I changed it is because I'm not driving very much and I'm poor.
  • WTF you dick, it's an '03 and it's in good condition! Have you ever even seen my car?
    Pete tells me things...scary things...

    The trick to high deductibles is save up the money and then just let it sit in the bank. I collect interest on mine.
  • That's hard to do when you have no freaking income. Student loans aren't conducive to saving.

    Pete has a skewed perspective. The Camry is significantly larger than his car, the suspension is loser, and the brakes aren't as good. That's just how the Camry is. It's not a result of it being old or beat up. When he drives my car, it feels to him like driving a minivan would feel to you.
  • edited May 2010
    Ahhhh, so it's just being a Camry. I had suspected, such a boat that car. I feel your pain on the saving, I'm going through a major financial reform of my own. I'm quite poor this month. :(
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Hey Dmitri/lackofcheese, I've got a present for you! Sorry it took so long. (check your email)
  • Just finished my last of four AP tests. I'm finally free (temporarily). Now I can dedicate more time to geeky things, I got my stack of manga and anime right here.
  • Lucky. I've taken 3 and I still have two more on Thursday.
  • Finished my last final! Summer has begun!
  • Well today I noticed a new message in my facebook inbox.

    It read as follows : "dude u are mest up wit the long hair and stuff u mest the hell up"

    My retort: "Uh hi, may I ask why you just randomly decided to message me being a dick? I don't believe I know you, and from the looks of it I don't wish to. I might be somewhat offended if the person insulting me actually seemed to comprehend the English language. So with all due respect, go fuck yourself."

    He then proceeded to block me and give no responce back. I think I win by default.
  • Default? Woo hoo! The two sweetest words in the English language: de-fault! De-fault! De-fault!
  • Oh shits! My new laptop has been dispatched. It should be here within four working days. Should I be this excited? I think... yes!
  • I just found out my position is Federally funded, and I'm immune to being furloughed. Not that this matters anymore, but it's nice to know for the future.
  • I now have a huge pile of books I got for a mere $5. Library book sales that end with "Everything you can fit in the bag for $5" sales ftw.
  • I just got up from sleeping/napping (I forget what George's criteria is, but its pretty solid) for four hours and now I'm going to get some Indian food. Win? Win.
  • Today I had the hearing in traffic court for the speed camera ticket.

    Right when I walked into the court room, the judge asks if I was there in regards to the school zone traffic camera ticket. I said yes, and she then explained because that they couldn't prove the lights were flashing for the school zone and they didn't fully define the parameters of the school zone so they had to dismiss the charges by default.


    It took me longer to go through screening/bag check then it did in court.
  • For all of you who know what I'm talking about the FDA has left (sigh of relief) and didn't issue a 483. We have never gotten a 483 at our location in 31 years (when we were founded) and the one inspector noted we were the first place he inspected that didn't receive one when he inspected them.
  • WTF is a 483?
  • WTF is a 483?
    It's something you want to avoid... It's a systemic problem found during a FDA inspection. It could be anything from not reviewing data, problems in validation, safety practices to sterilization to prevent of cross contamination, It's something that appears to not be a isolated incident. They are usually followed by a loss of some business in the short term until you respond and correct the measures. Some examples FDA warning letter list
  • It's something you want to avoid... It's a systemic problem found during a FDA inspection. It could be anything from not reviewing data, problems in validation, safety practices to sterilization to prevent of cross contamination, It's something that appears to not be a isolated incident. They are usually followed by a loss of some business in the short term until you respond and correct the measures. Some examplesFDA warning letter list
    So it's like a Corrective Action in ISO terms. Gotcha.

    See, I don't know about these FDA regs, because I'm always on the side that issues them. I've never been regulated in the face like that. Sounds like it sucks. I almost have sympathy.
  • See, I don't know about these FDA regs, because I'm always on the side that issues them. I've never been regulated in the face like that. Sounds like it sucks. I almost have sympathy.
    No need for sympathy for us apparently we rock, it's hard to find any labs that haven't got a 483 at some point we are just THAT awesome :-p
  • Just finished my first year of law school. Now I'm going to lay in a chair and not do anything for awhile.
  • Just finished my first year of law school. Now I'm going to lay in a chair and not do anything for awhile.

    You deserve a good rest. And backrubs. I'll get some ready for you for next week.
  • Just finished my first year of law school. Now I'm going to lay in a chair and not do anything for awhile.
    Congrats! When you start laying in Albany chairs, let me know and I will come lay next you.
  • Just finished my first year of law school. Now I'm going to lay in a chair and not do anything for awhile.
    Emily's in Rochester, but you (and Pete) can come lay in a chair and not do anything in the City if you want. =P )
  • Congrats! When you start laying in Albany chairs, let me know and I will come lay next you.
    We need to pick a weekend to get you to lay in some NYC chairs too. That aside, Emily and I will have bikes again soon, which may warrant heading up there for some mutual biking through trees ^_^
  • Just finished my first year of law school. Now I'm going to lay in a chair and not do anything for awhile.
    Emily's in Rochester, but you (and Pete) can come lay in a chair and not do anything in the City if you want. =P )
    Lol. We have plans tomorrow. Moe and I need work clothes. Want to come outlet shopping with us? It's gonna be a full day of fun.
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