Is it really any surprise, considering what happened last year?
Yes, it is. I was present at the original meeting where we discussed his panels, and we all agreed that we wanted him to come back. The decision not to accept his panels came long after that agreement and with no input from me or practically anyone else in our department.
Is it really any surprise, considering what happened last year?
Yes, it is. I was present at the original meeting where we discussed his panels, and we all agreed that we wanted him to come back. The decision not to accept his panels came long after that agreement and with no input from me or practically anyone else in our department.
Ah. External to the organization, it seems to make almost perfect sense, but knowing that, now it's very strange.
Also, still haven't heard about Craziest Mecha Moments!
Ah. External to the organization, it seems to make almost perfect sense,
I would argue that it doesn't. Anime's Craziest Deaths was a multi-thousand person draw. People lined up in massive numbers to see it. Were limited space not a factor, it could easily have been one of the most well-attended panels in Otakon's history. From an external perspective, the most sensible option would have been to actively invite him back, with that very panel, to be run at night 18+ in the largest panel room.
Ah. External to the organization, it seems to make almost perfect sense,
I would argue that it doesn't. Anime's Craziest Deaths was a multi-thousand person draw. People lined up in massive numbers to see it. Were limited space not a factor, it could easily have been one of the most well-attended panels in Otakon's history. From an external perspective, the most sensible option would have been to actively invite him back, with that very panel, to be run at night 18+ in the largest panel room.
True. But I'm also generally assuming that Otakon staff is generally as petty as they come now-a-days. Maybe I'm just a little too cynical.
Yeah, the Daryl fiasco is bullshit. But at least Gerald tweeted: "I'll be doing The History of H-Anime Panel and 10 Anime You've Never Heard of but Must See with @clarissag and @DarylSurat as sidekicks." So the entire AWO will still be attending.
Yeah, the Daryl fiasco is bullshit. But at least Gerald tweeted: "I'll be doing The History of H-Anime Panel and 10 Anime You've Never Heard of but Must See with @clarissag and @DarylSurat as sidekicks." So the entire AWO will still be attending.
I don't know why. They should just stay home and save some moneys.
I'm still going because I paid for hotels and badges and shit.
Yeah that's why I'm going as well. I would never, ever consider the possibility of not going because it is way too much fun.
Same here. I really wish I considered going to the Spill.Con Party in Austin which is this weekend, but I only had the moneys for one. It sometimes hurts when things you want to go to are at different times and plane tickets are involved... :X
Rym/Scott, did you guys hear about acceptances yet?
We were accepted straight away. Our attendance at the con hinges solely on other factors. Scott will 90% likely not attend, but there is a chance I will. I'll have a secret Scott replacement for one of the panels if that happens.
So you know, this is due solely to progress I'm making with the Otakon staff on some key issues for Otakon 2011.
How To Be A Yaoi Fan In 1 Hour, The Yaoi-ing Game 2.2, The Digimon Event and MORE Otaku TV are all waitlisted. Looks like I'm only doing The Psychology of Ogiue with Ogiue Mainiax. It's surprising that the fandom and fanish panels of mine got more ahead than my two panels studying women in anime or directors. Does this say that Otakon prefers this type of panels or maybe it's just me.
Also, did they have waitlists before? I don't remember.
Otakon is a fan con; they don't have an educational mission like some other conventions. Depending on the individual goals of the conventions, different types of panels will get preference. Otakon has generally not shown too much preference for panels that induce thinking; they tend to go for the ones that sound the most entertaining. This is a big part of why their programming tends to suck.
Otakon also always has a few panels where the panelists just don't show up, so if you come prepared to do your waitlisted panels, you might get to do them anyway, especially since they don't have Rym and Scott to fill in the gaps this year.
Otakon has generally not shown too much preference for panels that induce thinking; they tend to go for the ones that sound the most entertaining. This is a big part of why their programming tends to suck.
Hey, our panels are entertaining and good.
By the way, Uncle Yo got his stand up panel and we're doing our Robot Apocalypse and Short Animes panels.
Otakon has generally not shown too much preference for panels that induce thinking; they tend to go for the ones that sound the most entertaining. This is a big part of why their programming tends to suck.
Hey, our panels are entertaining and good.
By the way, Uncle Yo got his stand up panel and we're doing our Robot Apocalypse and Short Animes panels.
Maybe I'll FINALLY get to see his stand up. Every con he did it at I had a panel at the same time of his stuff. Woot!
Otakon is a fan con; they don't have an educational mission like some other conventions. Depending on the individual goals of the conventions, different types of panels will get preference. Otakon has generally not shown too much preference for panels that induce thinking; they tend to go for the ones that sound the most entertaining. This is a big part of why their programming tends to suck.
Yeah, but at least it's a bit better than earlier days. I'm starting to think Anime Boston is the place to go for awesome entertaining and thought inducing panels. The con trumps most of the other cons I hit up.
Otakon is a fan con; they don't have an educational mission like some other conventions.
They actually do, to a degree. Any lack of educational panel content is solely due to the choices made by the panels staff each year, not for any mission statement.
I don't know, I've always found Otakon to have many extremely good educational panels (I remember going to a TON of non-geeknights panels that were really good last year)
The more I think about it, I think I might be willing to share my room with an FRCer during Otakon. The only thing I'm concerned with that is that I have a reserved one-bed...and I'm wondering if I could maybe get two smaller beds instead for the same price. (145 a night, for Friday and Saturday)
Call them and ask them if you can get a rollaway bed in the room, though you should obviously also look into rooms that have two beds by default; there may be a charge for the rollaway.
I stayed with YoshoKatana for PAX East, and while the room was labelled as for 2 people we didn't realise there was one bed until we got there. However, we were lucky enough to get a rollaway in.
Otakon is a fan con; they don't have an educational mission like some other conventions.
They actually do, to a degree. Any lack of educational panel content is solely due to the choices made by the panels staff each year, not for any mission statement.
I meant they don't have a mandate like a 501(c)(3) does. A mission statement is irrelevant; there is no law that says you have to follow it.
Also, still haven't heard about Craziest Mecha Moments!
So you know, this is due solely to progress I'm making with the Otakon staff on some key issues for Otakon 2011.
Also, did they have waitlists before? I don't remember.
Otakon also always has a few panels where the panelists just don't show up, so if you come prepared to do your waitlisted panels, you might get to do them anyway, especially since they don't have Rym and Scott to fill in the gaps this year.
By the way, Uncle Yo got his stand up panel and we're doing our Robot Apocalypse and Short Animes panels.
I stayed with YoshoKatana for PAX East, and while the room was labelled as for 2 people we didn't realise there was one bed until we got there. However, we were lucky enough to get a rollaway in.