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Games You are Currently Playing



  • I beat Bulletstorm a few hours ago. It's really quite fun, but is by no means "great." Doesn't really bring anything new or innovative to the table in terms of gameplay and level design, but it's very pretty, enjoyable, and occasionally humorous. Oh, and there's actually colors in this game. No "real is brown" garbage in Bulletstorm!

    My verdict: Not worth $60, but still worth playing if you have the opportunity. If you're not Scott, you'll probably have some fun with it.
  • What am I playing now? Pokemon Black. What will I be playing tomorrow? Pokemon Black. What will I be playing next week? Pokemon Black. Next Month? Black. Next year? We'll see...
    This but with White. There's just something about Pokemon.
  • Re: Pokemon, I play with my friends all the time. I'm the weakest of the group, and I like seeing how much I progress using Pokemon I like, IV training them to the best of my ability, and seeing how far I get against my friends and on Wi-Fi matches. It's also fun to just mess around with it, I think. See how I could make an IV trained Pokemon that's good in an unconventional way, I guess, since I have bearings into how to IV train "correctly."

    It was also really cool because my sister and I bought HeartGold/SoulSilver together, along with a big group of my now-DnD friends, and we'd always have fun getting items on the PokeWalkers. It also made walking around the local park at 6 AM for a science class a bit more fun because my partner and I would bring the 'Walkers with us and gather a ton of steps on the weekends.

    I also travel a lot during breaks, and it's fun to grind and talk to my mom/sister in the car during the roadtrips. And if we stop at a McDonald's with Wi-Fi, I'll battle my friends if they're available. It also gives me something to do while keeping my mom up on the road trip when it gets past 10-ish.

    ... I feel so silly for writing that much about Pokemon. :P
  • I definitely agree that a lot of the fun of Pokemon is the social aspect, which is why a Pokemon MMO would be the greatest thing ever. And honestly it seems like Nintendo is actually taking steps towards that-- B/W have the most MMO-ish elements by far, what with the Extralink and the Dream World and the Random Matchup battles.
  • I would give so much of my money to a Pokemon MMO. I actually just spent a few minutes setting up my Pokemon Trainer Club account to get a step ahead with the Dream World and GBU. I can't wait to try out the Xtralink with my friends, maybe I will soon.

    Also, almost everyone who owns a DS at my school is playing the new games, which is interesting considering my new school is a typical high school and not the Nerd Capitol that was my old school. I made quite a few more friends today, with Pokemon being my catalyst. I guess that's kinda sad, but I don't seek people often.
  • Having played plenty of emulated Pokemon years ago, I was pretty much convinced that I'd never feel the need to play another Pokemon game again, particularly without the use of turbo.

    Thing is, now I'm in college, I'm making money so I can afford it, and all of my friends are playing Pokemon B/W. So yeah, I caved and bought Pokemon Black. Gotta say, I'm not regretting it one bit. Having never gone through a generation of Pokemon with friends, due to never owning a game boy until very recently, it's a completely different experience. Calling up friends to hang out in the lounge and play Pokemon, periodically trading or yelling "FUCK" when we're out of pokeballs, it was definitely worth the money.

    If you've recently played Pokemon, and aren't in this "new experiences" situation that I'm in, probably not worth your time/money. Otherwise, it's a damn good generation so far, and I'm digging it. It's also decently faster-paced than previous generations, even with battle animations on, so I find the lack of turbo to be tolerable.
  • Finished Torchlight on XBLA last night, and yeah it works just fine on consoles. Going to start in on Homefront tonight.
  • Thing is, now I'm in college, I'm making money so I can afford it
    This is the exact opposite of my (early) college experience.

    Back on topic. Still playing MvsC3. New DLC characters came out this week, Jill's kinda fun since I prefer rush down characters. She doesn't play at all like her MvsC2 self. Haven't played as Shuma Gorath yet, nor do I have a strong desire to do so. Here's hoping to more compelling characters next time.
  • Haven't really been playing much as of late aside from the dating game (the actual dating part, not the looking part), but when I do get a chance, cycling between Costume Quest (very simple and adorable game), Kirby's Epic Yarn (also simple and more adorable), and FF3 on the DS (grind, grind, grind away).
  • edited March 2011
    Testing if Steam screenshots embed.
    Did this whole mission then the AI stuck in-front of a lightswitch. Tried it a few times and he sticks each time.
    This is the third time I tried (Was trying to drive it in, jump out and leave through the door but then this happened.).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Did this whole mission then the AI stuck in-front of a lightswitch. Tried it a few times and he sticks each time.
    This is the third time I tried (Was trying to drive it in, jump out and leave through the door but then this happened.).
    You turned on the Hydraulics, because even Russian bitches like hydraulics?
  • Just finished 1st play through of Dragon Age 2 many more to go plus on March 29, 2011Mass Effect 2 final DLC, Arrival is released. That has to be a tie in with the start of Mass 3
  • Jeremy tried out Raskulls at PAX East. He urged me to get it on XBL. I did. It's pretty fun and amusing. The storyline and what the characters do had me laughing quite a bit.
  • Jeremy tried out Raskulls at PAX East. He urged me to get it on XBL. I did. It's pretty fun and amusing. The storyline and what the characters do had me laughing quite a bit.
    I've said it before, and I say it again - It's a great game to play while drinking with your mates, or to have as a jump-in-jump-out game in the background at a party.
  • I'm playing a bunch of Mount & Blade (not Warband) and Medieval 2: Total War. I have to say that I'm finding M2:TW more enjoyable than Empires and Napoleon Total War. The guns are just sort of a turn-off because every combat ends up being the same in the latter games. Line up your dudes, have cavalry charge the big guns, wait for enemies walk into firing rage. Watch lots of smoke. Win.
    I find I still have to use a good amount of strategy in M2:TW, and watching the combat is more interesting, at least for now. I'm looking forward to trying the new Shogun game, and I want to try Homefront.
  • PSX/PSP festival continues. Trying Tactics Ogre and while it looks as complicated as hell, it looks like they're really holding your hand in the opening (Currently I can move and attack with one character.) so it's not so overwhelming.
  • Jeremy tried out Raskulls at PAX East. He urged me to get it on XBL. I did. It's pretty fun and amusing. The storyline and what the characters do had me laughing quite a bit.
    I've said it before, and I say it again - It's a great game to play while drinking with your mates, or to have as a jump-in-jump-out game in the background at a party.
    I do really love that game. It's just a shame it doesn't have such a following and not enough online play. Also, I really love the soundtrack of it too. That bassline for the screen music.
  • I have to say that I'm finding M2:TW more enjoyable than Empires and Napoleon Total War. The guns are just sort of a turn-off because every combat ends up being the same in the latter games. Line up your dudes, have cavalry charge the big guns, wait for enemies walk into firing rage. Watch lots of smoke. Win.
    Funny, my friends say the exact opposite. Regardless, Sogun 2 is great fun. Multiplayer has a meta-game component which makes battles someone unbalanced if you are not the same rank as your opponent, but there are some balancing factors which help.
  • Assassin's Creed II scratches my history itch in such a fun way.
  • Assassin's Creed II scratches my history itch in such a fun way.
    With a wrist blade?
  • Assassin's Creed II scratches my history itch in such a fun way.
    With a wrist blade?
    And a wrist-mounted gun with tech far too advanced for the 1500's.
    Excellent game, though.
  • My main game is still Company of Heroes. I love that game! But it feels like there are some balance issues, which is very frustrating. Anyone still playing it? I could use an opponent or a team mate (I generally play as PE).
  • edited March 2011
    Since Jeremy is on Spring Break, he's been playing many XBLA games. He now purchased ilomilo. It's quite possibly one of the cutest and most adorable 3D-puzzle solving games. It reminds me a lot of Little Big Planet but with more cute.

    I would play the game, but after watching him play for a few minutes, I now am inspired to make mochimochi of the characters. >____< (I'm doomed, I tell you.)

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited March 2011
    Just beat DA2.... Loved the ending and what's this... They're playing a Florence + The Machine song at the end... Epic game is indeed epic...

    Must play again...
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • He now purchased ilomilo.
    I'm glad that someone else but me has found this game.
  • Gave Bad Company 2 another go and I'm still eh on the RPG stuff which spoils what could have been at least an enjoyable game without it.
  • He now purchased ilomilo.
    I'm glad that someone else but me has found this game.
    Finally in a non-knitting mood and playing this game. This game is pretty fun and worth the price. The game reminds of LBP from time to time, but with it's differences. I think the graphics are very well done along with the music. It's just too adorable for words.

    I mainly playing right now to unlock the cute ilomilo companions for my 360 avatar, but from what I've been playing, the puzzles are pretty cool. I would love to see an ilomilo cosplay.
  • I just finished Assassin's Creed II, and I'm glad the game summed up my feelings of the ending: What. The. Fuck.

    Going to start Brotherhood shortly.
  • I just finished Assassin's Creed II, and I'm glad the game summed up my feelings of the ending: What. The. Fuck.

    Going to start Brotherhood shortly.
    Brotherhood's ending won't be much better, trust me.
    Game is awesome, though.
  • edited March 2011
    Crysis 2 - Fo' serious, this is an excellent game. Despite all the entitled whinging about Consolification and blah blah fucking blah - mostly from people who haven't played the game - It's honestly a genuinely fun game. The Gunplay feels just right - And by just right, I mean it's a fucking joy to behold - You feel Powerful while simultaneously not feeling godlike and invincible - You've got a massive edge over an individual soldier, and even a bit of an edge over a squad, in a head to head straight up shooting match, but as soon as you apply it to the wide-open areas that the game puts you in within destroyed future new york - well, you might be a powerful super soldier, but expect to get massacred. A lot. The AI is smart(though sometimes glitchy), and even if you take a guy out in silence, eventually someone will notice. If you take out someone while you're overhearing that particular guy speaking on the radio or calling out to his buddies, you will be noticed immediately.

    Also, It lets you actually fail. It doesn't nudge you back onto the "right" path when you try to do something crazy, because the punishment for doing something stupid is death - but not an unfair death. If you go running into a situation, guns blazing, without having a quick reccie first, and you die, it doesn't feel like the game arbitrarily killed you for being stupid, because there is the chance that you might actually pull it off, and the Hail Mary play will work. Buuuut nine times out of ten, you'll get your bollocks shot off.
    Essentially, the game points you to a big, big area, and says "Here, this is your playground. The other people here are going to try and kill you. There are many more of them than you. You deal with them any way you like. Aaaaaaand go."

    Still not finished it yet, but goddamn, this is a good game, no matter how panned by super entitled PC elitist fucksticks it may be, People who don't have dreams of the day where even having a PC game in the same room as a console will cause said console to detonate like a fucking bomb, will likely enjoy it. Yes, maybe even Scrym - I think they'd be interested by the single player, at least, though for them, I'd recommend waiting until it comes down in price some - at least then if they don't dig it quite as much, they can't say they didn't get their money's worth. At least it's not Call of Duty 60 bucks for a two hour multiplayer tutorial to get you used to the game, it's an actual single player game, of a decent length, about 10-15 hours worth.
    Post edited by Churba on
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