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  • So this came in the mail today and I have been rocking out on N64 goodness. Super Mario 64 is still better then galaxy in my opinion.
  • Kinda scared about what 2 is gonna be like.
    Mass Effect 2 with swords and magic.
    Not really. Watching some playthrough videos, it still looks a lot like the first game, which makes me happy. The combat is like the first, but a shit-ton faster and cooler looking. The conversations are more like ME, but still with a DA feel. All in all...IT LOOKS LIKE THE SHIT.
    I'm sad that my brother's PS3 is at home, and I go back to college the week the game comes out, but I'm gonna put my save data from DA1 on a flash drive, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, my friend who's getting the game will have the free time to let me play it every once in a while, and I can test it out with my save data before summer when I probably play it a ton.
  • Is rather enjoying MvC3. Still just button mashing though.
  • Is rather enjoying MvC3. Still just button mashing though.
    Awesome, I always loved the MvC series way more then SF.
  • Anyone wanna play MvC3? Xbox of cource. None of that werdo ps3 nonsense.
  • I received MvsC3 for PS3 as a gift, and am considering purchasing the Xbox 360 version. Hmm...
    For now, I'm colombianshadow for anyone who want to play on PSN.
  • Whoa Andrew, that is not the mount and blade I know of.
  • Man oh man, I'm in the middle of simply too many games. Right now I'm in the middle of FEAR 2, Deathspank, Dawn of War 2, Prototype and Dragon Age: Awakening. All the while somewhat actively playing Minecraft and World of Warcraft (although I am now taking a break from raiding for the moment).

    Oh, and while on the subject of Dragon Age:
    Not really. Watching some playthrough videos, it still looks a lot like the first game, which makes me happy. The combat is like the first, but a shit-ton faster and cooler looking. The conversations are more like ME, but still with a DA feel. All in all...IT LOOKS LIKE THE SHIT.
    Yes, it seems to me they are primarily trying to address the problems that the first game had with combat. And it had quite a few of them. The combat is more responsive and varied and the classes do not feel the same anymore (because Warrior and Rogue seriously needed more variation).

    The conversation thing is lifted directly from Mass Effect but it's a good system. When you have a voice-acted main-character you do not want to first read the line word to word, select it, and then hear it. It would become somewhat tedious really fast. Besides they do improve upon the conversation wheel too: it know also shows you the tone of the line instead of just the key words.
  • Yes, it seems to me they are primarily trying to address the problems that the first game had with combat. And it had quite a few of them. The combat is more responsive and varied and the classes do not feel the same anymore (because Warrior and Rogue seriously needed more variation).

    The conversation thing is lifted directly from Mass Effect but it's a good system. When you have a voice-acted main-character you do not want to first read the line word to word, select it, and then hear it. It would become somewhat tedious really fast. Besides they do improve upon the conversation wheel too: it know also shows you the tone of the line instead of just the key words.
    Yep yep. I am SO excited for DAII. How is Awakening for you so far? I feel that it's a bit too short, but fun for what it is.
  • Ffff... Local game shop has a PSP 3000 in blue for £80. Keep pressing A to close wallet.
  • Yes, it seems to me they are primarily trying to address the problems that the first game had with combat. And it had quite a few of them. The combat is more responsive and varied and the classes do not feel the same anymore (because Warrior and Rogue seriously needed more variation).

    The conversation thing is lifted directly from Mass Effect but it's a good system. When you have a voice-acted main-character you do not want to first read the line word to word, select it, and then hear it. It would become somewhat tedious really fast. Besides they do improve upon the conversation wheel too: it know also shows you the tone of the line instead of just the key words.
    Yep yep. I am SO excited for DAII. How is Awakening for you so far? I feel that it's a bit too short, but fun for what it is.
    Well, it's more of the good quality gameplay the original game was. Ergo, I am enjoying it. I don't find the companions as interesting this time around though, except for the returning character Oghren, who was one of my favourites to begin with.
  • Yes, it seems to me they are primarily trying to address the problems that the first game had with combat. And it had quite a few of them. The combat is more responsive and varied and the classes do not feel the same anymore (because Warrior and Rogue seriously needed more variation).

    The conversation thing is lifted directly from Mass Effect but it's a good system. When you have a voice-acted main-character you do not want to first read the line word to word, select it, and then hear it. It would become somewhat tedious really fast. Besides they do improve upon the conversation wheel too: it know also shows you the tone of the line instead of just the key words.
    Yep yep. I am SO excited for DAII. How is Awakening for you so far? I feel that it's a bit too short, but fun for what it is.
    Well, it's more of the good quality gameplay the original game was. Ergo, I am enjoying it. I don't find the companions as interesting this time around though, except for the returning character Oghren, who was one of my favourites to begin with.
    Oghren is great, and I do like Anders, and Nathaniel to a lesser extent. Everyone else is not that great. But the gameplay is still fun, yes.
  • My team of Ryu, Amaterasu, and Morrigan trumped my friends with 33 total wins putting me in first for the day.
  • My initial dismal impression of Amaterasu turned out to be quite wrong once I started playing online. That doggy can wreck shop.
  • Whoa Andrew, that is not the mount and blade I know of.
    It's a mod called Mount and Musket. That's a picture from a multiplayer event yesterday with my friends.
  • This week in bizzare games Andrew plays but no-one has ever heard of..

    Played some K&L:2 co-op and I'm actually seeing the short plot as a plus, given how hard it is to get time when both my friends and I are free.
    Those loading times though.. sometimes have to take a second or two to remind myself what the plot is once a mission starts.
  • edited February 2011
    Andrew, the video game hipster.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Modding Fallout New Vegas can be a job in itself, but somehow I'm determined to do it anyway.
  • Andrew, the video game hipster.
  • Haters gonna hate.

    Just wait until I start playing Aurora again.
  • Just wait until I start playing Aurora again.
    I thought that game was OK, but I was unable to swallow the space is an ocean paradigm that it incorporates into the mechanics.
  • A game with every single Marvel/Capcom/SNK/etc character would be absolutely disgusting and imbalanced. I mean, they had such a hard time balancing a 50+ character game (MvC2), how could they possibly keep the balance with ALL the characters?
  • edited February 2011
    Lack of balance never stopped anyone from playing MvC2 or Street Fighter 4
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • Well, there's little point of having an overbloated character roster if only 6 or 8 of them are actually usable.

    But yeah, I know what you mean.
  • edited February 2011
    I think the hardons you can potentially give your fans is more valuable than making a flawless gaming experience, business-wise.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • World of Tanks provides fun tank battles. It has a neat mechanic where if you pull your tank into a large section of vegetation, or just behind some rubble, you actually become invisible until you shoot or someone gets really close. It makes it possible for people in light tanks to snipe at bigger tanks without getting annihilated. The down side is that there is actually grind. You use the most basic tanks and have to research better parts in order to unlock better tanks. You can do this by spending exp you gain in battle, or you can (eventually) buy better tanks with real money.
    The focus in micro-transactions seems to be how they want to make their money, but results in a somewhat brutal grind to research better tanks to use. It's still in beta, so there's a chance the grind will be mitigated to be less front-heavy, but there's no telling.
    If you really, really like WWII era tanks, the game will be right up your ally. If not, then it's so-so at best.
  • The down side is that there is actually grind.
    They could fix that by having research/advancement be stateful only within instantiated battles. They could even allow for point-based upgrade allocation in said instances.

    Instead, they took what is effectively tank Counterstrike and turned it into tank: the MMO.
  • If they tweak it just a bit, it could be a really outstanding game. For example, if you take your tank's crew and put it in a different tank, they loose all their experience. I think it'd be far more interesting if your single crew moved from tank to tank. Also, the fact that the factions are entirely meaningless is silly. If I pick a Russian tank, my team will still be made up of Russian, German, and American tanks. This will likely change during beta, but still.
    Also, they claim they will be adding clan-type stateful battlefields. That is why Sturmgrenadier is looking into it anyway.
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