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Games You are Currently Playing



  • I'm currently two dungeons into a 3 heart game of Zelda 1.
  • So I recently restarted Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne, and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that Matador is 100% bullshit. He is far too powerful for where he is in the game.
  • I've been having fun with Hitman: Blood Money
  • I downloaded Catherine's demo. So far it looks like a fun and interesting game. I will be picking it up soon :P
  • Catherine seems so awesome, but the reviews I've read so far have been disappointing. I'm torn.
  • I downloaded Catherine's demo. So far it looks like a fun and interesting game. I will be picking it up soon :P
    Thanks for reminding me. I'll get the demo tomorrow.
  • I downloaded Catherine's demo. So far it looks like a fun and interesting game. I will be picking it up soon :P
    Thanks for reminding me. I'll get the demo tomorrow.
    I forgot to tell this but the demo one has one difficulty (easy). However, after playing the first couple of rounds, I can say that the puzzles can get pretty addicting and a little bit stressful if done in a difficult setting.
  • Just downloaded Kill Team from XBLA. It's like Dawn of War mixed with Smash TV. Not deep, but fun and arcadey. Also, I'm a sucker for Warhammer 40,000 games, so there's that.
  • Played the Bastion demo. It's yet another walk around and hit things game. However, the so-called "reactive narration" is pretty sweet.
  • edited July 2011
    Lots of borderlands - Just got onto the Zombie Island of Dr Ned.

    Edit - I should note that the Securom activation for the DLC was a bit of a guessing game - for some reason, the game wouldn't let the Securom window go to the front of the loading screen, but it would flicker through a little, so I had to try and guess with the random flickering, and hope for the best, though thankfully, it worked out first time. Not that anything bad would happen if it didn't work the first time, it's just fucking annoying. Oh, and I can't forget to mention - while it's doing this, it won't let you alt-tab over to anything else, nor can you open the steam overlay to retrieve your CD key. Hope you copied and pasted that shit beforehand, dude!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Played the Bastion demo. It's yet another walk around and hit things game. However, the so-called "reactive narration" is pretty sweet.
    I finished the game, it's one of my favorites of this year so far. I've already started a New Game + playthrough.
  • Played the Bastion demo. It's yet another walk around and hit things game. However, the so-called "reactive narration" is pretty sweet.
    I finished the game, it's one of my favorites of this year so far. I've already started a New Game + playthrough.
    How long is it?
  • Played the Bastion demo. It's yet another walk around and hit things game. However, the so-called "reactive narration" is pretty sweet.
    I finished the game, it's one of my favorites of this year so far. I've already started a New Game + playthrough.
    How long is it?
    7 or 8 hours I'd say.
  • All of Back to the Future: the Game was on sale on the PlayStation Network and it sure is like playing a new Back to the Future movie.
  • edited July 2011
    Hitman: Blood Money crashes occasionally. This wouldn't be such a big deal, but when it crashes, it loses your mission save for no apparent reason. The devs just thought it would be better that way. It's programmed to make you restart the mission when you begin playing next.
    Edit: This has happened at least three times now.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Friends got me hooked on League of Legends. Also, Empire:TW and BC2: Vietnam.
  • 7 or 8 hours I'd say.
    I'll beat the games I've already got before I shell out for it.
  • Playing Battlefield 2: Sniper all match: No Kills most of the match. Jump behind the gun of a jeep in an area being attacked: 5 kills in 30 seconds.

    I don't know how snipe. I click on them when they're in my cross-hair and nothing hits. Is there something I'm missing?
  • I don't know how snipe. I click on them when they're in my cross-hair and nothing hits. Is there something I'm missing?
    Lead your targets more, and aim slightly lower.
  • I don't know how snipe. I click on them when they're in my cross-hair and nothing hits. Is there something I'm missing?
    Lead your targets more, and aim slightly lower.
    Or possibly aim higher? I forget if BF2 had bullet drop or not, I know BF:BC2 does. Also do you know the trick where when you fire when scoped you can keep holding the button down. If you do that you stay in scoped view, which will give you a better view of where your shot went or if you hit them.
  • edited July 2011
    Or possibly aim higher? I forget if BF2 had bullet drop or not, I know BF:BC2 does. Also do you know the trick where when you fire when scoped you can keep holding the button down. If you do that you stay in scoped view, which will give you a better view of where your shot went or if you hit them.
    It didn't, but it did have funny hitboxes and aim - It hits slightly higher than you expect, and the head hitbox ends a tad lower than you'd expect.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • 3-4 Body shots to kill with the basic guns. I'm going to play something else maybe.
  • So, a friend is teaching me how to play Mahjong, and I have to say I'm having fun at it. It's like I'm really Akagi! E-except, y'know, I keep losing.
  • Or possibly aim higher? I forget if BF2 had bullet drop or not, I know BF:BC2 does. Also do you know the trick where when you fire when scoped you can keep holding the button down. If you do that you stay in scoped view, which will give you a better view of where your shot went or if you hit them.
    It didn't, but it did have funny hitboxes and aim - It hits slightly higher than you expect, and the head hitbox ends a tad lower than you'd expect.
    Having played a few months ago, I got rapidly fed-up with the hit detection. SOMETHING changed in the game since I played last, and I too couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at long ranges with any weapons like I used to.
  • So, a friend is teaching me how to play Mahjong, and I have to say I'm having fun at it. It's like I'm really Akagi! E-except, y'know, I keep losing.
    I've tried learning myself but some of the rules are just weird to me. It doesn't help that I can't get a regular group of four together to try it out regularly.
  • I've tried learning myself but some of the rules are just weird to me. It doesn't help that I can't get a regular group of four together to try it out regularly.
    If you're just looking for practice, has a nice, light flash game for your perusal.

    If you want to play against actual humans, though, I've heard good things about Tenhou(but you might want to read through this first).
  • edited July 2011
    I've heard good things about Tenhou
    It does what it does. The second link leads to the English 'community' and should have the room number where they play. Popular on the chans.

    EDIT: Also, that's reach mahjong/Japanese mahjong. There's some variants, but if you want to play the mahjong you see in Akagi, you're good with Tenhou.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I've tried learning myself but some of the rules are just weird to me. It doesn't help that I can't get a regular group of four together to try it out regularly.
    If you're just looking for practice, has a nice, light flash game for your perusal.

    If you want to play against actual humans, though, I've heard good things about Tenhou(but you might want to read through this first).
    Thanks! I'll look through it when I get home from work.
  • IJIJ
    edited July 2011
    Just finished Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. It's... great. It has few tiny annoyances but is great despite of them.

    Occasional combat is... very rough around the edges but it's rare and not point of the game. When walking around the world you sometimes wish you could run just a little bit faster. One of the puzzles early on seemed to be like the dials puzzle in the fate of Atlantis, as in, you probably missed the clue how to solve it but you could eventually brute-force it(3^4 combinations but hey, these days we got internets for spoilers). Sometimes an invisible wall will seem to stop you from stepping onto the stairs from the side and it's annoying but...

    It's just beautiful. Story is good. Worlds are rich and what's best, at least for me, is that they don't spoon-feed you every single detail, but leave enough room for your imagination. It's probably partially because it's a sequel and partially because there is(or at least was) another sequel planned.

    Graphics still look good, writing is great. It might start a bit slow but quickly picks up. Some character animations during dialogue are awkward but those are rare and facial animations are ok(although I'm not sure. It has subtitles on by default and I think I've been mostly reading those instead of paying attention to the rest of the screen).

    Can't say much about the music. I only noticed it once in the middle of the game and during the ending where it was quite fitting.

    The installer has a fatal flaw. It checks for free space to install the game before asking where to install it and does not fail gracefully. If you run into this problem, there's an unofficial solution on the game's forum(along with silence from the publisher and some(somewhat justified) drama). I've spent an hour or so trying to trick it before remembering that I could just google for solution and despite being angry at the time am very happy that I didn't just give up.

    It's good to the point that I'll start replaying it soon. It's most likely linear, but I do want to hear dialogue that I missed when I was gorging myself with story. I'll probably play first part after that.
    Post edited by IJ on
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