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  • edited July 2011
    The "What Hammer doesn't like about my model this time."-game
    Post edited by Aria on
  • Playing Mass Effect 1 (3rd attempt at playing it, this time it caught me) still no alien sexiness, but really enjoying the game thus far, already lost a character and I don't know if I made a right choice there, but hell, it's just a game.
  • I've been playing a bit of Dirt 3, but I'm cooling on it, because I when I buy a game, I like to buy the whole game. Instead, the game is full of DLC advertising, you can't finish the game without buying the DLC, and the DLC cars are not just vanity cars, they are actually better than the regular cars you get in the game - and they're already there in the game, because they appear on the starting grids so you can see them and race against them in single player.

    Oh, and the best bit? If you were foolish enough to spend the money on buying all the DLC - 4000 MS points worth - you're spending $66 AUD, or $40 USD. The ostensibly full game itself costs about 60 USD. It's $50 AUD to buy from Steam, so that would mean for me, even if I bought it when it wasn't on sale, I'd be paying more than the actual game cost me, just to access the rest of the game that is already on my hard drive.

    If I may fall back upon my literary roots, and quote D. H. Lawrence - "Cunts."
  • I beat Breath of Death VII, its ok. 4 hour old school RPG for $3 and not that bad.
  • Playing Mass Effect 1 (3rd attempt at playing it, this time it caught me) still no alien sexiness, but really enjoying the game thus far, already lost a character and I don't know if I made a right choice there, but hell, it's just a game.
    I find it funny that a lot of these games, take a 2nd or third attempt to actually get into them. I had the same experience with Witcher and a few other games.
  • Played on the 126 person Forgotten Hope 2 server this weekend with a bunch of my friends. I've never played anything like it.
  • Forgotten Hope and Project Reality are both more or less exactly what I want out of Battlefield games.
  • Forgotten Hope and Project Reality are both more or less exactly what I want out of Battlefield games.
    Instant parachute whenever, being able to jump on top of a flying airplane and scare the person inside of it to jump out so you can take it for yourself? Jumping 2m into the air and proning while falling down?
  • edited July 2011
    Project Reality does not allow insta-chutes. In fact, jumping out of a flying vehicle is very risky, and unless you're high enough, you go splat. Also, if you do not have a pilot kit, you do not have a parachute. Jump heights are also shorter, and it takes longer to get out of prone.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited July 2011
    D= Why do you wish to ruin Battlefield, Sketchbook!?
    Post edited by Aria on
  • You can have your normal Battlefields. I'm totally cool with that. But me, personally, I prefer the more simulationist mods like the Forgotten Hopes and the Project Realities.
  • You can have your normal Battlefields. I'm totally cool with that. But me, personally, I prefer the more simulationist mods like the Forgotten Hopes and the Project Realities.
  • I have been watching this game, Lucha Libre AAA(Mexican Wrestling promotion, not car people) Heroes Del Ring, at my store ever since it came out. The Giant Bomb Quick Look made it look kind of rough, but maybe fun in an arcadey way. It was released for $60, and I remember it being remarkable in that we got no employee discount on it. I waited for the price to drop for months on end, it finally got down to $30 and then it went on clearance for $15. I was all "Score!" and I picked it up. I made a horrible mistake doing that. Either this or one of the non AKI WCW games are the WORST wrestling game I have ever played. It has a tiny moveset, finger cramping controls, a create a wrestler mode that is only interesting for the mask designs, and the story mode CONSTANTLY puts you in matches where you have multiple opponents fighting only you. It runs on the Unreal engine and all that results in is wrestlers like Konnan looking like the face of the moon with all the crags and lines being rendered, and at one point the graphics glitched such that my wrestler's mask turned black, all of Zorro's model went black, and none of the status bars were readable, they looked like MissingNo. No one should buy this game. If you want high flying lucha libre style wrestling, get the TNA Impact game. I can't even tell if these people watch wrestling or not. They get little things right, and they have neat little videos explaining say, what a technico and what a rudo are, but then you read the profiles and they have one of Jack Evans' specialties as they Special Sasuke(it should be the Sasuke Special, and he can't do anything even resembling that move in this game anyway). All the finishers are standing, from the front, so, to go back to Jack Evans, he has a BS finishing move which you can use to set up the 630 Splash that is his real finish, but it doesn't count as finisher caliber damage. Another annoyance is that in both the technico and rudo storylines, you are challenged to a match by the person you fought early in your career, but it doesn't check if your character is wearing a mask, so it always challenges you to a hair vs mask match when in my case it should have been a mask vs mask match. The only positive is that they let you switch to Spanish commentary for the matches because the English commentary is so forced and hokey that it would only make this awful game even worse. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
  • I have been watching this game, Lucha Libre AAA(Mexican Wrestling promotion, not car people) Heroes Del Ring, at my store ever since it came out.
    I heard the wrestling in Pro Wrestling video games is fake.
  • I have been watching this game, Lucha Libre AAA(Mexican Wrestling promotion, not car people) Heroes Del Ring, at my store ever since it came out.
    I heard the wrestling in Pro Wrestling video games is fake.
    That's the funny thing, it's always presented as a sort of weird variation on a real fighting game. Some of them, like Acclaim's games, actually have health meters. None have been able to even semi accurately express what happens on a hot tag or a babyface comeback.
  • I have been watching this game, Lucha Libre AAA(Mexican Wrestling promotion, not car people) Heroes Del Ring, at my store ever since it came out.
    I heard the wrestling in Pro Wrestling video games is fake.
    That's the funny thing, it's always presented as a sort of weird variation on a real fighting game. Some of them, like Acclaim's games, actually have health meters. None have been able to even semi accurately express what happens on a hot tag or a babyface comeback.
    Now that you mention it, I do remember playing some of the wrestling games back on SNES with health bars. There's a screenshot in the "Featured Wrestlers" section. That used to be one of my favorite games to rent for a little bit.
  • Somebody should make a wrestling game where the object is to work together with your "opponent" in order to entertain the crowd and avoid serious injury.
  • Somebody should make a wrestling game where the object is to work together with your "opponent" in order to entertain the crowd and avoid serious injury.
    That's basically the same game as if Tony Haw Pro-Skater had co-op mode.
  • I've changed gears slightly from FlightGear to X-Plane. Same type of simulator, but I like the way X-Plane looks and "handles" better.
  • edited July 2011
    Battlefield 2: Getting better on no-vehicle small team maps, running around yelling "Lunch box! Lunch box! Lunch box!" to myself while hurling medkits to my team mates. K:20 A:85 D:45 not bad for a whole match as medic.

    Pulled some complete shenanigans when myself and a friendly sniper fought our way across a bridge to a capture point then ran on and captured two other capture points in enemy territory while no-one noticed.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited July 2011
    Pulled some complete shenanigans when myself and a friendly sniper fought our way across a bridge to a capture point then ran on and captured two other capture points in enemy territory while no-one noticed.
    Heh, I used to do something like that back in the day - there was a map with a river across the middle, and a bridge over it, with one or two middle points to capture. Both teams would predictable run right at each other, grab the first points, then come to a massive battle in the middle, while I'd sneak around the back, swim across the river, climb out up the stairs into the enemy base, and take their home-base point, then sabotage all their important equipment so they couldn't call in drones, artillery, or anything from outside to help them. Match rarely lasted long after that.

    Also, I love the Commander mechanic in that game, it was really well done - A good commander can make or break a team, and if your team is active and good with hitting the spotter key(y'know, that makes them go "(XYZ) over here" and puts a marker on your minimap and command map until they lose sight of the thing - can really increase your effectiveness.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I am playing Catherine, it is pretty addicting :O
  • I just started A Link to the Past. It is pretty fun. I keep telling myself to play a metroid game next, then not doing it.
  • I just started A Link to the Past. It is pretty fun. I keep telling myself to play a metroid game next, then not doing it.
    Super Metroid. Get it done.
  • I just started A Link to the Past. It is pretty fun. I keep telling myself to play a metroid game next, then not doing it.
    Super Metroid. Get it done.
  • In fact, maybe I will go for some Super Metroid myself.
  • edited July 2011
    Been playing a little BFBC2 online, and it's...pretty arse, really. Any server that isn't hardcore mode is always empty, and Hardcore mode pretty much 100% of the time equals "Bunch of assholes camp around the flag points, killing anyone who spawns, but only capturing enough flags that their tickets don't run down too quick." So, basically, if you spawn anywhere but the home base(unless you're on a server where spawn camping the home base isn't banning offence), you die pretty much instantly. Spawn on a squad, die instantly. Do anything but hang around in your base, trying to get a chopper before it's mobbed by a half-dozen people trying to take it, die instantly - EXCEPT grabbing a tank, in which case it's die slightly less instantly. Rush isn't that much better, but I've had a little trouble finding a server with both players and a decent ping. However, I don't see the point - every second of Rush I've played is the same shit too, with only a little less spawn camping, because someone needs to hang around and defend the objective, just in case you miss someone while you're sitting comfortable in the enemy base. Occasionally, you get to see them actually hanging out defending the objective, which is somewhat better, even if it just means you have to run for a minute or so to get mowed down by some level 50 dude with godly equipment and perks, rather than the convenience of having it happen right where you spawn.

    It's simply not fun in any way, because unless you manage to escape instant death long enough to lose the attention of the spawn campers, you die before you even get the chance to see the enemy, let alone fire a shot. Unless you're lucky enough to spawn facing an enemy, in which case, you'll see them for about a millisecond before you get dumped back to the spawn screen. You spend only a fraction less than 100% of the time playing the fucking spawn menu.

    So, basically, unless you really, really want to play the single player, and you see it really, really cheap, fuck that game. Don't even bother wasting your money to play it multiplayer, unless you have a hard-on for Menus with pictures of guns. If you really want to play a decent Battlefield game, go all the way back to Battlefield 2 - which, while lacking single-player, is all around better, or at least more fun - or wait and see what Battlefield 3 is like.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just started A Link to the Past. It is pretty fun. I keep telling myself to play a metroid game next, then not doing it.
    ALttP is pretty fun? I'm sorry, but that is my favorite game EVAR, so it's more than pretty fun, trust me.

    But yeah, Super Metroid is teh winzors.
  • I just started A Link to the Past. It is pretty fun. I keep telling myself to play a metroid game next, then not doing it.
    ALttP is pretty fun? I'm sorry, but that is my favorite game EVAR, so it's more than pretty fun, trust me.
  • I tried to play Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes for GameCube. It's fucking impossible. I know there are people who can beat the entire game without ever being seen, and I have less skills than they do, but this is on fucking normal difficulty level! Also, it seems like memorization of the path through each level is more important than actual skill at controlling the game. I can't even get through the very first screen without being seen!

    The fundamental problem here is that in the real world, sneaking around like that is not realistically possible. One person can not sneak through an entire well-guarded base without being seen. Most games have the guards walk in some pattern with a path you can follow to avoid being seen. The guards in the palace garden of Zelda 64 are a prime example. MGS gives you guards that don't follow a set pattern. They actually try to guard and look around all sorts of places. On top of that, you have no super powers like a cloaking device or anything.

    To make it even worse, the controls for aiming are horrible, so when you do get seen you can't even shoot anybody. The main problem there is that the camera is always at a different angle, so there is no consistency of where to point the stick.

    Worst of all, the game doesn't even give you an abundance of hiding places. Thief, probably the best stealthy game ever, is dark as hell. You can always find a hiding spot. The second screen of MGS is a wide open empty helipad with searchlights all over it and nowhere to hide. That kind of shit would normally be the fucking last level of a reasonable stealth game.

    I could probably build up some skills and memorize all these levels, but I have a lot better ways to use my time, and a lot of other games that aren't anywhere nearly as frustrating.

    Oh yeah, the game also doesn't teach you shit. Tutorial please? I read a FAQ that told me how to snap a dude's neck, but I still haven't been able to do it even once.
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