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  • So, basically, if you spawn anywhere but the home base(unless you're on a server where spawn camping the home base isn't banning offence), you die pretty much instantly. Spawn on a squad, die instantly. Do anything but hang around in your base, trying to get a chopper before it's mobbed by a half-dozen people trying to take it, die instantly - EXCEPT grabbing a tank, in which case it's die slightly less instantly.
    I have rarely had this experience with BC2, even when I had no unlocks. Sounds to me like you just suck at this game.
  • edited July 2011
    Oh yeah, the game also doesn't teach you shit. Tutorial please? I read a FAQ that told me how to snap a dude's neck, but I still haven't been able to do it even once.
    You choke him, then press the choke button a million times until the enemies neck snaps.

    In the first screen you hide under the first pillar, then just run past when they have their backs to you. It should take ~20 seconds. Second screen is a tad harder. You basically just have to time it so you stay out of the spot lights, and the guards won't notice you unless you do something stupid. There's an air duct you can crawl in on the building. Two actually. Once you're inside, for the most part it'll be easier to make sense out of what to do. If you try 2 or 3 times and can't get inside, watch a youtube video of someone doing it. And not the super-pro guys, cause they do it in like 30 sec, while it should take you like 2 min.

    Edit: Oh, yes, also, press select, or B+start to ask for tutorials.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • MGS: Twin Snakes is probably the worst version of the game to start with.

    Also, if I remember correctly the tutorial stuff is in the VR training, but mostly it's in the manual. The original game was made in the 90's and they expected that you actually read the manual before playing.
  • Also, if I remember correctly the tutorial stuff is in the VR training, but mostly it's in the manual. The original game was made in the 90's and they expected that you actually read the manual before playing.
    Do not have manual...
  • Also, if I remember correctly the tutorial stuff is in the VR training, but mostly it's in the manual. The original game was made in the 90's and they expected that you actually read the manual before playing.
    Do not have manual...
    I picked up so many old NES games over the years second hand from flea markets and the such, and so many of them are the title screen then cut to instant game play where you don't even know what your goal is.
  • edited July 2011
    @Apreche: Neck snapping counts as murder. Choking them until they pass out counts as tranquillizing them. You have to walk behind them without a weapon to choke.

    The gameplay is mostly intact in Twin Snakes, if not improved. The presentation of the story isn't at all. Just letting you know, in case it's the first Metal Gear game you play. Though of course, many people swear by the English voice over for those games, so for those people, Twin Snakes (English is the only option there) was probably less disappointing. But the voice acting aside, in Twin Snakes, all the characters do Matrix shit, while as in the original game, one character does Hokuto no Ken shit, and the rest do Sanctuary shit.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • Yeah, I was looking for a Japanese language option, and couldn't find one.
  • Only problem with the Japanese track is it's got no David Hayter.
  • So, basically, if you spawn anywhere but the home base(unless you're on a server where spawn camping the home base isn't banning offence), you die pretty much instantly. Spawn on a squad, die instantly. Do anything but hang around in your base, trying to get a chopper before it's mobbed by a half-dozen people trying to take it, die instantly - EXCEPT grabbing a tank, in which case it's die slightly less instantly.
    I have rarely had this experience with BC2, even when I had no unlocks. Sounds to me like you just suck at this game.
    I had this experience for my first 3 or 4 games, then it got better.

    I also found a bunch of servers that auto ban anyone over rank 25 or 35. It makes it a bit easier.
  • edited August 2011
    I have rarely had this experience with BC2, even when I had no unlocks. Sounds to me like you just suck at this game.
    Nope - I suspect it's just the servers I play on, but if I play on American servers, the lag makes it pretty tough, they could learn a thing or two from TF2 about netcode. Exactly once, I got a good non-hardcore server with people who were not all level umpty hojillion spawn camping assholes - they were playing for fun, rather than just to play in a manner which is only maybe sheer intent away from being griefing - and it was mildly enjoyable, even though it only had ten people.

    Well, either that, or you're one of the high-level cunts who just sit around and spawn camp all day. In which case, I'd contend you're not terribly good at it either, considering that all you're doing then is waiting for someone to pop into the sights of your overpowered unlock rifle, rather than playing the game.

    Though, I'd love to hear your explanation on how my skill affects constantly spawning within sight of usually two or three people, who just instantly mow you down, but never cap, despite the point being almost devoid of opposition. Tell me, Gunt, Is there some magical unlock that let's me not spawn right in front of a pack of heavily armed spawncamping fucksticks?

    Edit - I should note, they're only really overpowered in the hardcore mode. Regular mode, pretty balanced. For example, in hardcore mode, regular rifle, you have to score a headshot for an insta-kill with the sniper rifle, with a rifle that isn't perfectly accurate. But many of the unlock rifles will let you drop someone as long as you hit them, no matter where you hit them, have a much faster muzzle velocity(which matters in a game with bullet drop and travel time), and are 100% perfectly accurate at any distance. So, whoever has the better unlocked equipment in hardcore mode wins every single time, unless the person without any good unlocks gets lucky - because all you can do is run from cover to cover like a frightened rabbit, while they plink at you from across the map, where you can do literally nothing to harm them with any weapon you have. You might as well be in a howitzer fight, armed with an airsoft pistol. Oh, you might be able to call in an airstrike - If you had it unlocked.

    But naturally, hardcore mode lets you kill people easier and easier the better unlocks you get, so the vast majority are hardcore mode, because it's not like you want to actually go to any effort, once you've already hung out on an unlock server long enough to get your favorite guns.
    I also found a bunch of servers that auto ban anyone over rank 25 or 35. It makes it a bit easier.
    I suspect it would, but I can't find one that gives me a ping of less than 200-300, which so far makes the game pretty hard to play. The lowest caps I found, on the few occasions I found them, were "Nubs only server, we auto ban anyone over level 45!" - I didn't bother with it, but I'd bet a hundred bucks that it was little more than a "dickheads with all the decent gear entertain themselves by mowing down new players" kinda server, rather than actual nub servers. Well, I WOULD bet on it, anyway, if I wouldn't feel guilty about relieving you of your hard-earned cash so easily.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Minecraft. All day. Why?

    To dig a big freaking hole, apparently.
  • The problem with BC2 is the tendency for 1 team to steam roll the other. The problem is that when you get on a server, you're put on the team with the least amount of people. The team with the least amount of people is usually lacking 1-2 players because of rage-quitting when they start losing. This ends up in a continuous cycle of being put on shitty teams that lose all the time.
  • edited August 2011
    The problem with BC2almost every FPS game ever is the tendency for 1 team to steam roll the other. The problem is that when you get on a server, you're put on the team with the least amount of people. The team with the least amount of people is usually lacking 1-2 players because of rage-quitting when they start losing. This ends up in a continuous cycle of being put on shitty teams that lose all the time.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2011
    The problem with BC2 is the tendency for 1 team to steam roll the other. The problem is that when you get on a server, you're put on the team with the least amount of people. The team with the least amount of people is usually lacking 1-2 players because of rage-quitting when they start losing. This ends up in a continuous cycle of being put on shitty teams that lose all the time.
    See, that I could understand - but when I encounter these dickheads, IE, all the time, They're not even trying to take the match, they're just sitting there, ignoring the objectives, ignoring capturing the points they're standing literally right next to, and just focusing on essentially griefing, but I doubt they'd call it that. I can't call it steam-rolling the other team, if they're not even trying to win the match.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2011
    TBH, the default Conquest mode of BCBF2 is less than stellar because it's so easy to grief like that. However, Rush, Squad Rush and Squad Deathmatch are set up such that so long as players are at all engaging each other, the game will end in some manner; there is no real equivalent to the flag camp in those modes, and they are much more focused and fast-paced than conquest. I personally consider Rush to be the best FPS asymmetrical gametype I've ever played; the win condition requires intense, close range fighting and highly focused defense and offense from both sides, unlike a capture the flag which is better won with trickery, sneaking and running, or other destruction-based gametypes which lack the disarm mechanic with any sort of meaningful window to move in.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited August 2011
    Minecraft. All day. Why?

    To dig a big freaking hole, apparently.
    Dig? Where we're going, we don't need to dig.

    We just need to //set 0.

    Post edited by Jason on
  • @LackofLactose: Actually, NS and T2 don't have this problem, as when you're getting completely hammered can be some of the most entertaining moments of play. Even trying to hold the line futilely gives the player a sense that they're achieving something, and in both games, you can end up coming back if you hold the line long enough.
  • I did use the word "almost", you know.
  • Despite my better judgment, due to the fact that Ocarina of Time 3D just came out, and I've been listening to the Zelda soundtracks for a week or so, I'm going back and playing through the original OoT on N64. I have no regrets, I could just be doing better things with my time. Very likely, when done, I will also play through Twilight Princess.
  • Groove Coaster on iPhone is pretty awesome and only $1. It's a pretty slick version of Ouendan or Elite Beat.

    Also makes me VERY nervous for the 3DS when you can get a game of this quality for $1.

    And it's not just price anymore. My mate played the Coaster, loved it and just gifted it to the rest of us. That kind of sharing and ease of use is really appealing.

    And then to top it off, we are now competing with each other. Online leader boards through GC.

    I love my DS, but man, is that little clam going to have to pull something out of the bag quick or what?
  • From Dust is really quite enjoyable, despite lacking a "hey you beat the game here's a totally open sandbox" mode. The physics are fun, and I feel like I want to go back and perfect each level.
  • Ocarina of Time for the first time ever.
  • I'm replaying Chrono Trigger. This time I'm using the PS1 Final Fantasy Chronicles disc so that I can take advantage of the Extras mode as I complete the different endings.
  • Wow
    Planescape torment
    Fallout 1
    Fallout 2
  • Everytime I try to get out.... Civilization 5 pulls me back in...

    Played the demo for Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and really enjoyed it. Supermetroidvania with a flying saucer and lots of black. I'll probably buy it.
  • Free Weekend on Brink this weekend, so I intend to play the shit out of it, and then probably forget about it. Reviews have not been great, but free is free, and it's not like this weekend was going to be anything but restful anyway.
  • Free Weekend on Brink this weekend, so I intend to play the shit out of it, and then probably forget about it. Reviews have not been great, but free is free, and it's not like this weekend was going to be anything but restful anyway.
    I picked it up at launch (and haven't played it much since,) but there are some nice things about it (mainly running and then hitting crotch to go into a slide as you slip behind cover, feels really awesome.)
  • All of my team members are finally level 99 in FFVII. And I am soooo close to getting a second KotR. I already have 2 w-2, and 3-mime.
  • I picked it up at launch (and haven't played it much since,) but there are some nice things about it (mainly running and then hitting crotch to go into a slide as you slip behind cover, feels really awesome.)
    Been playing a bit of it, and while it has it's problems, it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
  • All of my team members are finally level 99 in FFVII. And I am soooo close to getting a second KotR. I already have 2 w-2, and 3-mime.
    It might be time to dig out the old PS1 disc and play this again.
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