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  • Are you playing on a 64, emulator or 3DS?
  • 3DS. They supposedly fixed it somewhat to make it easier.
  • The biggest fix was letting you assign the Iron Boots to a button instead of having to pause the game every time you needed to put them on or take them off. They also made the locations of the water level changers more apparent.
  • I've been playing some Fallout 3. Everyone in Megaton is after me for stealing a spork.
  • I've been playing some Fallout 3. Everyone in Megaton is after me for stealing a spork.
    Nuke the motherfuckers.
  • edited August 2011
    Bastion is definitely one of my favourite games of the year so far. The game starts so simply but really branches out with options as you go along. I love how you can actually upgrade the weapons in different ways, but can change between choices on the fly instead of having an upgrade tree. I also love how the game starts almost hopeful for the future, but everything gets more and more sinister as the story progresses.

    Seriously, the narrator is giving me some serious bad vibes. He's messing with my whole zen thing here, man.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • EYE: Devine Cybermancy

    Yes? No?
  • VVVVVV is awesome, but also makes you hate it. In the way all good games should.
  • Terraria is amazing. Like accidentally stay up until 1 A.M. not realizing time has passed amazing.
  • Terraria is amazing. Like accidentally stay up until 1 A.M. not realizing time has passed amazing.
    Someone has to teach me this game. Every time I just get killed by some birds. I mean, I can kill one or two, but after that I'm out.
  • Terraria is amazing. Like accidentally stay up until 1 A.M. not realizing time has passed amazing.
    Yeah, I'm starting to get to that point. The learning curve is surprisingly steep, although there's a few good newb servers out there that I've started frequenting. I finally managed to find a rich vein of iron, so I think I'll start doing a bit better now.
    Someone has to teach me this game. Every time I just get killed by some birds. I mean, I can kill one or two, but after that I'm out.
    I'd be happy to try or at least explore/whatnot, if we can find a decent server. Personally, I think it's worth putting a couple hours into to get into. It's holding my attention far better than Minecraft.
  • Need a tutorial. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing.
  • Need a tutorial. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing.
    I completely agree. The game definitely needs a tutorial. Even the wiki's that I've found don't explain things very well. The best advice I've gotten from a newb server is just to start exploring. After you wander far enough away from your spawn point you'll start seeing things that are different and fighting more interesting monsters than the gels. I generally die pretty shortly after that, though, so I've started mining to create better weapons and explore the caves. Honestly I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing either, though it's been pretty fun just exploring.

    There's a pretty good community on Reddit that I've been spending some time on, a couple of dudes have offered to help me learn the game. I haven't really had a huge amount of time the past few days so I haven't been able to take them up on it.
  • ighting more interesting monsters than the gels
    Gels? I wish there were cute little gels! I get terror buzzards, who I can beat very slowly if I follow a pattern, and at night the zombies get me no matter what. I also can't get far from spawn without death.
  • Haha, the terror buzzards are great, I love how they explode into meat when they die. Did you make a bow and some arrows? They're pretty helpful and are pretty easy to create with some wood and stone. Also, make a small house or at least wall yourself into a safe place at night, that helps. I kept dying until I started doing that, and at night I'd be able to dig down from my house and keep gathering materials/exploring without the threat of zombie invasion. Last night when I was playing, I managed to gather a bunch of iron and when I returned to my house there were SO MANY ZOMBIES at my door, and a few flying eyeball things bouncing around. Note: do not answer the door when zombies are knocking.

    Also, from what I've read the experience is FAR BETTER with multiple people. It helps with the dying.
  • edited August 2011
    I completely agree. The game definitely needs a tutorial. Even the wiki's that I've found don't explain things very well. The best advice I've gotten from a newb server is just to start exploring. After you wander far enough away from your spawn point you'll start seeing things that are different and fighting more interesting monsters than the gels. I generally die pretty shortly after that, though, so I've started mining to create better weapons and explore the caves. Honestly I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing either, though it's been pretty fun just exploring.
    True shit, I've just been wandering about. It doesn't help a huge amount - I really would like some sort of goal or reason to be doing something, or more information about the game so I had some other goal to invent for myself than "Build a cool house" or "Be killin' dem monsters".

    I wandered about on one of the FRC games for a bit, and someone said something to me like "Oh shit, you found the abominations already" or something like that, and I had no fucking clue what he was talking about. Then he threw some glow-sticks around, which I didn't even know existed, and gave me some shuriken, which I also didn't know existed.

    Also, here's the changelog for the latest update.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • How do you make things? Is there a crafting screen like Minecraft?
  • edited August 2011
    How do you make things? Is there a crafting screen like Minecraft?
    Yes, it's at the bottom of your inventory screen. There is a list of things you can currently make and their cost.

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • How do you make things? Is there a crafting screen like Minecraft?
    Yeah, there is a crafting screen. You get to it by hitting ESC, and on the left-hand side of the screen you'll have a scrolling list of the stuff you can create and the ingredients necessary. At the very beginning all you can make is a couple of really basic things, like a workbench (similar to the crafting bench in Minecraft) and such. So equip the axe (by clicking on it or hitting the corresponding number), find a tree and whack at it until it turns into tons of wood. Then make a workbench, stand near it and hit escape to see what else you can make. A bow requires a bunch of wood, arrows need wood and stone (which you get from hitting stone with a pick axe).

    I'm pretty sure that the goal is to "cure the world of corruption", which I think is some sort of purple ground cover. I walked on it and immediately got attacked by flying eyeballs with claws.

    Also I just found this, which looks pretty good:

    The "First few minutes in the game" section is up to date and a pretty quick way to get up to speed.
  • How do you make things? Is there a crafting screen like Minecraft?
    Yes, it's at the bottom of your inventory screen. There is a list of things you can currently make and their cost.

    Great tutorial.
  • I think I have to make a new world. Mine is fucked up. It doesn't resemble the tutorials at all. There is no guide, and it's a horrible desert in the starting place. No happy grass or slimes.
  • I think I have to make a new world. Mine is fucked up. It doesn't resemble the tutorials at all. There is no guide, and it's a horrible desert in the starting place. No happy grass or slimes.
    Yeah, that is probably why you are constantly being corpsified.
  • edited August 2011
    ProfPangloss is hosting a server . I was on it briefly last night but I had to go before we could play much together.
    Post edited by jmerm on
  • edited August 2011
    Side note ProfPangloss has a server . I was on it briefly last night but I had to go before we could play much together.
    Playing on a server would be good to have someone to spend the virtual night with, but I also want to play from the beginning. If the server already has buildings and stuff, it won't be so fun.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • You can use your single player character from your own game on other people's servers. You can experience both.
  • I'd be up for trying to figure out how to start a brand new server for Front Row Crew. If there's any interest, I can do the necessary research today and get it set up. I'm the same way, the newb server I played on was neat but it was definitely very well built. Not as fun as being able to start fresh.
  • Finished Ocarina of Time. Moving on to Twilight Princess. The difference in speed and smoothness of the animation was really jarring for the first hour.
  • I've been playing some Fallout 3. Everyone in Megaton is after me for stealing a spork.
    Nuke the motherfuckers.
    Done. Probably should've gotten some more information out of them first, but whatever.
  • Beat Hazzard is fun, but it'd be more fun if I were high, methinks.
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