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  • edited August 2011
    All you Terraria people - I'm home from working this summer, and will be hosting some fairly consistent Terraria action. I'm hosting a brand new world, generated with all the 1.0.6 changes. If you want to learn how to play, I/Joe Boomer/Someone will likely be around for the learn'ins. Link to info
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • I will be up for that in like two weeks when I have teh fast college internet.

    I've been playing a lot of NES lately since I just picked up an FC twin for cheap at a garage sale. Mainly Kirby's Adventure and Super Contra. And by the way fuck that game. I can beat the the first 3 levels no problem, and 4 with some trying but then I just get raped at level 5. Damn vertical levels.

    I've also been playing some of the humble bundle games. I think Revenge of the Titans may seal quite a few hours from my life in the near future.
  • Anyone played The Stanley Parable Source mod? It is a very interesting exploration of linear versus player driven narrative.
  • Just got an email that said I got accepted into The Old Republic beta test... so I know what I'm going to be playing for a while...
  • Just got an email that said I got accepted into The Old Republic beta test... so I know what I'm going to be playing for a while...
  • Currently going through my N64 collection even since my brother went and bought a bunch of them on the Virtual Console. Paper Mario is the shit.
  • Hammerfight. It's not a bad game, it's actually quite fun. It just takes a bit of getting used to and lacks a proper tutorial short of "move your mouse like this to swing your hammer".
  • World Of Tanks is back on my play list. It's free. It's online-only multiplayer. Most of the public games have people in them that have no fucking clue what they are doing, but on the up side, when you platoon with some friends and all work as a small tanky squad, it works really well.
    They make their money by allowing players to buy 'gold' that you can spend on increasing your XP gain rate, buying tanks that don't need to be upgraded, or buying special ammo. The game seems pretty well balanced despite these options, although the amount of experience you need to move up to the next tank can be a bit high. Though, that IS how they make their money.
    Also, tanks are divided up into tiers (1 - 10). Tier 1-2, 3-5, 6-10 are generally the breakdowns in the groups. Sometimes you get bumped up or down depending on how many of what tanks are in the matchmaking session, but it can get annoying at times.
  • I've played WoT quite a bit, I absolutely love that game. The "Feel" is just the right balance of action, strategy, and simulation. You can't gun the throttle and expect to be accurate, so it gets a little suspenseful when have to stop and take careful aim.
  • It's so freaking weird playing Ocarina of Time again as my text message notification is the "I GOT A THING" sound from the game, so whenever I get an item, I think I'm getting a text.
  • It's so freaking weird playing Ocarina of Time again as my text message notification is the "I GOT A THING" sound from the game, so whenever I get an item, I think I'm getting a text.
    I had the exact same problem :P
  • I've played WoT quite a bit, I absolutely love that game. The "Feel" is just the right balance of action, strategy, and simulation. You can't gun the throttle and expect to be accurate, so it gets a little suspenseful when have to stop and take careful aim.
    I've had much fun in a BT-2 and BT-7 careening around the battlefield and zooming up behind unsuspecting enemies while shooting on the run. It's a shame the tank's armor is paper thin.
  • I believe I now understand the difference between FFVII fans and FFVI fans: FFVI fans have played Final Fantasy 6, while FFVII fans have not.
  • edited August 2011
    I believe I now understand the difference between FFVII fans and FFVI fans: FFVI fans have played Final Fantasy 6, while FFVII fans have not.
    It's amazing how that works. A similar thing can be said between fans of Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, but there is a much larger cross-over between the two.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Hammerfight. It's not a bad game, it's actually quite fun. It just takes a bit of getting used to and lacks a proper tutorial short of "move your mouse like this to swing your hammer".
    The physics of it kinda annoyed me, but I will admit I never gave it more than about fifteen minutes or so.
  • The physics of it kinda annoyed me, but I will admit I never gave it more than about fifteen minutes or so.
    Once you get used to it, it's really, really fun. Great to just blow off steam and spend five or ten minutes smashing the shit out of things.
  • I have decided to restart Heart Gold.
  • I believe I now understand the difference between FFVII fans and FFVI fans: FFVI fans have played Final Fantasy 6, while FFVII fans have not.
    It's amazing how that works. A similar thing can be said between fans of Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, but there is a much larger cross-over between the two.
    Both of these statements are true, and I will argue both of them to an extreme.
  • Not a game I'm currently playing (yet), but Breath of Fire 4 is going to come out on the PSN tomorrow. If you enjoy any combination of RPGs, dragons, and a heavy dose of east asian atmosphere, get it, it'll likely be worth the price it gets put up at.
  • edited August 2011
    Still playing a bit of Monday Night Combat. I still like this game more than Team Fortress 2 at the moment. It's no Tribes, but it's got some of the things I loved about that game. Mainly in the assassin class. I can fly all over the map pretty quick between the sword reload key charge, the jump, and the dash. Plus cloaking.

    I want to play more Cthuhlu Saves The World & Breath of Death VII, but I can't find the energy to do it. It's strictly a time to fun ratio problem for me. It's still fun, but it takes a lot of time.

    Tomorrow Bastion is coming out on Steam. I'm very tempted. From Dust comes out Wednesday, but I might wait for that one to go on sale. I'm guessing both will be ~$5 during some big Steam sale.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Just finished veteran in spec ops: COD MW2...FINALLY. Those wetwork breaches were a bear!
  • Tomorrow Bastion is coming out on Steam. I'm very tempted. From Dust comes out Wednesday, but I might wait for that one to go on sale. I'm guessing both will be ~$5 during some big Steam sale.
    I've been playing Bastion on XBLive, it's an incredible game if you like action RPGs that are light on the RPG. The narration is pretty awesome.
  • Leveled up my Jedi Consular to 11 and about to leave the starting world. Decided to roll up a Republic trooper and I'm having fun with him.
  • Currently going through my N64 collection even since my brother went and bought a bunch of them on the Virtual Console. Paper Mario is the shit.
    I LOVE Paper Mario.

    Over halfway through Radiant Historia for the DS. For me, its already the best JRPG on the DS.

    If you liked Chrono Trigger AT ALL, this game is for you. If you like JRPG at all, get this game!
  • Bastion.
  • League of Legends a second ago. But Bastion before that. Only cleared the first two worlds so-far.
  • edited August 2011
    Played 'Atom Zombie Smasher' a little while ago, from the Humble Indie Bundle 3. I found it very fun, though a little bit more in concept than execution. It slightly disturbed me that if you go with the default, where the computer chooses your team loadout for a mission, the game is fuckballs hard (including a few instances where a pivotal end-game mission was literally impossible with the resources assigned me). But if you check the option to choose your own team, the game becomes incredibly easy.

    I would like it much better if the game was tuned such that the difficulty didn't stem entirely from luck-screw, as the ideas that seemed to go into it were entertaining, and not something I've seen a lot of.
    Post edited by Xefas on
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