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  • Deus Ex
    Is it bad that, at a glance, I mistook JC's silhouette for Gordon Freeman's?

  • Finished Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. It's very good, and very very pretty. The final boss battle is oddly climatically non-climactic.
  • Deus Ex
    Is it bad that, at a glance, I mistook JC's silhouette for Gordon Freeman's?

    Almost as bad as mistaking JC for Adam Jensen.
    Is that a CS:S mod?
    Is that a CS:S mod?
    I was thinking the same thing, looks pretty nice for a source mod.
    Is that a CS:S mod?
    I was thinking the same thing, looks pretty nice for a source mod.
    I've been playing a lot of the old Half-Life games lately. Just finished Blue Shift, now working on Opposing Force.
  • Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is an awesome Metroidvania. Why not more games in this genre? There are almost no bad games in this genre, period. The last one to come out before ITSP was Shadow Complex which was two years ago! And they both have the word shadow in their names.

    At this point I would be satisfied with just a Super Metroid hack that made a second quest or whatever.
  • edited August 2011
    Devil Dice Colosseum. I think my brain can handle it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Bastion was rad as fuck.
  • Xenoblade sitting on 91% on metacritic. Sure, it's on a aging, non HD system, and a PAL release at that... But a good game is still a good game right?

    Assuming you like JRPG's anyway.
  • Deus Ex is good.
  • Xenoblade sitting on 91% on metacritic. Sure, it's on a aging, non HD system, and a PAL release at that... But a good game is still a good game right?

    Assuming you like JRPG's anyway.
    hmm, I wonder how well it would work in the dolphin emulator?
  • I finished new game + on Bastion. It was fun. I've technically accomplished every achievement, but Steam apparently flubbed up the first time I beat the game and didn't award me for the first completion - and apparently some achievements were not even visible to me until after I beat the game the second time since I didn't get that first clear achievement. Now it shows "upgrade everything" and "finish the who knows wheres with 10 gods" which I've already done. Slightly annoyed, but achievements are pointless anyway.
  • edited August 2011
    GMod. Jeepboats were made.

    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • edited August 2011
    Deus Ex: Human Rev, Patritian IV (I love me some economic sims), Cathrine
    Post edited by zehaeva on
  • Pre-ordered Xenoblade. For some reason, I'm more excited to play this than Zelda or Uncharted 3.

    I smell a cult classic...

    And I always did love me some Okami and TWEWY...
  • edited August 2011
    Bought Fallout New Vegas. I gave it a spin with a crack when it came out but I kept putting off getting it. I set myself up with some mods and got going. I think it's important with that game to ensure that combat is scary enough that you avoid it entirely whenever you can.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Is anyone else playing Goldeneye: Source? It's free and really fun.
  • Bought Fallout New Vegas. I gave it a spin with a crack when it came out but I kept putting off getting it. I set myself up with some mods and got going. I think it's important with that game to ensure that combat is scary enough that you avoid it entirely whenever you can.
    One thing I would love to see, and I think you're getting at, is a treatment of the Fallout universe in the game play of STALKER. Basically scrap most if not all the RPG elements and make Fallout a hardcore survival shooter.
  • I kinda had the urge to play Gears of War again, so I did. Man, the Corpser in the third chapters is really way too easy to kill if you know what you're doing.

    Well, the third game is coming in a month. Let's see what it brings.
  • edited August 2011
    Bought Fallout New Vegas. I gave it a spin with a crack when it came out but I kept putting off getting it. I set myself up with some mods and got going. I think it's important with that game to ensure that combat is scary enough that you avoid it entirely whenever you can.
    One thing I would love to see, and I think you're getting at, is a treatment of the Fallout universe in the game play of STALKER. Basically scrap most if not all the RPG elements and make Fallout a hardcore survival shooter.
    I don't think it needs to go so far as to abandon the RPG elements; they are still present with these mods on, but the effects on raw combat are minimized; you don't have oodles of hit points because of your level or your endurance, for example, and if you take too many stimpacks, it comes back and bites you so you can't tank through combats. Rather, the non-combat skills become even more important; you need to know how to sneak to avoid fights. You need to know to pick the dialog options that won't lead to a firefight, even if you personally want to rearrange the person's face with your sledgehammer, and have the charm options when it matters. You need to know how to get the most out of your caps. And when a fight does happen, you find yourself running, hiding, throwing explosives just to deter them, and disengaging as fast as you can. I've actually been putting points into stuff like Explosives and Barter that never mattered before.

    It's a lot more fun than herpa derp look at my power armour and chaingun Fallout.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Can you clue me into some of those mods? I'd like many of those changes, but I haven't really found any mods that did it in a satisfactory way.

    I've been fooling around with Project Nevada and it's pretty cool. Gives you a grenade hotkey, gives you sliders for many types of stats to make it as difficult/easy as you'd like, has cool little perks like night vision visors for when you're wearing a helmet. My favorite, though I haven't really experienced it, is they've implemented a complex system of cyberware you can slot in. Many just give you stat boosts, but a few modify traits, giving you underwater breathing, or faster sprint. Stuff like that.
  • Bought Fallout New Vegas. I gave it a spin with a crack when it came out but I kept putting off getting it. I set myself up with some mods and got going. I think it's important with that game to ensure that combat is scary enough that you avoid it entirely whenever you can.
    One thing I would love to see, and I think you're getting at, is a treatment of the Fallout universe in the game play of STALKER. Basically scrap most if not all the RPG elements and make Fallout a hardcore survival shooter.
    I don't think it needs to go so far as to abandon the RPG elements; they are still present with these mods on, but the effects on raw combat are minimized; you don't have oodles of hit points because of your level or your endurance, for example, and if you take too many stimpacks, it comes back and bites you so you can't tank through combats. Rather, the non-combat skills become even more important; you need to know how to sneak to avoid fights. You need to know to pick the dialog options that won't lead to a firefight, even if you personally want to rearrange the person's face with your sledgehammer, and have the charm options when it matters. You need to know how to get the most out of your caps. And when a fight does happen, you find yourself running, hiding, throwing explosives just to deter them, and disengaging as fast as you can. I've actually been putting points into stuff like Explosives and Barter that never mattered before.

    It's a lot more fun than herpa derp look at my power armour and chaingun Fallout.
    That sounds more or less what I was thinking, though I'd go as far as to remove RPG elements from combat entirely. Nothing changed to the non-combat stuff. Basically my problem with the new Fallout games is they split the difference, and I'd rather the FPS elements be stronger.
    I'd also like to know the mod. Don't think I'll play it soon as I've played a lot of New Vegas recently.
  • edited August 2011
    Can you clue me into some of those mods? I'd like many of those changes, but I haven't really found any mods that did it in a satisfactory way.

    I've been fooling around with Project Nevada and it's pretty cool. Gives you a grenade hotkey, gives you sliders for many types of stats to make it as difficult/easy as you'd like, has cool little perks like night vision visors for when you're wearing a helmet. My favorite, though I haven't really experienced it, is they've implemented a complex system of cyberware you can slot in. Many just give you stat boosts, but a few modify traits, giving you underwater breathing, or faster sprint. Stuff like that.
    Project Nevada is the base of what I'm using, yeah. The sprint key is super-vital at this level; I keep it fully charged at all times because the moment I hear a gunshot I'm running off to hide behind the nearest rock. Also got the More Complex Needs, Bottle that Water, and Nevada Skies with Ambient Temperature. To get the scary combat experience, you gotta turn the minimum damage up to around 40%, turn everyone's health modifiers for level way down, turn on dark nights, remove damage bonuses for weapon skill, play on hardcore, and have the difficulty right up at the top. No bullet time, and VATS is for pussies. I'm not messing with the cybernetics, but mostly because I feel it's not in keeping with the retro-futurism themes of Fallout.

    I did some poking around myself to make headshots more lethal and enemies more aware at longer distances, especially of gunshots and explosions, so single shots can blow your cover over a whole building or hundreds of meters. I also plan on making reloading and unjamming longer next time I go poking around. I've engaged Raiders, and had them engage back, at well over a hundred meters on several occasions, and I just came out of a ten minute firefight with a single hunting-rifle armed Legionary that took place across an entire valley and ended because a random NCR patrol heard the gunshots and came to investigate.

    If you just save scum, it's going to be just like Fallout but hella harder. If you actually play with an eye towards avoiding dying, it's an extremely immersive experience.

    I also play with a 2:1 timescale but that's just me being crazy.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • hella stuff about modding Fallout New Vegas
    I think I know what I'm going to play after Deus Ex.
  • Is anyone else playing Goldeneye: Source? It's free and really fun.
    Haven't played in a while but I still have it installed so I might go for a round or two.
  • Anyone who likes New Vegas and is comfortable installing mods needs to play with Willow at least once, she's one of a handful of must-have mods, in my expert opinion.
  • Borderlands GOTY edition is currently 75% off, roughly seven bucks. Well worth the price, I recommend you buy it.
  • Counter Strike is fun. I've having a blast. I've only played a few maps, but I'm really liking the Office one. Sometimes the Terrorists end up stuck in their spawn area because the Counter-Terrorists have easy sniping spots, but really it's the last few who get picked off. Unless there's loads of smoke everywhere! Then it's hilarious running into walls. And by hilarious I die.

    I've only had one problem, a server that collision detection on for the players. I was not used to this at all, and it made getting out of certain areas awful. Especially if you weren't going to follow the entire team somewhere, and instead defend a different point. Everyone yelled at me, saying I should be banned all all that shit. Then, as I was on my way to defend an area, I was disintegrated. Is this a normal thing? Was I in the wrong? Is player collision something that most servers worry about?

    Anyways, I'm having fun and I'm glad I bought this. Now I feel like I'm part of the group!
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