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  • Gonna start playing From Dust right now!
  • I would like it much better if the game was tuned such that the difficulty didn't stem entirely from luck-screw, as the ideas that seemed to go into it were entertaining, and not something I've seen a lot of.
    I think AZS could benefit greatly from a system in which you have a set allotment of points to spend on units to take into battle. Less luck, more strategy!
  • From Dust
    Aw shit, that's out now too, isn't it? My wallet laments.
  • Beat Bastion last night. Holy shit, incredible game. Totally worth the $15 price tag.

    Now to go beat it in + mode.
  • Got bored with Bastion 75% of the way through. Powered through to the end. No need to play again.
  • Wow, From Dust looks really fun, low on sys reqs, and is only $15. I'm buying that and Bastion tonight.
  • edited August 2011
    Wow, From Dust looks really fun, low on sys reqs, and is only $15. I'm buying that and Bastion tonight.
    Don't. It's the shittiest PC port known to man and has Ubisoft's required online access DRM. I regret my pre-order.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Wow, From Dust looks really fun, low on sys reqs, and is only $15. I'm buying that and Bastion tonight.
    Don't. It's the shittiest PC port known to man and has Ubisoft's required online access DRM. I regret my pre-order.
    Thanks for the swift response. Way to wreck something that could have been awesome, Ubisoft.

    Guess I'll spend that $15 on GOG instead. Probably on Total Annihilation and either Alpha Centauri or Transport Tycoon.
  • I don't know why people care about From Dust anyway. I played the demo on 360 and it is lame.
  • edited August 2011
    Wow, From Dust looks really fun, low on sys reqs, and is only $15. I'm buying that and Bastion tonight.
    Don't. It's the shittiest PC port known to man and has Ubisoft's required online access DRM. I regret my pre-order.
    Yeeaaah, when I said I was going to start playing "right now", it actually took me another half an hour for patches and getting the mandatory Uplay account. I wouldn't say that I regret my preorder, though, because the game is great once you get into it, but the hoops you have to jump through are sort of bullshit.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • I'm not sure what to think of Revenge of the Titans. I like the style, and the gameplay is pretty fun but it never seems like you can get enough cash, or get the right weapons. And some things supposedly make a difference but I can't really notice much change when I add a cooling tower or battery to a turret. It also feels a lot more like an RTS than I expected.

    Other than that I've just been pouring more hours into Minecraft. I downloaded the unlimited items mod for the dispenser so I now have infinite dynamite. I try not to use it for anything else since the one of the main points of the game is to mine. Now I've been seeing how huge of a crator I can create. I may try to make some sort of Grand Canyon-like structure.
  • edited August 2011
    Don't. It's the shittiest PC port known to man and has Ubisoft's required online access DRM. I regret my pre-order.
    Regret no longer - if you contact steam support and tell them of your issue with the DRM, they will offer you a full refund, as ubisoft absolutely lied about the DRM present in the game.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Don't. It's the shittiest PC port known to man and has Ubisoft's required online access DRM. I regret my pre-order.
    Regret no longer - if you contact steam support and tell them of your issue with the DRM, they will offer you a full refund, as ubisoft absolutely lied about the DRM present in the game, which Steam considers a breach of terms.
    Buying so I can get it for free.
  • Buying so I can get it for free.
    Not sure that will work now, just as a side note.
  • Buying so I can get it for free.
    Not sure that will work now, just as a side note.
    Alright, so, does that mean the obtrusive DRM has been patched out? Because if that's the case, I'll still buy it.
  • Note: It's still a shitty PC port with horrible mouse/camera support and locked framerate at 30 FPS. DO NOT BUY.
  • locked framerate at 30 FPS
  • It's still a shitty PC port
  • Hey, I play it with a controller, no gripes here.
  • Alright, so, does that mean the obtrusive DRM has been patched out? Because if that's the case, I'll still buy it.
    Nope - the reason they have to offer refunds, IIRC, is because they(Ubisoft) misrepresented the product by misrepresenting the DRM present in the product. I'm pretty sure that means that anyone who bought it before now can get the refund, but anyone buying it after now doesn't - At the very least, Steam has changed their DRM listing for it from "one-time activation" to "Ubisoft online service".
  • So wait, if I contact Steam support and they give me a refund, will I still have the game? Or will they take that, too?
  • So wait, if I contact Steam support and they give me a refund, will I still have the game? Or will they take that, too?
    You don't get to keep the game.
  • You don't get to keep the game.
    Hnngghhhhh, but I want to plaaaaay iiiiiit. ;__; The more I read about how badly Ubisoft really screwed everyone over, the more I want to apply for that refund. So upseeeet.
  • Soul of Darkness is a DSiWare game that tries it's hardest to be a Castlevania game and is actually pretty good at mimicking the games.
  • So, I went over to the Steam forums to read a little more about that From Dust refund business. I read through this thread, and it seems that refunds are only being given to a handful of people. Most others just get this in response:

    Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

    As with most software products, we do not offer refunds or exchanges on games, DLC or in-game items purchased on our website or through the Steam Client.

    Please review Section 4 of the Steam Subscriber Agreement for more information.
  • I got From Dust for Xbox and I enjoyed it. It's a mellow sort of puzzle sandbox experience with some fun physics. It's not an intensely deep game, and you have to be the kind of person who could enjoy watching one of those sand-falling-slowly-through-fluid doodads you could get at a store for expensive desk accessories. It's a bit zen, I think. Anyhow, I had fun with it and I still like messing around with the last level which is essentially "screw around with few limits".
  • I've now switched gears and gotten back into World of Tanks, tried playing with some friends last night. Unfortunately they've got far more advanced tanks than I do, so I continually got one-shotted. I did manage to take a shot at a Tiger, but since I was a silly light tank and only had a 37mm gun, it was like hurling chicken nuggets at a brick wall.

    I also managed to get some good rounds of Red Orchestra in. That game is incredible, and the tank simulation part of it is quite fun.

    Also, I'm still pouring some hours into Terraria. Silver armor + golden bow ftw.
  • I was on the border about buying the new Deus Ex. Not anymore.

    ...I very nearly got a review copy of this game to play... if I had, this would have been my entire weekend.
  • Deus Ex
    for this I have 10,000 boners. I am terrified by my own expectations of the game.
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