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  • edited September 2011
    Well actually Warhammer isn't a franchise that's had a bunch of failed attempts (like the Simpsons or Batman or Superman, etc) at videogame adaptations As far as I know they've all been good there's merely been very, very few.

    Fun fact: Starcraft is/was a Warhammer game with all of the proper nouns replaced.
    Fire Warrior was utter shit.
    It was once my job to manage PC games for a computer parts website and a distributor had "40k Dawn of War" listed for like $2 a unit and I ordered several dozen, only to discover it was Fire Warrior when it arrived. I was never so mad at anyone in my life.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited September 2011
    As far as I know they've all been good there's merely been very, very few.
    It's really more of a mixed bag. Space Hulk, Final Liberation, and the Dawn of War games are good. Chaos Gate, Fire Warrior, and Rites of War are all unmitigated shit. Squad Command for the DS is alright, but nothing special. There was also a game for the N-gage, which I am going to assume was a pile of shit.

    EDIT: Chaos Gate did have an amazing soundtrack, though. Latin chants? Fucking brilliant!
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Beat Rock of Ages. Barely three hours of gameplay :/
  • Beat DXHR. Forty hours played. Jesus christ.
  • Beat Rock of Ages. Barely three hours of gameplay :/
    Thanks for the heads-up. I really wanted to buy it, but, knowing it's that short, I can wait for a sale.
  • Anyone who didn't choose the Singularity ending in Deus Ex is an asshole.
  • Finally finished the single player campaign for Dead Nation. Holy balls that last level is hard.
  • Beat Rock of Ages. Barely three hours of gameplay :/
    Thanks for the heads-up. I really wanted to buy it, but, knowing it's that short, I can wait for a sale.
    Glad to know. I was impressed by the demo.
    Also, I caved and tried Deus Ex. WAY WAY WAY better than the first game.
  • Also, I caved and tried Deus Ex. WAY WAY WAY better than the first game.
    That's entirely a matter of opinion.
  • Also, I caved and tried Deus Ex. WAY WAY WAY better than the first game.
    That's entirely a matter of opinion.
    I stopped playing the first game after about 15 minutes of being unable to accomplish anything because of horrendous controls and a cone of fire that grew to the size of the screen if I moved at all. Bad game was bad.
  • The controls can be fixed with a mod. The reason your cone of fire was shit is because you didn't put enough points into the right gun skill. If you build a character properly (and distribute your initial points wisely), you'll be able to tailor a character to your playstyle. That means not choosing some skills while significantly leveling others. You're not a do-everything-spy-wunderkind in the original Deus Ex any more than your Morrowind character is going to be a rogue-warrior-wizard-assassin-priest, and that's fundamently the difference between what you are looking for and what you got. Deus Ex is an RPG with shooter elements; DXHR is a shooter with RPG elements, which you prefer, and that's fine. However, it doesn't make the first game universally bad.

    Except for Invisible War. Fuck that game. It sucked.
  • edited September 2011
    The controls can be fixed with a mod.
    If I need someone else's programming to fix the controls in your game release to make it playable, you did it wrong.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • If you build a character properly (and distribute your initial points wisely), you'll be able to tailor a character to your playstyle.
    I tried playing Deus Ex while leveling stealth to the max and ignoring the hell out of everything else. Guys still saw me despite me staying in very dark places and always going slowly while crouching and staying out of their field of view. If Deus Ex had stealth that worked more like Thief, I would accept the praise it receives.

    Haven't played the new one yet.
  • edited September 2011
    If I need someone else's programming to fix the controls in your game release to make it playable, you did it wrong.
    That doesn't change the fact that the controls can be fixed with a mod.
    If Deus Ex had stealth that worked more like Thief, I would accept the praise it receives.
    Yeah, from memory the stealth in Deus Ex was rather weaksauce.

    A lot of the mechanics of the original Deus Ex were quite flawed, but that game was so ridiculously immersive that all of those issues faded into the background when I got into it. If the new one has fixed the mechanical flaws while leaving everything else pretty much the same, I have no doubt it's a damn good game.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Posted By: AprecheIf Deus Ex had stealth that worked more like Thief, I would accept the praise it receives.
    I gave Deus Ex another shot recently, and the story is quite good even though the game mechanics themselves aren't impressing me terribly. I skipped over Deus Ex originally in favor of System Shock 2, which I think did the Immersive RPG/Shooter genre incredibly well.

    I'm about 18-20 hours into Deus Ex: HR now, and man... this game is incredible. I'm not sure I can really compare it to the previous game because it's incredibly evolved. The shooting is fun (I love using the tranq gun.. the scope system is brilliant), the hiding/stealth elements are pretty great, but the thing that makes this game stand out for me is the fact that it really and honestly gives you choices. Not just moral choices, but gameplay choices. I've yet to kill more than a boss character in the game, and I've been able to do this fluidly, without feeling like I'm not getting as much out of this game.

    I'm already planning on a second playthrough where I take the violent path every time it's offered.
  • Rock of Ages
    How???? I can't even come close to beating the plague level.
  • Rock of Ages
    How???? I can't even come close to beating the plague level.
    Really? You'll have to remind me which city is the Plague level, but here's my general strategy: Being first out of the gate and first to hit your opponent's gate is the most important thing. If you are ahead on time and can maintain your lead, you pretty much can't lose. Put your money into using a good rock rather than building units. On the flipside, if you are behind, you should be putting all your money into units instead of a fancy rock. Your goal is to try and slow down your opponent as much as possible so that you can nab the lead. On your way down the map, pay attention to where your opponent places units that give you trouble and place as many big units as you can on those choke points during your next building turn. Also pay attention to places you can jump across big gaps and skip parts of the level, while also blocking off those routes so that your opponent can't use them.
  • If Deus Ex had stealth that worked more like Thief, I would accept the praise it receives. Haven't played the new one yet.
    I finished my stealth playthrough a few days ago and the stealth in Deus Ex HR works great and logically, if you're not in line of sight (cones of sights can be displayed on your minimap if you buy it as an upgrade) and you're silent either by crouching or using the silent walking/sprinting/jumping upgrade you're unseen; no psychic guards or anything. Plus you can also just go straight up invisible as a last resort.
  • @OmNom - Ah, Mating season I see.
  • There is no stealth skill in the original Deus Ex. Maybe the problem was putting points into imaginary skills. :D
  • There is no stealth skill in the original Deus Ex. Maybe the problem was putting points into imaginary skills. :D
    The stealth-related skills. It's been awhile.
  • There is no stealth skill in the original Deus Ex. Maybe the problem was putting points into imaginary skills. :D
    The stealth-related skills. It's been awhile.
    Please, do list them.
  • Please, do list them.
  • (there are no stealth-related skills)
  • Fuck stealth in the original Deus Ex, anyway. I'm all about killing bitches with ruthless efficiency in that game.

    No quarter was asked for, and none was given.
  • Fuck stealth in the original Deus Ex, anyway. I'm all about killing bitches with ruthless efficiency in that game.

    No quarter was asked for, and none was given.
    I liked to stealth about the joint, and then melee everyone to death. JC DENTON - NANOAUG NINJA.
  • Just finished From Dust. Not a lot of game there, but an interesting game none-the-less.

    Last night I started playing Dead Island, and for all the reports of bugs and fatal game problems, I played for hours without a single issue. I think it feels like a zombie version of borderlands, which is definitely a great thing.

    Also, I got through the first 6~ or so levels of Rock of Ages. It seems like a cool idea, but I keep getting pissed off at elephants and cows. :P
  • the stealth in Deus Ex HR works great and logically
    What she said.
  • edited September 2011
    Been playing Rock of Ages. Suddenly those hours playing Marble Blast Gold feels like it was worth it.
    Post edited by Greg on
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