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  • Whaa? You people are weird. Twilight Princess is the only console Zelda I wouldn't call a must-play.
    I'd put Zelda 1, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time as my list.
  • I really like Twilight Princess, and all of the above are great but Link's Awakening will always have a place in my heart. Its worth a play if you haven't already.
  • I'd put Zelda 1, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time as my list.
    These are the only three on my "must-play" list as well. After that I'd say Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Zelda 2, and Majora's Mask if you really feel like you need to (you don't need to).
  • edited September 2011
    I'd put Zelda 1, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time as my list.
    I agree wholeheartedly. I actually think - and this is probably geek blasphemy - that you could get away without playing Zelda 1. A Link to the Past is really the better top-down Zelda experience.

    I also think that Four Swords on the cube is a must-play, if only because it will make you hate your friends with a deadly passion. But it's not a must-play because of its Zelda-ness.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I also think that Four Swords on the cube is a must-play, if only because it will make you hate your friends with a deadly passion.
    You can also get this same experience while playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii, or at least when you play with me and you suck.
  • I also think that Four Swords on the cube is a must-play, if only because it will make you hate your friends with a deadly passion.
    You can also get this same experience while playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii, or at least when you play with me and you suck.
  • I also think that Four Swords on the cube is a must-play, if only because it will make you hate your friends with a deadly passion.
    You can also get this same experience while playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii, or at least when you play with me and you suck.
    That game is made for trolling.
  • The best/worst is that inevitable moment when everyone bubbles at the same time and you have to restart the level.

    Shit's friendship-destroying.
  • BTW, I'm currently playing Zelda Outlands. I beat dungeon 2. I've died a hojillion times.
  • BTW, I'm currently playing Zelda Outlands. I beat dungeon 2. I've died a hojillion times.
    I beat the game on the 3rd time myself, got my death count down to 19 however you are going to enjoy some things it pulls. I will say at least try to get the sword on second quest, that in itself is worth it.
  • edited September 2011
    BTW, I'm currently playing Zelda Outlands. I beat dungeon 2. I've died a hojillion times.
    I beat the game on the 3rd time myself, got my death count down to 19 however you are going to enjoy some things it pulls. I will say at least try to get the sword on second quest, that in itself is worth it.
    You're insane or cheating or something. So far the only cheating I did was use save state so that I didn't have to pay that guy in the cave any rupees to hear all three hints. I only paid him for the middle priced hint. I think I'm at the point where I have to beat the room of evil links in dungeon 3. It's pretty impossible.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Just beat Space Marine on hard, the last boss battle was as frustrating as old NES games was, and I've been playing some multiplayer recently. It's not that deep, but it's taken all of the good ideas from recent FPSes and put it into the multiplayer (like being able to use your opponent's loadout for a single life). Fun game though, it makes me want to go put together a 40k army.
  • I really like the "kill stuff for your health" dynamic in Spess Mareen. It feels like a good update on the old "kill guys, hope they drop a health kit" way of doing things, and it makes you throw yourself into fights you aren't sure you can win and actually play it out. I also really like the way they handled the bloodletter daemons; the first time one of them teleport-charged me I almost had a heart attack.
  • Spurrce Marrrun demo was very promising, but I'mma probably wait till it drops to a lower price to pick it up.
  • It's worth about $30, I'd say. Very fun but you can't really replay it too much.
  • I've been watching NS2HD and think, once I get some newer second-hand parts for my computer, I'm going to look into learning how to command properly. Alien Commander (YEAAAH!!) seems to be easier as you don't have to do anything other than build and order your dudes around (The dropping medpacks and ammo quickly thing is pretty hard.).
  • Persona 3 Portable.

    "You got your JRPG in my high school drama anime!" "You got your high school drama anime in my JRPG"

    That said, it's the least offensively JRPG JRPG I've played in a long while.
  • Goddamnit, Adam and Sketchbook, now I can't stop reading it/thinking of it as Space Maureen. Possibly starring Maureen from Full Throttle.
  • That said, it's the least offensively JRPG JRPG I've played in a long while.
    It will get worse. The Guardians or whatever they were called, the mid-bosses in Tartarus started to get on my nerves at one point, mainly because they were unscanable, so fights against them was just trial and error. It all got better when I took a look in faq, knowing what was coming shortened the grinding times a lot, but I say that there is still quite a lot of grinding.
  • the mid-bosses in Tartarus
    motherfucking Sleeping Table
  • I've been watching NS2HD and think, once I get some newer second-hand parts for my computer, I'm going to look into learning how to command properly. Alien Commander (YEAAAH!!) seems to be easier as you don't have to do anything other than build and order your dudes around (The dropping medpacks and ammo quickly thing is pretty hard.).
    Dude, I totally watch that all the time to, primarily because I'm playing vicariously through him. My main computer is busted, so until I fix it, I screwed when it comes to PC gaming.
  • In the final stretch of DE:HR, I accidently gassed Taggert and managed to get two autosaves before I notced, So back an hour I go!

    Also, Artemis Bridge Simulator. Man this game is fun. Simple but awesome. Being able to shout "Change course! Bearing 2-1-5, full impulse power!" and hearing someone say "Course changed to bearing 2-1-5 full impulse power" and then have another person chime in "Forward shields are down to 35%!" is full so so much geek win it almost makes me at a loss for words!
  • Also, Artemis Bridge Simulator. Man this game is fun. Simple but awesome. Being able to shout "Change course! Bearing 2-1-5, full impulse power!" and hearing someone say "Course changed to bearing 2-1-5 full impulse power" and then have another person chime in "Forward shields are down to 35%!" is full so so much geek win it almost makes me at a loss for words!
    What. This sounds incredible.
  • In the final stretch of DE:HR, I accidently gassed Taggert and managed to get two autosaves before I notced, So back an hour I go!
    I shot him with a dart rifle after talking to him, entirely on purpose. I'd been wanting to down that guy pretty much from the first time I spoke to him, smarmy git.
  • In the final stretch of DE:HR, I accidently gassed Taggert and managed to get two autosaves before I notced, So back an hour I go!
    I shot him with a dart rifle after talking to him, entirely on purpose. I'd been wanting to down that guy pretty much from the first time I spoke to him, smarmy git.
    Yeah but I need him to be awake and alive to get onto the next part, Currently he's unconscious at my feet and doing me no good.
  • @Rym

    No cheating, doing it legit. Remember this is my 3rd time in beating this game, the first time it kicked my ass 7 ways to Sunday. I just know where key things are located and I am awesome at avoiding combat and getting hit. I will give you a hint for dungeon 3: if you are going to the right then you are going the wrong way.
  • OK:

    Zelda TP is not good and yes Iv'e played WW, OOT, MM and ALTTP.
    If I had to rate them: ALTTP, OOT, WW, MM, TP

    Metroid: I'm in the minority, I think Prime was a better game then Super. I could never feel 100% comfortable with the movement in Super. Felt clunky, and wall jumping is REALLY hard. If you want a hardcore Metroid experience, Super is great. If you want a smoother experience, Prime is much more playable.

    Played first level of 4 Swords Cube - THAT is a great game!

    Just finished Dead Space 2 last night. Awesome.

    Galaxy 1 > Galaxy 2

    Never played sunshine

    Also, just because: 100 Year Door > Paper Mario
  • edited September 2011
    Played first level of 4 Swords Cube - THAT is a great game!
    Fuck yeah! I want to finish playing this game so bad, but I can't get four dedicated people together in the same place for a long enough period of time.
    Also, just because: 1000 Year Door > Paper Mario
    Fuck yeah! Hey Scott Johnson.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Fuck yeah! I want to finish playing this game so bad, but I can't get four dedicated people together in the same place for a long enough period of time.
    Just takes one day of playing. You should plan an all day event and pay for pizza or something. I would so be down to play, but you know how that goes. >___>

    However, there is a small chance it may be possible in the upcoming future. ^____~
  • However, there is a small chance it may be possible in the upcoming future. ^____~
    Gotta find the GBAs.
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