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  • Just got my copy of Klonoa 2 in the mail today. Now, after years of having a nearly complete save file sitting on my memory card from a rental back in the bad old days, it's time to finally finish this game.

    ...Once I'm finished restarting it, that is.
  • DE:HR - My quicksave button is getting a bit of abuse, though, because every time someone says something even slightly impolite, I tend to quicksave, and then punch them the fuck out.
  • I'm doing a 3 heart/minimal item run of Ocarina of Time and I am about to beat the Fire Temple. This game really isn't that hard, even with only having 3 hearts.
  • Borderlands. I suck at this game, however still fun.
  • Tetris Battle on Facebook. Very dangerous.
  • I finally got around to starting Portal 2 now that I have a computer nice enough to play it. Needless to say, it is quite enjoyable to play.
  • Okay ... this should be fun for all of you, I hope!

    The last time I played a video game with any seriousness (meaning for more than five minutes, and with progress) was in the magical Super NES days. Seeing games now ... I'm constantly disappointed immediately. I liked that games were actually games back then, and not movies.

    I've been noticing recently that, as a loser, I have nothing at all to do with my downtime. Being productive is great, but you have to balance it with something, I'm told. What the hell should I look into playing?
  • Minecraft.
    A pretty good gateway drug.
  • Zelda 1, Zelda 64, Super Metroid, Mega Man 2.
  • OK so I don't know jack about this game because I am admittedly not very up to speed on most video gaming these days but is Red Orchestra 2 supposed to be any good? I just got sent a review code and I see it is a $40 game on Steam unlocking tomorrow. Is this worth my time?
  • Zelda 64
    Good or less good version?
  • Zelda 64
    Good or less good version?
    Master Quest if you can get it, but it doesn't really matter.
  • Majora is the good version. Master Quest is quite good also. But less good.
  • Majora is the good version. Master Quest is quite good also. But less good.
    Majora is not the good version.
  • Last night one of my friends gave me $10 to buy the Warhammer 40k: Kill Team XBLA game so we could play co-op. It was a happy transaction for all parties involved.
  • Majora is the good version. Master Quest is quite good also. But less good.
    Majora is not the good version.
    How long did you play Majora for before deciding it was not the good version?
  • How long did you play Majora for before deciding it was not the good version?
    I haven't played it in a long time. But when I played it on the real N64 I beat two dungeons.
  • Zelda 64
    Good or less good version?
    OoT is hands down one of the GREATEST games of all gaming. I think in 30 years it will still hold true. I mean the game is nearly 13 years old now and is just a great as the day it came out. It is true that it has had released and graphical updates, but I could put the original in and play it this second and not be bothered by the graphics at all. They are perfect for it. The original game is great, the Master Quest version is like a blow job on top of it.
  • OoT is hands down one of the GREATEST games of all gaming.
    I'm not saying that OoT isn't an amazing game, but I think that Twilight Princess took the formula created by OoT and improved on it by leaps and bounds.
  • but I think that Twilight Princess took the formula created by OoT and improved on it by leaps and bounds.
    Hell no. Twilight Princess is is nowhere near as good as OoT. Sure it's got some more polish in some areas, but not really. It's like OoT is Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess is Metroid Prime 2/3. More of the same, more polished, not quite as good.
  • but I think that Twilight Princess took the formula created by OoT and improved on it by leaps and bounds.
    Hell no. Twilight Princess is is nowhere near as good as OoT. Sure it's got some more polish in some areas, but not really. It's like OoT is Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess is Metroid Prime 2/3. More of the same, more polished, not quite as good.
    They improved the combat, the world is bigger and more interesting, the items are cooler (that is a completely subjective statement and I totally know it), the dungeon design is more intricate, and the story is significantly more involved.

    I can't freaking wait for Skyward Sword, as it's looking like it's going to be even better than Twilight Princess.

    Understand that I think that most of the Nintendo games have improved with time. Super Mario Galaxy 2 > Super Mario 64. Donkey Kong Country Returns > Donkey Kong Country. One of the few series that this is not true with is Metroid. Super Metroid is number 1, Metroid Prime is number 2, then Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission are tied.
  • uper Mario Galaxy 2 > Super Mario 64
    This is true, but Mario Galaxy 1 > Mario Galaxy 2. I have weird feeling on Sunshine, though. Sometimes it's the best, like in the secret mario levels, but other times it's not so good, like when painting shit.
  • Twilight may have improved on the combat and made the world bigger. But that does not mean it was a better game. I mean look at Godzilla 1998. The special effects were better, the story was more plausable, the acting was better (maybe? Kind of?), they spent more money on it. But it was not a better movie then the 1954 one.
  • edited September 2011
    uper Mario Galaxy 2 > Super Mario 64
    This is true, but Mario Galaxy 1 > Mario Galaxy 2.
    In some ways, yes. Galaxy had a better hub world and a better plot (and by plot I mean anything centred around Rosalina). I actually thought the level design and diffiulty was better in Galaxy 2.
    Twilight may have improved on the combat and made the world bigger. But that does not mean it was a better game. I mean look at Godzilla 1998. The special effects were better, the story was more plausable, the acting was better (maybe? Kind of?), they spent more money on it. But it was not a better movie then the 1954 one.
    The 1954 Godzilla is better movie because it actually has a story. There is a very good reason as to why Godzilla is rampaging and there is a moral to the story. The 1998 Godzilla is a Roland Emmerich disaster film where the disaster is caused by a giant lizard and it's raptor babies.

    Twilight Princess took what Nintendo learned from OoT and Windwaker and improved on the series as a whole.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Space Marine is a fun and dumb game that captures the 40k feel perfectly.
  • uper Mario Galaxy 2 > Super Mario 64
    This is true, but Mario Galaxy 1 > Mario Galaxy 2.
    In some ways, yes. Galaxy had a better hub world and a better plot (and by plot I mean anything centred around Rosalina). I actually thought the level design and diffiulty was better in Galaxy 2.
    Twilight may have improved on the combat and made the world bigger. But that does not mean it was a better game. I mean look at Godzilla 1998. The special effects were better, the story was more plausable, the acting was better (maybe? Kind of?), they spent more money on it. But it was not a better movie then the 1954 one.
    The 1954 Godzilla is better movie because it actually has a story. There is a very good reason as to why Godzilla is rampaging and there is a moral to the story. The 1998 Godzilla is a Roland Emmerich disaster film where the disaster is caused by a giant lizard and it's raptor babies.

    Twilight Princess took what Nintendo learned from OoT and Windwaker and improved on the series as a whole.
    I am not saying it is a bad game. It is a good game, a very good game. It did indeed improve on somethings from OoT and Wind Waker. Still, it is no where near as good as a game as OoT is. Wind Waker sits in the dark, listens to Robert Smith spoken word poetry, puts on eyeliner and cuts itself because in it's heart of hearts it knows that it will never be a good as OoT. Then Twilight cries it's self to sleep on it's bed with The Smiths homemade bedspread.
  • Whaa? You people are weird. Twilight Princess is the only console Zelda I wouldn't call a must-play.
  • I never played Twilight Princess. Nothing of value was lost.
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