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  • Europa Universalis III. Again. This time I'm reviving the Byzantine Empire.
    You and me will get along. Try doing it in miscmods, Death and Taxes or Delvet-i Ali Osman. Mods are the win in this game.
  • Loving Binding of Isaac. My only criticisms are that it feels kind of like a beta, in that some people are reporting instability issues, there's no gamepad support, and resolution support is wonky at best. It's still worth buying, especially since the developer has been fixing bugs and rolling out patches almost every day.
  • edited October 2011
    I have run into zero bugs in Binding of Isaac. Nothing but amazingness to report, I am very addicted.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Both Rage and Dark Souls come out tomorrow. Which should I play first?
  • Rage, because that one won't take you all week to play through the first time. :V

    Seriously though, I'll be picking my Dark Souls preorder up tomorrow and then I'll be glued to my PS3 while I should be working on panels.
  • I replayed Harvest Moon 64 to try to uncover why "social" games on facebook with a similar motif failed. Still in the process of it but finding very interesting parallels.
  • Pretty sure BF2 hacking is becoming more noticeable. Some snipers seem to have fog removed.
  • Fallout 3.
    I just made the President kill himself, and I found myself a Mutant brother. This game is awesome :D
  • Fallout 3.
    I just made the President kill himself, and I found myself a Mutant brother. This game is awesome :D
    That game has amazing replay value. Unlike New Vegas.
  • edited October 2011
    In honor of the Nintendo 64's 15 year anniversary this last week, I started playing... Resident Evil 2? Yeah... the only other game I still have for it is Ocarina, and I played that a month ago. To be fair, I do still enjoy the cheesiness of RE2, and having infinite health and ammo just makes it fun.

    EDIT: Scratch that. After playing for an hour my N64 randomly rebooted and then kept flickering on and off like an NES in the old days. Turned it off and it wouldn't turn back on again. I think my N64 has kicked the bucket :(
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • I wish they would re-do RE2 the same way they redid RE1 for cube. One of those rare moments where a remake blows the original out of the water.
  • I wish they would re-do RE2 the same way they redid RE1 for cube. One of those rare moments where a remake blows the original out of the water.
    Agreed. Though it would be even better if they re-did the game so that the two characters really assisted each other instead of having each one go through most of the same puzzles with a few differences.
  • I'm still waiting on a remake for FFVII. Doesn't have to be in fancy 3D either a sprite based FFVII would be fine.
  • I'm still waiting on a remake for FFVII. Doesn't have to be in fancy 3D either a sprite based FFVII would be fine.
    Only gonna happen when Square starts to go bankrupt.
  • I'm still waiting on a remake for FFVII. Doesn't have to be in fancy 3D either a sprite based FFVII would be fine.
    Official de-make of a game would be interesting.
  • I'm still waiting on a remake for FFVII. Doesn't have to be in fancy 3D either a sprite based FFVII would be fine.
    Official de-make of a game would be interesting.
  • I'm still waiting on a remake for FFVII. Doesn't have to be in fancy 3D either a sprite based FFVII would be fine.
    Official de-make of a game would be interesting.
    Official != "a Chinese unofficial"
  • I'm still waiting on a remake for FFVII. Doesn't have to be in fancy 3D either a sprite based FFVII would be fine.
    Official de-make of a game would be interesting.
    Official != "a Chinese unofficial"
    Beh. Get over it.
  • I am currently holding the Dark Souls collectors edition tin. I expected the artbook to be bigger, but hey. Too bad I won't be able to play it until tomorrow, but I shall wait patiently until it is time to die once more.
  • edited October 2011
    Rage is damn good. It's right in the middle of Boarderlands and Fallout. That's a good thing.

    I've played about 15 minutes of Dark Souls, and I already want to punch someone in the dick. It's great.

    EDIT: I want to get a D&D style party together to play Dark Souls. I think you can play with up to 4 people. I figure a Knight, Cleric, Wizard, and a Rogue/Ranger would be a good time. XBox ID: wwwells
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Rage is damn good.
    You are the only person on the entire Internet who has said so.
  • edited October 2011
    You are the only person on the entire Internet who has said so.
    That's funny, because it's rating a middle eighty on Metacritic for all platforms from professional reviewers, though most of the user reviews were poor on the PC - however, the user reviews I could be bothered to dig through were the usual "Wah wah wah consolification wah wah wah it doesn't make everything but the PC burst into flames when the disc is put in whinge whinge whinge I'm not a gamer, I'm just a fucking platform queen who wants to feel superior to people so that I may justify my bleak and hopeless existence cry cry cry."

    Half of them don't actually speak of the gameplay that much, and honestly sound like they didn't buy or play the game, and are just creating hollow, false outrage driven by r/gaming's PC master race echochamber and other similar things.

    The Reviews which were not 0-1 were generally reasonably high, and spoke of a pretty decent game. Or just said "This is why you should have bought Nvidia, suckers." Or both.

    PS3 and 360 user reviews were generally evening out to 5-6 out of 10.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • From what I understand from perusing r/gaming, isn't the main problem in Rage the fact that it automatically detects your hardware and sets the graphics options accordingly? So therefore it ends up looking fairly crappy on a high-end computer?

    If so, I can see not buying it on PC (personally I'll probably just rent it from Blockbuster or Gamefly) as my main reason for playing games on PC is the fact that the graphics can be astounding. Still, no reason to shit a brick about the entire game.
  • From what I understand from perusing r/gaming, isn't the main problem in Rage the fact that it automatically detects your hardware and sets the graphics options accordingly? So therefore it ends up looking fairly crappy on a high-end computer?
    It looks fantastic on a PC, better than the consoles, in fact - If you have an Nvidia card and a Decent computer. It has issues with ATI(that have apparently already been patched, as far as I know), but if it's on consoles, and it has even the slightest flaw on the PC, MASSIVE INTERNET RAGE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE.
    If so, I can see not buying it on PC (personally I'll probably just rent it from Blockbuster or Gamefly) as my main reason for playing games on PC is the fact that the graphics can be astounding. Still, no reason to shit a brick about the entire game.
    Pretty much. Apparently, apart from those hardware issues - No, I do not consider the fact you can't tweak every individual pixel as an issue you overreacting OCD fucks - the game is apparently pretty decent.
  • Rage is damn good.
    You are the only person on the entire Internet who has said so.
    I've been enjoying Rage so far, it's not perfect, but it's solidly good. I've had some of the pop-in texture issue, but it's not game ruining for me.
  • I actually haven't seen any complaints about graphics. Everything I've read is saying the graphics are stunning. Almost every complaints I've seen is that the game itself is boring as fuck.
  • The complaints I have seen focus on the multiplayer only involving the cars. My friends and I were hoping this game would be multiplayer like Borderlands. Since it's single player it's not even on my rent list.
  • Odin Sphere is now out on the PSN, so yeah, I'm playing that. I also want to get Maximo and God Hand, but I should finish Odin Sphere first.
  • I actually haven't seen any complaints about graphics. Everything I've read is saying the graphics are stunning. Almost every complaints I've seen is that the game itself is boring as fuck.
    Isn't that the standard complaint about most id games? Their tech is absolutely amazing, but their gameplay tends to be somewhat shallow. At this point, I mostly view id's games as tech demos of their new engines that they then can license out to other companies that can use it to make more compelling games.
  • I actually haven't seen any complaints about graphics. Everything I've read is saying the graphics are stunning. Almost every complaints I've seen is that the game itself is boring as fuck.
    Isn't that the standard complaint about most id games? Their tech is absolutely amazing, but their gameplay tends to be somewhat shallow. At this point, I mostly view id's games as tech demos of their new engines that they then can license out to other companies that can use it to make more compelling games.
    Except that id doesn't license out it's engine anymore.
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