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  • Except that id doesn't license out it's engine anymore.
    I thought they did, but nobody is buying? If they don't, that's really dumb.
  • Except that id doesn't license out it's engine anymore.
    Id was bought out by Bethesda's Parent Company, ZeniMax. I'd assume they're using the engine internally at least.
  • Rage looks brown. And boring. :/ Seriously, nothing stands out to me about the game.
  • I've played about 15 minutes of Dark Souls, and I already want to punch someone in the dick. It's great.

    EDIT: I want to get a D&D; style party together to play Dark Souls. I think you can play with up to 4 people. I figure a Knight, Cleric, Wizard, and a Rogue/Ranger would be a good time. XBox ID: wwwells
    Wait... is it possible to actually set up a PS3 LAN party of sorts for this? Could I actually get four people in a room on four televisions and sit down and try to adventure through the game? That would be AWESOME.
  • I don't think games are actually games these days at all, though. There's no win or lose, really! So long as you continue playing, there's practically no such thing as Game Over anymore...
  • I thought they did, but nobody is buying? If they don't, that's really dumb.
    I'm pretty sure Carmack talked about it at Quakecon this year, basically they decided a while back that it was too much of a pain in the ass to handle all of the support issues you have to do if you license your engine out. Instead they decided they just wanted to focus on making games, and working on new tech, instead of having to do support for a bunch of companies using their stuff. And considering Carmack does most of the work on their engine, he'd probably be the one having to do the support.
    Id was bought out by Bethesda's Parent Company, ZeniMax. I'd assume they're using the engine internally at least.
    I don't think this will happen, because again they'd still have to support those studios on how to do things with the engine. What they have talked about though is that they are going to have more games on id Tech 5, rather then making each new game on a new engine.
  • I don't think this will happen, because again they'd still have to support those studios on how to do things with the engine. What they have talked about though is that they are going to have more games on id Tech 5, rather then making each new game on a new engine.
    Hopefully those other games will actually be good. How about some pure competetive multiplayer? Put Quake Live! on that bitch.
  • God Hand is out on the PSN, go out and get it. It is made of pure win! :D
  • Rage looks brown. And boring. :/ Seriously, nothing stands out to me about the game.
    Every game these days looks brown and boring.
  • Rage looks brown. And boring. :/ Seriously, nothing stands out to me about the game.
    Every game these days looks brown and boring.
    Surprisingly not Gears of War 3 though. It does a good job of mixing up color palettes.
  • Surprisingly not Gears of War 3 though. It does a good job of mixing up color palettes.
    Which was a bit of a shock, after the first two games. You had brown, brown, brown, brown, brown and a bit of blue or yellow for accents.
  • Surprisingly not Gears of War 3 though. It does a good job of mixing up color palettes.
    Which was a bit of a shock, after the first two games. You had brown, brown, brown, brown, brown and a bit of blue or yellow for accents.
    Gears 2 had white in the snow level.
  • Dug out my copy of King of Dragon Pass.
    The peasantry is failing to produce good crops.
    the nobles consistently fail at the magical role-play.
    The knights can't even defeat a bunch of waist high humanoid ducks.
    And half of my clan wants to split away, because apparently we're doing too well for population.
    Oh and the trolls want their horn back.
    Loving it!
  • Gears 2 had white in the snow level.
    Oh yeah, it did too. I forgot about that.
  • Gears 2 had white in the snow level.
    Oh yeah, it did too. I forgot about that.
    So 'not-brown'?
  • So 'not-brown'?
    Not really, I just forgot to add "White" to the summary. It's still browner than an after grog bog.
  • Just started playing Rock Band 3 after my spousal overunit got it for my birthday (though it arrived about a week later than planned). Well, she got it for herself as much as me as she loves karaoke games and RB3 lets you download additional songs.
  • Dungeons of Dreadmore and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. I have a theme going on here.
  • Stone Soup was an excellent book. In elementary school I won it by creating the best Thinking Cap in my grade. I used old computer parts that helped make a circuit where I could turn a light on by pressing a button.
  • I gave up on Catherine (Xbox 360) at the last (or second to last) puzzle due to escort mission BS. Mind you, I was playing on Easy, but after about two hours of dying due to my partner getting killed, I decided to send it back to Gamefly.
  • edited October 2011
    The escort part isn't that bad. My roommate played it and he did fine. Plus, it's only one area.

    Also, the AI is WAY smarter for that mission than any other escort mission I've ever seen. They're not mindlessly following you, they're trying to climb up. I thought they did a good job.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I've been playing Dark Souls for the past couple days and I can say without qualm that it is exactly as fury-inducing as Demon's Souls was, perhaps moreso.

    I will say, I like what they've done with spells and healing items. In Demon's Souls, you spent MP to cast spells and could restore it and HP with herbs, of which you could carry fucktons and basically turn the difficulty down as long as you find a safe place to graze for a second when you get low. In Dark Souls, however, your only HP recovery item is the Estus Flask, which has a limited number of uses that are refilled to a set amount every time you rest at a Bonfire(5 normally, 10 if you've spent Humanity to kindle the Bonfire you rest at). You can also upgrade your Estus Flask to restore more health with each use. As for spells and miracles, instead of spending MP for them, MP no longer exists and you have a limited number of casts of each spell/miracle you've slotted in, which replenish to maximum when you rest at a Bonfire.

    All in all, the game is another good one on my list of "Difficult as all get out, but satisfying as all get out when you accomplish something" games. So far, anyway.
  • So I've been given a PS3 (which came with the God of War HD collection and Uncharted 1 and 2)

    Am I missing any good PS3 exclusives (I've already got an Xbox)

    3D Dot Hero
    God of War III
    (No Resistance 2 since I hear it sucks)
    Resistance 3
    Little Big Planet (is 1 or 2 better?)
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Pixel Junk Shooter (again, is 1 or 2 better?)
    Nobi Nobi Boy
    Pixel Junk Monsters
    ICO & Shadow of the Collossus HD Collection
    Zone of the Enders HD Collection

    Note that Demon's Souls is not on here because I plan to get Dark Souls at some point.
  • Am I missing any good PS3 exclusives
    If you do not have a hard copy of Odin Sphere or God Hand, they're on the PSN now for $9.99 each. Buy them.
  • So I've been given a PS3 (which came with the God of War HD collection and Uncharted 1 and 2)

    Am I missing any good PS3 exclusives (I've already got an Xbox)

    3D Dot Hero
    God of War III
    (No Resistance 2 since I hear it sucks)
    Resistance 3
    Little Big Planet (is 1 or 2 better?)
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Pixel Junk Shooter (again, is 1 or 2 better?)
    Nobi Nobi Boy
    Pixel Junk Monsters
    ICO & Shadow of the Collossus HD Collection
    Zone of the Enders HD Collection

    Note that Demon's Souls is not on here because I plan to get Dark Souls at some point.
    Heavy Rain
    Any of the PS3 Ratchet and Clank games
    Valkyria Chronicles (if you can find it)
  • I've been playing Dark Souls for the past couple days and I can say without qualm that it is exactly as fury-inducing as Demon's Souls was, perhaps moreso.
    I'm trying to play as Hunter with a Bow, Spear, and Shield. Bows are nice. It's hard choosing between spending souls on leveling OR buying more arrows.
  • So I've been given a PS3 (which came with the God of War HD collection and Uncharted 1 and 2)

    Am I missing any good PS3 exclusives (I've already got an Xbox)

    3D Dot Hero
    God of War III
    (No Resistance 2 since I hear it sucks)
    Resistance 3
    Little Big Planet (is 1 or 2 better?)
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Pixel Junk Shooter (again, is 1 or 2 better?)
    Nobi Nobi Boy
    Pixel Junk Monsters
    ICO & Shadow of the Collossus HD Collection
    Zone of the Enders HD Collection

    Note that Demon's Souls is not on here because I plan to get Dark Souls at some point.
    Heavy Rain
    Any of the PS3 Ratchet and Clank games
    Valkyria Chronicles (if you can find it)
    The Sly Cooper HD Collection
    Pixel Junk: Eden
    and maybe inFamous 1 and 2
  • So I've been given a PS3 (which came with the God of War HD collection and Uncharted 1 and 2)

    Am I missing any good PS3 exclusives (I've already got an Xbox)

    3D Dot Hero
    God of War III
    (No Resistance 2 since I hear it sucks)
    Resistance 3
    Little Big Planet (is 1 or 2 better?)
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Pixel Junk Shooter (again, is 1 or 2 better?)
    Nobi Nobi Boy
    Pixel Junk Monsters
    ICO & Shadow of the Collossus HD Collection
    Zone of the Enders HD Collection

    Note that Demon's Souls is not on here because I plan to get Dark Souls at some point.
    Heavy Rain
    Any of the PS3 Ratchet and Clank games
    Valkyria Chronicles (if you can find it)
    The Sly Cooper HD Collection
    D'Oh! Can't believe I forgot this. Sly Cooper is great!
  • edited October 2011
    LittleBigPlanet 2 is overall better, but you can get the first one for dirt cheap, so I would just suggest getting both of them.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited October 2011
    So I've been given a PS3 (which came with the God of War HD collection and Uncharted 1 and 2)

    Am I missing any good PS3 exclusives (I've already got an Xbox)

    3D Dot Hero
    God of War III
    (No Resistance 2 since I hear it sucks)
    Resistance 3
    Little Big Planet (is 1 or 2 better?)
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Pixel Junk Shooter (again, is 1 or 2 better?)
    Nobi Nobi Boy
    Pixel Junk Monsters
    ICO & Shadow of the Collossus HD Collection
    Zone of the Enders HD Collection

    Note that Demon's Souls is not on here because I plan to get Dark Souls at some point.
    InFAMOUS is pretty good from what I hear. Having played about an hour of it, I would be inclined to agree. People also tend to like Heavenly Sword, it wasn't my cup of tea, but I think it's worth at least a rental. It also should be noted that the PS3 version of Portal 2 comes with a voucher to get it on Steam, and I believe there is crossplay between the two; so if you don't have it already, get on it.
    The escort part isn't that bad. My roommate played it and he did fine. Plus, it's only one area.

    Also, the AI is WAY smarter for that mission than any other escort mission I've ever seen. They're not mindlessly following you, they're trying to climb up. I thought they did a good job.
    Yeah, for a game that I was playing solely for the story, any sort of resistance will turn me off :-p ; plus it was pretty late when I was playing, thus causing my threshold for challenge to be greatly reduced.
    Excuses aside, i often felt the AI character often got in my way and prevented me from reaching my goal. We could never really sync and work together. My God, what does this say about me... as a person? :-p
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
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