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  • I've been playing Dark Souls for the past couple days and I can say without qualm that it is exactly as fury-inducing as Demon's Souls was, perhaps moreso.
    I'm trying to play as Hunter with a Bow, Spear, and Shield. Bows are nice. It's hard choosing between spending souls on leveling OR buying more arrows.
    I've been playing a spear-and-shield Knight and I tell you what, spear and shield is still overpowered as fuck. As long as I'm patient and watchful, I am invincible.

    ...And then I get hit by an enemy I didn't know was there and I immediately panic and die. :V
  • I just got Portal 2 for $14 on Steam. I'm waiting for my friend to get his laptop back so we can play the co-op. Does anyone know if the co-op is different from the single campaign?

    I also played tf2 again after about a year of not playing. It was pretty fun, but boy, is my computer laggy!!! (It's about 4 or 5 yrs old now). Been playing Xbox games this year so I forgot about the lag on my PC.
  • I just got Portal 2 for $14 on Steam. I'm waiting for my friend to get his laptop back so we can play the co-op. Does anyone know if the co-op is different from the single campaign?
    It is completely different.
  • Been playing the Star War: the Old Republic beta a little bit this passed weekend. Now I'm actually really looking forward to it.
  • Been playing the Star War: the Old Republic beta a little bit this passed weekend. Now I'm actually really looking forward to it.
    Sell me on it, cause honestly it does not look that impressive to me from the media they've released. Especially on the combat side.
  • edited October 2011
    Been playing the Star War: the Old Republic beta a little bit this passed weekend. Now I'm actually really looking forward to it.
    I had the beta invitation for this weekend too but I barely spent anytime at home so I didn't get to play it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Sell me on it, cause honestly it does not look that impressive to me from the media they've released. Especially on the combat side.
    I've only played Smuggler and Bounty Hunter so I can really only attest to the ranged stuff. The combat is basically a sort of refined/better version of WoW. You are still hitting hot keys, but the attacks feel powerful, and you are usually fighting at least 3 enemies at a time, so it feels frantic in a good way.

    However the main thing that has really sold me on this is that I realized I actually gave a shit about the missions I was doing. You don't just run up to a quest giver, hit accept on their quest and then run off an do the quest. Every quest is voice acted, and you usually have some dialogue options (similar to Dragon Age or Mass Effect,) so you aren't just playing the game through your avatar, but instead you are actually crafting a character that the reacts to you based on the decisions you make for your character. And that it really engaging.

    It's a game that I think I'll probably end up playing mostly single player, but will be fun to do the co-op stuff with friends every once in a while.
  • However the main thing that has really sold me on this is that I realized I actually gave a shit about the missions I was doing.
    This is pretty much the reason I've been interested in this game. The best part of any Bioware title are the dialogue trees.
  • It's a game that I think I'll probably end up playing mostly single player, but will be fun to do the co-op stuff with friends every once in a while.
    So where is the appeal in having this labeled an MMO? Sounds like they are doing the exact opposite of what will drive them towards their ultimate goal. Will I have to pay a monthy fee to play in addition to the game price?
  • It's a game that I think I'll probably end up playing mostly single player, but will be fun to do the co-op stuff with friends every once in a while.
    So where is the appeal in having this labeled an MMO? Sounds like they are doing the exact opposite of what will drive them towards their ultimate goal. Will I have to pay a monthy fee to play in addition to the game price?
    This. I really like BioWare rpgs, but I have no interest of playing through an epic story in the Star Wars universe that is filled by heroes like "DickMaster9000" and "HerbaJediDerb". Give me good single player Star Wars rpg and I might be interested. Or don't, I already have Mass Effect.
  • HerbaJediDerb
    Way to call me out :-p
  • Here is the thing. The original Star Wars MMO was much more intriguing with the very limited Jedi aspect (you couldn't even choose to be a jedi, it was a random occurrence). Couple on the fact that there was a lot of emergent gameplay from the community and you have a very popular game (which was then promptly ruined).

    Making an extremely strong narrative that is written by the game creators is exactly counter to what the whole point of an MMO is that I just can't see how the two can work together.
  • NeoNeo
    edited October 2011
    I've heard not overly detailed reports about the amount of character build customization available in SW:ToR as you advance and level up. Anybody have anything to report on this topic?
    Post edited by Neo on
  • which was then promptly ruined
    Appropriately enough, it was ruined by Jedi. Or, more precisely, the holocrons that revealed the method to become a Jedi.
  • Appropriately enough, it was ruined by Jedi. Or, more precisely, the holocrons that revealed the method to become a Jedi.
    I'm discussing more about the Combat Upgrade and New Game Enchancements where you could choose Jedi as a class at the beginning. As well as a shit ton of other changes that were wtf
  • There is a testing program for swtor, and I was a part of it. I think that's as much as I can say at the moment...
  • So where is the appeal in having this labeled an MMO? Sounds like they are doing the exact opposite of what will drive them towards their ultimate goal. Will I have to pay a monthy fee to play in addition to the game price?
    SWtOR is not going to be the game that redefines the MMO, and takes it to the next level/generation. What I think it is going to be is the best version of this generation of MMOs, and we'll start to really see the next generation of MMOs with Guild Wars 2.
  • edited October 2011
    I'm discussing more about the Combat Upgrade and New Game Enchancements where you could choose Jedi as a class at the beginning. As well as a shit ton of other changes that were wtf
    Yeah, the game was ruined long before the Combat Upgrade. But at least you could still get awesome emergent gameplay. I've still never seen another MMO where interior decoration is a viable (and fun) way to play.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Alright, now that I'm DONE done with Solatorobo, I can say without qualm that you owe it to yourself to buy this game if you own a DS. Lay aside whatever "but but but furries neeehhhhhhhhh" thoughts you may get from your first glances at the game: it is ten years' worth of work, passion, and love from CyberConnect2. It is the Swan Song of the Nintendo DS. Big words, I know, but just give the game a chance.
  • I caved and bought Binding of Issac, And I picked up Metro 2033 too, since it's on sale, and I tend to really like crazy Russian games.
  • I'm so pissed that Steam doesn't work here, or I'd be playing the SHIT out of the Binding of Isaac.
  • Forza 4 just came out today. Goodbye for awhile!
  • I'm so pissed that Steam doesn't work here, or I'd be playing the SHIT out of the Binding of Isaac.
    If you have a laptop, it's small enough that you could get away with downloading it while sitting in a cafe(many of them have free wifi for customers there) and having a coffee or two and doing some work or light reading. I had it down in under 20 minutes, and my download speed was only about 150-200 Kb/s.
  • Orcs Must Die! is fantastic so far.
  • Orcs Must Die! is fantastic so far.
    Played the demo on XBox. It was awful.
  • Orcs Must Die! is fantastic so far.
    Played the demo on XBox. It was awful.
    What? It's fun! Shoot things, build traps...It's great for killing stress! Your opinion is dumb.
  • Orcs Must Die! is fantastic so far.
    I played the demo on Steam and really dug it. I'm planning to pick it up at the next Steam sale.
  • Orcs Must Die! is fantastic so far.
    Played the demo on XBox. It was awful.
    What? It's fun! Shoot things, build traps...It's great for killing stress! Your opinion is dumb.
    I was unable to find any tactical aspect in the early part of the game. It's a good concept, but I'm not sure how great this implementation of said concept is.
  • Orcs Must Die! is fantastic so far.
    Played the demo on XBox. It was awful.
    What? It's fun! Shoot things, build traps...It's great for killing stress! Your opinion is dumb.
    I was unable to find any tactical aspect in the early part of the game. It's a good concept, but I'm not sure how great this implementation of said concept is.
    I found some tactical stuff. Not a lot, but...Enough. For me, it was $15, a trivial amount of money right now, and something I will probably start playing when I have free time again.
  • Played the demo on XBox. It was awful.
    Doin' it wrong. Mouse and keyboard are needed for this one.

    I was unable to find any tactical aspect in the early part of the game.
    Yeah, that kind of thing doesn't kick in until about level 8 or 9.
    I'm not sure how great this implementation of said concept is.
    It's the best to date. I have a few nit picks but for the price and the advancement of the 2 genres combining, I'll give it a B-
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