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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Just beat No More Heroes. Mediocre game play but interesting boss fights. The game would have been pretty good if they just removed the grinding between each boss.

    Playing Half Life 2 and only an hour or so in but already highly impressed. The game design is just phenomenal. They always give you a hint of how enemies function and what the physics of the game can do. Usually in clever ways, like the roof tentacle eating the bird at the beginning of the game to show how the tentacles work, or forcing you to make a jump with the boat and throwing you through planks to bring down a platform (to force you to see you can actually do that) so when there are enemies later on ontop a platform you know what to do. I appreciate little things like that.
  • Is the new gameplay keeping you interested in the game or is it the Beatles?
    Well, I like to do karaoke and The Beatles so you do the math. The game play is basically the same for the plastic guitar. However, the drums tutorial is interesting. It basically gives you more than 70 different sequences of beats, you can change the speed. It also have a "free beat" where you can just randomly hit at drums to create your own beats, sadly you can't save them.
    In the mean time I am just trying to unlock all the special movies and the photos.
  • Started playing Tombi for the PSX, nosssttaaaalllggiaaaa..
    ePSXe works well under WINE if you get one of the torrents with all the extras off bittorent.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    Started playing Tombi for the PSX, nosssttaaaalllggiaaaa..
    ePSXe works well under WINE if you get one of the torrents with all the extras off bittorent.
    For us Americans, he is talking about Tomba!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Started playing Tombi for the PSX, nosssttaaaalllggiaaaa..
    ePSXe works well under WINE if you get one of the torrents with all the extras off bittorent.
    For us Americans, he is talking about Tomba!
    Also, I'm currently ripping some of my old PSX games.
  • Currently playing through Layton 2. Some of the puzzles feel a bit easier, but looking back on this thread it might just be that it features more puzzles I'm actually good at. I do like how the game takes you to other locations (it got a little tiring to run back and forth everywhere in St. Mystre) and the new memo pad function is a godsend.

    The one thing I really like is how the graphical presentation and design of the puzzles feels more connected to the game. Whenever there are actual people represented in the puzzle they use a cast of NPCs (some from the game, others I haven't seen yet) instead of completely random people. Also, you don't have puzzles with oddly anachronistic elements such as the texting thumbs puzzle from the first game.
  • Is the new gameplay keeping you interested in the game or is it the Beatles?
    Well, I like to do karaoke and The Beatles so you do the math. The game play is basically the same for the plastic guitar. However, the drums tutorial is interesting. It basically gives you more than 70 different sequences of beats, you can change the speed. It also have a "free beat" where you can just randomly hit at drums to create your own beats, sadly you can't save them.
    In the mean time I am just trying to unlock all the special movies and the photos.
    I'm doing the same with the game. I'm really loving Rock Band 2 at the moment though for it's Queen Pack which is full of awesome.

    And I'll be most likely be being Borderlands today since I'm a real fanatic of loot-based games.
  • Over the weekend I got to try Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno. Bayonetta is looking like it's going to be pretty cool, I wasn't planning on getting it, but now I'm certainly mulling it over that I might. Dante's Inferno was... not so good. It's kind of pretty, until you see the vagina doorway portals, penis shaped spires, and giant grey skinned topless boss woman that spawns scythe armed babies (as in their arms are scythes,) from her mouth nipple. Granted that was the lust level of hell I guess, but still the game seems like it needs some work.

    Anyway, picked up the new Ratchet and Clank today. I also really want to play Borderlands but I just don't have the time right now.
  • edited October 2009
    At the moment I'm alternating between The Sims 3 and Red Faction 2. It's quite a jarring contrast between the two.

    Very related:

    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited October 2009
    Pokemon Platinum and Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Beat PL and the Curious Village over the extended weekend (yesterday was a holiday). Also got GTA: Chinatown Wars lying around which I will get to after I beat those two.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • At the moment I'm alternating between The Sims 3 and Red Faction 2. It's quite a jarring contrast between the two.

    Very related:

    I'm definitely picking that game up on steam when it price drops
  • If anyone needs ePSXe, here's the all inclusive torrent I used. You'll probably have to fool around with the graphics settings a bit.
  • If anyone needs ePSXe, here'sthe all inclusive torrent I used. You'll probably have to fool around with the graphics settings a bit.
    Yeah question about that. You said you were running it under wine. I'm pretty sure there was a native Linux version. Either my memory is wrong, or using wine is unnecessary.
  • edited October 2009
    Linux version is 1.6, windows version is 1.7.
    But I'm sure you already.. Googled that.

    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • FORZA 3!!!!!!!
  • I tried the demo for Panzer General: Allied Assault last night on the 360. I was close to buying the thing when I encountered a horrible problem with the game.

    There is a card you can play that allows you to pull two cards from your discard pile, see where this is going? With two of these cards you can always return all cards from your discard pile into your hand. You can also use this same broken card to play a card over and over and over again...
  • At the moment I'm alternating between The Sims 3 and Red Faction 2. It's quite a jarring contrast between the two.

    Very related:

    Yet another reason to be sad about Idle Thumbs ending :(
  • edited October 2009
    Forza 3 is just the best racing sim that ever there was. I now have a game to play for the next 2 years. ^_^
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Well, I'm not playing the L4D2 demo because it got pushed back until I'm at work tonight. :(
  • The Witcher - from what I've seen of it so far, it's pretty good. Combat requires a minute amount of skill to perform well, but it's really fast and easy regardless. I'm not sure whether the language and sexuality is edgy or just crass, but it's a change of pace from the typical Tolkien-style fantasy. The story is fine, but nothing innovative so far. It's the anti-Final Fantasy.
  • Stalker is also $5 on Steam. Might pick that up and mod it to the teeth.
  • Steam seems to be giving away TF2 now.

    I am currently playing Guns of Icarus with Alex to test for bugs. Release is on Monday. Bring your monies and lay them at our feet. (So we can eat food.) Demo is free online.
  • At the moment I'm alternating between The Sims 3 and Red Faction 2. It's quite a jarring contrast between the two.
    Wow just what I have been playing :P And Populous DS, rather strange game in which Ode to Joy is played while the apocalypse is going down!
  • Like Eva?
  • Whoa, spoilers.
  • Welcome to the internet.
  • edited October 2009
    Welcome to the internet.
    Nah, just kidding. I accidentally spoiled Eva for myself ages ago. The first episodes I saw were some of the last (when [AS] was airing it), and it wasn't until after that that I went back and saw the rest of the series. Kinda weird when your first intro to the series is the infamous "dummy plug" episode, but I was hooked.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Welcome to the internet.
    image Yeah....
  • I am currently on my fourth (yes, FOURTH) playthrough of Uncharted 2 in the span of one week. Partly because I'm going for all the trophies and such, but partly because the game really is that good. I haven't played a game over and over like this since God of War 2, and even then I only got through it twice before having my fill.

    Also still playing Chrono Trigger on the bus, and I don't think I have to say how good that is.
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