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  • Welcome to the internet.
    Nah, just kidding. I accidentally spoiled Eva for myself ages ago. The first episodes I saw were some of the last (when [AS] was airing it), and it wasn't until after that that I went back and saw the rest of the series. Kinda weird when your first intro to the series is the infamous "dummy plug" episode, but I was hooked.
    Yeah, but we've had this debate on this forum before. There was a big fuss because I said Spike dies. If you haven't seen Bebop by now that's your fucking problem.
  • I knew that particular bit of Bebop canon before I saw the series. Didn't affect my enjoyment of it; plus, I recognized that on the XKCD graph of Spoiler Statutes of Limitations, I could not complain.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    I really do hate Statue of Limitations and try to avoid it as much as possible as I hate spoiling anything for any reason ever.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited October 2009
    I bought Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits today. Yeah I know. However, I got a good excuse: It was new and it was only 20€ which is less than half of what the local GameStop wants for it, so I thought at worst I play once through the playlist and then trade it in, possibly making a slight gain. Strangely enough, they wanted for the standalone game more than for the bundle with the peripheral.

    Although I do very much like GH style Rhythm games I was rather skeptical of the concept of the game when I first saw it. However, there is also the old rule of "don't mock it without trying it". I played a few songs now and I still am rather skeptical. It puts quite a strain on the wrist and the strumming and fingering is something to get used too as well, but then so was playing the guitar peripheral on the console games. I also can't fathom who'd carry the peripheral around with him or her. It doesn't really look like a portable game to me. I also don't like the artificial lengthening of the career setlist with "oh, now play the same song again, or on base, or in a guitar duel".

    I'll give it a few more spins over the weekend, but first impression is mixed for now.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Guitar Hero On Tour
    Those games look more like a real version of Accordion Hero than they do Guitar Hero games. The peripheral is just so ridiculously designed.
  • I really do hate Statue of Limitations and try to avoid it as much as possible as I hate spoiling anything for any reason ever.

    I really hate that statue too.
  • I really hate that statue too.
    Beat me to it. On the other hand, now I don't have to shoop.
  • Fine I hate the Statute of Limitations -same reason as above-.
  • Beat Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days two days ago. Unlocked the last secret character today. Still have much fun left in this game.
  • I tried out the new Zombie Apocalypse game on Xbox Live. It was fun but it is the kind of game you need to play in a group to truly enjoy.
  • I managed to pick up TF2 for $2.50 today. I know you guys are down on it around here, but it's pretty fun for a game I got for less than the price of lunch.
  • Just nabbed STALKER for $5, which is the only silver lining to today. Especially because my throat is on fire.

    Anyone know if Osmos is worth the $10?
  • Borderlands: The Game for Lootwhores.

    Seriously though, it's pretty fun. Fun questing, lots of variety with the guns, changes with the character. Story isn't compelling, but making a character to basically get to "The Vault" is really fun in itself.
  • Borderlands: The Game for Lootwhores.
  • So I was in the mood for some single player FPS, so I started to play Doom 3, only to find it a slow game full of shadows that ALWAYS have a monster in them, with really crappy weapons and lame monsters... Not going back to that one.
  • I managed to pick up TF2 for $2.50 today. I know you guys are down on it around here, but it's pretty fun for a game I got for less than the price of lunch.
    There is no shame in liking it. I am spying it up this week, and really enjoying the change from power weapons to guile and backstabbing. A few months ago, I Steamed TF2 for $9.99, and have played it 109 hours since -- which means it is entertainment at effectively $0.09 per hour.
  • Playing Burnout Paradies with a steering wheel and pedals. So awesome.
  • So I was in the mood for some single player FPS, so I started to play Doom 3, only to find it a slow game full of shadows that ALWAYS have a monster in them, with really crappy weapons and lame monsters... Not going back to that one.
    I remember going through the first 3 or so levels of that and only fighting about seven monsters. Turned it off and never played it again. Doom 4 better be incredible.
  • Playing Chrono Trigger (DS), Half-Life 1 and 2, TF2, and AssaultCube.
    Also, Doom (the original one) on Nightmare. I actually managed to clear the first two levels. Finally. :D
  • I ended up picking up the $99 Rock Band 2 set and the Beatles game. I thought about getting the Beatles boxed set (the cheap one) but the drums were wired (same price in combination).

    After letting my daughter play the demo of Band Hero her desire for the game vanished. Instead she is pestering me to download the Nickelodeon DLC for Rock Band.
  • I just finished playing through the Zelda Oracle games. I love all of the references Seasons makes to the original game.

    I'm planning on picking up Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box soon. It's about time I got around to it.
  • edited November 2009
    I'm planning on picking up Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box soon. It's about time I got around to it.
    I finished it just now, at least the story that is (still got the bonus puzzles to go). It was really good though I have a kind of important question left at the end which I either missed being answered or hasn't been answered.

    Edit: I typed this while watching the credits actually and the question was semi-answered with the bumper after the credits...
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Playing Diabolical Box now. I like everything about it better than the first game except for the puzzles and that dumb-ass hamster.
  • that dumb-ass hamster.
    I thought it was pretty amusing having to exercise the hamster. It's too bad I didn't figure out all the exercises until the end because he is the equivalent of the robot dog in the first game, in which he can locate the hidden hint coins.

    The tea thing was a pain in the ass. I had to look up the information on that one.

    Here is a good guide for those hard to solve puzzles as well as tea/hamster guide.
  • edited November 2009
    I like everything about it better than the first game except for the puzzles
    OK, that confuses me now. How can you like everything better about the game, except the most important part of the game?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • The tea thing was a pain in the ass. I had to look up the information on that one.
    Oh yeah, that was difficult, too. I FAQed that up. The hamster game was fine, but the voice he made when he found the coins was infuriating to me for some reason.
    OK, that confuses me now. How can you like everything better about the game, except the most important part of the game?
    I was a fan of the atmosphere and the story. I liked the puzzles okay, but I agree with Scott that they are less interactive.
  • The tea thing was completely stupid because there was no puzzle to it whatsoever. It was almost all entirely trial and error. I used a FAQ.
  • I actually forgot about the tea brewing/serving. I was able to get six or so on my own, just doing combinations, but it definitely got annoying by the end and I also FAQed it. That was really the only negative I had with the game though. As I mentioned previously, I liked everything else more, including the puzzles, since they were more the kinds I like to do.

    As for what I'm currently playing, I like to call it the balance between overtime at work and writing for NaNoWriMo. Lots of fun!
  • The tea thing was completely stupid because there was no puzzle to it whatsoever. It was almost all entirely trial and error. I used a FAQ.
    It was not trial and error. When you encountered someone they would ask for a type of tea and it was up to you to figure out what they wanted based on their description. Each ingredient had a useful description to help you figure out what went with what.

    After buying my copy of RB2 I noticed something interesting. Harmonix has figured out how to destroy the used market for its games. By providing a download code for extra content they insure only a fool would buy their games used.
  • After buying my copy of RB2 I noticed something interesting. Harmonix has figured out how to destroy the used market for its games. By providing a download code for extra content they insure only a fool would buy their games used.
    They weren't the first ones to do this, and it is becoming more popular amongst games this year. However, I will agree that providing 20 free songs is easily the best example of first-buy DLC I've seen.
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