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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Modern Warfare 2 - Got it yesterday, finished it the single player campaign yesterday. It's really short, 5 hoursish and the plot is really silly but I still loved it. The multiplayer will suck me in though like the last one did. The new Spec-ops co-op is good fun as well.
    I can not tell you how badly I want this game, and how guilty I feel for wanting it since I would have no time, nor do I have the money.
  • I've been getting into the meatier bits of Company of Heroes lately (multiplayer and Skirmish Mode). So far the basic strategies seem to hinge mostly on unit placement (rifle squads work best at long range from heavy cover, etc.), combined arms (everyone needs some sort of covering fire), preserving units through multiple engagements, and proper placement of wire, tanks traps, mines and sandbags. The amount of micro-management is fairly low, owing to the large units and small battlefield, though sometimes I forget to use my resources as soon as possible. Overall it seems like a nice change of pace from other RTS games that I've played, which usually either boil down to Rock Paper Scissors or Build A Ton Of Guys And Rush. Here's to hoping the game holds up at higher levels of play.
  • Tonight, 6PM at Ro & Jeremy's apartment along with two other friends: 4 player co-op New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Epic fun will be had by all.
  • Beat River City Ransom with my sister. One of the best NES games. Benny and Clyde ain't got nothin' on me.
  • Total Extreme Warfare 2008
    World of Mixed Martial Arts 2
    Tecmo Super Bowl 3
  • Modern Warfare 2 is super sweet.
  • Just finished Layton 2. I have to agree with everyone else about it being an improvement over the previous game.
  • Just finished Layton 2. I have to agree with everyone else about it being an improvement over the previous game.
    Does it have an amazing moment like the FMV in the first game with the 90 degree camera turn as Layton runs from a Ferris wheel?
  • Yes. Yes, it does.
  • Focusing on the Rock Band games right now. Picked up RB1 used for $10 and for only 400 points was able to export all of the songs to RB2. Now I'm thinking about taking the game back for a refund and getting something else.
  • Brother got a PS3, so I am enjoying Prototype. So much violence...I should be more revolted at it than I am.
  • La-Mulana and Spelunky (still). I'm really digging these Nintendo Hard games lately.
  • Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
    Pokemon Platinum
    Castle Crashers
  • Holy shit, New Super Mario Bros Wii is the business. I'm playing mostly with the same group of friends I played Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Zelda Four Swords with. We're all having a blast and laughing at the epic fails we encounter. The levels are fun, the new suits are controls are interesting. I'm almost exhausted from all the laughter we have had so far in the game. The only thing so far that is a bit frustrating is the non invisibility of players. You can't occupy the same spot for multiple players.

    We also found a level in world 2 to get a bunch of lives. The game is a combination of Super Mario 3, Mario World 1 & 2, and New Super Mario Bros for the DS. They took all of the fun parts of each game and combined it into this game. If you can, definitely find three other people to play it with.
  • edited November 2009
    Who did you play it with and on what difficulty?
    I played it on whatever difficulty is above normal and I played it with friends. The game felt generic and had like 2 hours of content in it when it first came out. I really don't see why everyone fapped over it.
    Brother got a PS3, so I am enjoying Prototype. So much violence...I should be more revolted at it than I am.
    Play Infamous next. So much better than Prototype.
    Post edited by thehollow89 on
  • I just finished a 2nd playthrough of Metroid Prime 3, and Okami is still there half-finished and nagging at me.

    Currently trying Dragon Age and in the middle of Eternal Darkness.

    Speaking of Rock Band, I have recently switched from Medium to Hard on the guitar and I'm trying to get used to the orange button. I do pretty well unless there's a lot of rapid changes from the orange end to the green end in a short time.
  • Just finished Borderlands, Uncharted 2 and Trine. Waiting for Assassin's Creed 2 to show up from Amazon. To hold me over I'm playing through Dead Space again on 360. I'm getting Dead Space: Extraction (Wii) for Xmas so I just wanted to refresh myself with the story. I'll probably buy the Bluray of the movie as well as I enjoyed it the first time I watched it.
  • Speaking of Rock Band, I have recently switched from Medium to Hard on the guitar and I'm trying to get used to the orange button. I do pretty well unless there's a lot of rapid changes from the orange end to the green end in a short time.
    It's hard for me to remember those days of working my way up through the difficulties. I've been playing Expert for over two years now. It's easier to recall working my way up on drums last year.

    As far as what I've been playing, I've gotten further in Chrono Trigger than I ever have before. That doesn't really say much, since that just means I've played it for more than three hours. I would be playing other stuff, but I'm avoiding games while I work on my novel.
  • Just finished Borderlands
    Does the single player aspect of the game justify a purchase or is it only worth it if you have friends to play with?
  • Just finished Borderlands
    Does the single player aspect of the game justify a purchase or is it only worth it if you have friends to play with?
    Stay away, that game is like crack.
  • Just finished Borderlands
    Does the single player aspect of the game justify a purchase or is it only worth it if you have friends to play with?
    Not really. It's really only worth it if you have friends to play with, otherwise it will likely get boring fairly quickly.
  • I played the whole thing single player start to finish and I enjoyed it. The ending sucks though.
  • Because just about every other game has been fail, I'm re-playing Castlevania: SotN on the 360. Going to try for the full 200.6%, but I might get some FAQ help. I really just need something to hold me over until L4D2 and NS2 come out. I would get Mario Wii, but I need some co-op peoples first. I wish that game had come out when I was in college. Also, I can't spend money right now, so I'll get the game later when it is cheaper.
  • Because just about every other game has been fail
    Have you tried all the games you're labeling "fail"?
  • I would get Mario Wii, but I need some co-op peoples first.
    I've been itching for a new game to play. I'm planning on picking up Dragon Age (and thus ruining my life), but I might pick this one up too.
  • I would get Mario Wii, but I need some co-op peoples first.
    Move to Washington. I'll kick Jeremy out of my group and sub you in! ^_~ :P

    BTW, I recorded some video footage of some of our encounters last night in the game. There were some pretty hilarious parts my friends encountered. I'll post the videos tonight.
  • Have you tried all the games you're labeling "fail"?
    I didn't even mention a specific game, but since you asked.

    Shattered Horizon - It's not a bad game, but there aren't a lot of players. Also, the maps need a little work, and there need to be more of them. And also there isn't a lot of variety in the gamplay. Only one weapon. It's worth the low price, and I'll play it occasionally, but I won't really get into it.

    Newerth - See other thread.

    Dwarf Fortress - Maybe I should make this my go-to game for when there is a gap like this...
  • I usually go here or even here when I've run out of both money and games to play.
  • Just finished Borderlands
    Does the single player aspect of the game justify a purchase or is it only worth it if you have friends to play with?
    Stay away, that game is like crack.
    It is really like crack. I've even caught my room-mates trying to level up characters for that game. It surprises me they aren't making the game into a true Murmorpager.

    As for the multiplayer aspect, it's kind of nice, but it's rarely very even. If you are leveling with a buddy at the same level as you though, that's insanely fun.
  • I think I finished at around level 35 and I found I was pretty powerful at that point.
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