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  • Heh heh, you think Peep's bad? Blastocyst can eat a dick.
    Oh man, that takes me back to when I decided to split up Fistula into eight mini-Fistulas.

    Spoiler alert: it was a bad move.
  • Still playing Skyrim (over 100 hours later), have played and finished Saints Row: The Third, and now just starting to dig into a relatively new 4X game, Distant Worlds. Good times.
  • I'm still playing Battletech off and on, with Mechwarrior: Living Legends. However, I bought a couple of friends copies of Terraria and am playing that more too. Man, this is a good year.

    I am, however, looking for an awesome 4x game to get into. Any suggestions?
  • When I'm at home, Skyward Sword is taking up my life. When I'm out, it's all Mario Kart 7.
  • Somehow, I'll find a way to blame the fact that I'm playing Etrian Odyssey 3 on Yuyuke.
  • I've beaten Sheol as all but ???. I beat It Lives with him once, but I'm not sure I'm willing to put in the effort to keep playing as him.
  • I've beaten Sheol as all but ???. I beat It Lives with him once, but I'm not sure I'm willing to put in the effort to keep playing as him.
    A: You're a bastard. :P
    B: It's worth it for completion's sake. Plus, you get an excellent item that resets the ENTIRE LEVEL.
  • Somehow, I'll find a way to blame the fact that I'm playing Etrian Odyssey 3 on Yuyuke.
    Great little RPG that. I got to the 3rd strata and gave up when I got the option to subclass. It felt like the doors had just been blown off my carefully and finely crafted party. The game's like "ok, you like your party, but now they can be SO MUCH MORE!" and I couldn't handle the choices.

  • edited December 2011
    Great little RPG that. I got to the 3rd strata and gave up when I got the option to subclass. It felt like the doors had just been blown off my carefully and finely crafted party. The game's like "ok, you like your party, but now they can be SO MUCH MORE!" and I couldn't handle the choices.
    Thing is, it also opens the doors to so many hilarious party structures. I've got one side-party composed of five Shogun/Buccaneers. Dual wield from Shogun, guns from Buccaneer, Swashbuckling(Buccaneer ability that sometimes lets you multi-attack with normal attacks), that one Shogun skill that makes them perform a followup attack on any party member's physical attacks, and that one Shogun skill that commands all allies to immediately attack if they have a ranged weapon equipped in addition to their action that turn. Long story short, every turn goes down in a hail of gunfire. It's amazing.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • My Nintendo club reward came in but... I ordered the buttons and got the calendar? ??
  • edited December 2011
    I got the calendar without even asking for it. Also, there is Engrish on one of the months. It says one of the games was "Deveroped" by...
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I bought Infinity Blade (the first one) when it was on sale during the sequel's launch. This has been touted as the big game that shows off how the iPhone can host more than just Angry Birds and Bejeweled clones.

    In the end, I'm not impressed. The visuals were pretty cool since it was the first game I've tried on iOS that actually involved polygons (it runs on the Unreal Engine) but the interface is still a deal breaker for me. The best analogy I could come up with is that playing this sort of game on a touchscreen phone is like playing DDR with the cheapest dance pads you can find.
  • Alright, I've got a Terarria server up and running. If anyone's interested, just let me know some how and I'll get you the info. I've also got a Mumble server set up for the Terarria-ing.
  • I've been making short forays back into Minecraft's single-player on normal mode. I've been slowly reconstructing a bigger and better sky palace, while mining ever deeper into the first cave I found. I've also established a way to not get completely lost in the series of winding tunnels and caverns I've uncovered, while creating a simply torch system to tell of a door I've put in will lead me in or out of the caverns.
  • I've been making short forays back into Minecraft's single-player on normal mode. I've been slowly reconstructing a bigger and better sky palace, while mining ever deeper into the first cave I found. I've also established a way to not get completely lost in the series of winding tunnels and caverns I've uncovered, while creating a simply torch system to tell of a door I've put in will lead me in or out of the caverns.
    Minecraft has single-player?

    In other news, finished DeadSpace. Bloody fucking brilliant! Onward to DeadSpace 2! The ADD/whatever I have just makes the game more awesome. 8 hrours play session and when I closed my eye to sleep I saw necromorphs lol :D
  • I finished Amnesia and it was...kinda meh. It wasn't scary at all, and the story was a bit pants, but I suppose the storytelling method was interesting, and the worldbuilding was pretty cool. I kinda liked the puzzles.
  • I finished Amnesia and it was...kinda meh. It wasn't scary at all, and the story was a bit pants, but I suppose the storytelling method was interesting, and the worldbuilding was pretty cool. I kinda liked the puzzles.
    It's on my "To-Play" list. I wonder if the "Tentacles" are fun to use? Looks interesting enough.

    Anyway, started DeadSpace 2. WOW! Shit gets real, real fast! Premise already set, son! Know I know why Shane (GT) loves the series. Lovely survival horror. It's not that scary, enemy spawning positions aren't bad.
  • Deadspace 2 is great! Play it at night, lights off, headphones.

    Iv'e just started Majora’s Mask.

    Having just finished Skyward Sword thought I should go re-visit one of the classic Zelda’s that I hadn’t played before.

    WFT, this game is nuts! The art and music is gorgeous, even taking into account that it’s a N64 game. I’m very early on, maybe 2-3 hours in. I have zero idea what is going on, the moon is scary as fuck and the game is refusing to tell me what I need to do.

    In short, it’s great!

  • In short, it’s great!
    Welcome to the Majora's Mask fan club.

  • I could never get into Majora's Mask. The whole Time-loop thing just threw me off.
  • Deadspace 2 is great! Play it at night, lights off, headphones.
    Whoa there! let's not get ahead of ourselves here :D
    HAHAHA just kidding. I definitely know what you mean. I remember playing Doom3 ROE with the whole level shifting thing in-and-out of hell and man, silence then fire everywhere!
    I could never get into Majora's Mask. The whole Time-loop thing just threw me off.
    Meh. If I remember correctly, I couldn't figure out shit. It was over 5 years ago, so I might give it another shot eventually. OoT is also on my "To-Play" list. I tried FF7 and man the pre-rendered background got the better of me. Fortunately,

    So hopefully I will be able to cry like a man when I get to see a particular death.
  • So hopefully I will be able to cry like a man when I get to see a particular death.
    You will cry biceps?
  • There isn't a FFVII HD remake on the way, at least no such thing has been announced as of yet. That video was a technical demo they made at the launch of the PS3 to show what was possible with the system.
  • I could never get into Majora's Mask. The whole Time-loop thing just threw me off.
    I also disliked it. After wandering around for three hours and accomplish nothing, I decided the game was not worth the time it would take to figure out the puzzles.
  • I could never get into Majora's Mask. The whole Time-loop thing just threw me off.
    I also disliked it. After wandering around for three hours and accomplish nothing, I decided the game was not worth the time it would take to figure out the puzzles.
    This is exactly what I am finding now! But I shall push on! It will not defeat me and the victory, should it come, will be so much sweeter.

    Now, where the fuck is a walk through. Damn Nintendo!!! Game be hard!

  • FF VII sucked, hard... sweaty balls.
  • Just got my copy of X-Plane 10. Currently in the midst of installing it. This could take a while as it came on 8 dual layer DVDs.
  • Nice. I got invited to apply for the beta of Microsoft Flight, and I'm seriously considering it although I only have a fairly simple joystick.
  • Yeah, MS Flight isn't an option for me right now as the only Windows machine I've got is an el-cheapo laptop that it would run like crap on. X-Plane is nice enough to come with Windows, Linux, and Mac versions all on the same set of discs.

    Let me know what MS Flight is like though. I also have a $33 joystick and it works well enough for X-Plane, though I'm planning to buy a proper yoke at some point.
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