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  • Deadspace 2 is great! Play it at night, lights off, headphones.
    Not so fun to do when you're living alone. I tried playing Deadspace. Alone. In the Dark. I got past the first cut scene and had to stop. I'll play it again once my fianceé moves in.
  • My only complaint with Dead Space two is the lack of chapter breaks. I liked that aspect of the first game because it helped with pacing and provides good stopping points. With the second game I kept playing for hours waiting for a break point that never arrived.
  • Deadspace 2 is great! Play it at night, lights off, headphones.
    Not so fun to do when you're living alone. I tried playing Deadspace. Alone. In the Dark. I got past the first cut scene and had to stop. I'll play it again once my fianceé moves in.
    Sadly I am too deadened to my own existence to experience fear anywhere but my constant nightmares anymore... :(
  • edited December 2011
    So hopefully I will be able to cry like a man when I get to see a particular death.
    You will cry biceps?
    Hahaha. It's just that GT did a video (I think "Top 10 Necessary Remakes"), and I heard nothing but good things about FF7. Especially that particular female death.
    FF VII pre-rendered backgrounds sucked, hard... sweaty balls.
    That game was hell to navigate. You would have to play it in those days to "get it." I'm talking 2D stuff, not 3D of any kind. I replayed Quake 2 and loved it.
    My only complaint with Dead Space two is the lack of chapter breaks. I liked that aspect of the first game because it helped with pacing and provides good stopping points. With the second game I kept playing for hours waiting for a break point that never arrived.
    Indeed. The tram was a place of peace and tranquillity for your nerves.
    Sadly I am too deadened to my own existence to experience fear anywhere but my constant nightmares anymore... :(
    1. Sad to hear...
    2. I See What You Did Thar
    Post edited by Xiphias3 on
  • Replaying Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Had to jump through several hoops to get it working at 1920x1080 AND to get the UI that size as well. It still holds up, but man the controls and interface are not as good as I remember.
  • Deadspace 1 > Deadspace 2.
  • edited December 2011
    Deadspace 1 > Deadspace 2.
    Honestly, I don't even think about that comparison. The foundation was solidified in DeadSpace. His "wife", The Marker, "the cult", exciting survival-horror curb-stomping fancy dismemberment game-play and the necromorphs. When it comes to great games like this, that don't do the "reset" ploy, what I mainly want is for shit to get real. It's like Crysis. The multi play-style nano-suit, superb graphics you had to sell your soul for and "you know what else" were the core elements. Crysis 2, like DeadSpace 2 started with a bang and I loved it all the way through! They are really action games. Less development, more action is a reasonable delivery for such solid foundations. It's still grade A material. Also, it's not like there's nothing going on story-wise. In Crysis 2, I'm pretty sure most people didn't see Hargreave's situation coming. I mean really,

    he was in a test tube (life support chamber).

    Post edited by Xiphias3 on
  • I picked up Burnout Crash off of XBLA and had such a blast with it this weekend.
    Spent the better part of 4 hours across two sessions yesterday passing the controller back and forth between my wife and I. Can't wait to go play more.

    Such simple arcade-style fun. Never takes more than 2 minutes to play, always a quick high score challenge, but there's enough different game modes, levels, car types, etc that the variety keeps it fresh.

    Plus the game has a fantastic sense of humor. All sorts of great little musical cues and tongue-in-cheek jokes. It's all the addictiveness of a flash game but has such a degree of polish on it that it is well worth the $10 it will cost you.
  • I don't understand why people like Burnout Crash. Angry Birds is a zillion times better than that nonsense.
  • edited December 2011
    FFVI is on PSN now. It's the PSOne port so it takes like 2 extra (agonizing) seconds to open menus but that game is still really (jrpg) good. I love watching those numbers come out of guys! Fuckin' Autocrossbow, fuckin' AuraBolt, fuckin' Ultros the purple octupus.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Just got Mario Kart 7. I miss launching shells behind me :(
  • Just got Mario Kart 7. I miss launching shells behind me :(
    You can totally launch shells behind you. I do it all the time.

  • It'd be fun to have some sort of FRC Mario Kart 7 tournament.
  • Reddit informed me that Empire Earth: Gold Edition is free for today and tomorrow. When I pulled up the page, Planescape: Torment and Freespace 2 was shown to be half off, so for $7 I got 3 games I was interested in.

    Empire Earth was played when I was getting very sleepy, so while I was mildly confused, it was quite fun and I'm gonna give it another go before bed. Planscape: Tourment has been really neat so far, and the writing has been rather silly. Freespace 2 just downloaded so I'll play that in a bit. What could go wrong with space?
  • Just played and finished Cave Story for the first time over the weekend. Definitely recommended if you've never played it.
  • Just got Mario Kart 7. I miss launching shells behind me :(
    You can totally launch shells behind you. I do it all the time.


  • Just got Mario Kart 7. I miss launching shells behind me :(
    You can totally launch shells behind you. I do it all the time.
    Hold down and hit shoot.
  • I don't understand why people like Burnout Crash. Angry Birds is a zillion times better than that nonsense.
    I could not disagree with this more.

    Personally I think Angry Birds is crap. There are no good reference points for your angle and power, so the game has established an artificial challenge to make it addicting. My Angry Birds replacement is Super Stickman Golf, which I think is out of this world good. Same "launch the object" gameplay but you have a power meter and can reference terrain for your angles. All you've got in Angry Birds is that slingshot with your thumb in the way.

    I just don't understand why people are so quick to give up the $10 arcade style title and say "that should be on the iPhone not on my Xbox." I had 10x more fun with Burnout Crash than I've had with similar top-down vehicle management games like Harbor Master or Flight Control. I see Burnout Crash existing more in the Geometry Wars space.

    They're all without a doubt tests of skill. They take roughly two minutes and you're going for that high score. Yet unless it is executed brilliantly, putting this type of game on the iPhone is going to muddy the controls. It'll be like trying to play Monkey Ball on the Wii. Shit. Maybe good for a distraction on the train. Not going to occupy me for an afternoon with friends.

  • You are right. Super Stick Man Golf is a zillion times better than Angry Birds. That's how shit Burnout Crash is. Is there something in this game I'm missing? I played the demo, and so did Rym. We both thought it was ridiculously dumb, and can't understand why so many people like it.
  • Burnout Crash was on the level of a slightly above-average 99 cent iPhone game. I can't imagine playing it for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • We both thought it was ridiculously dumb, and can't understand why so many people like it.
    I hadn't heard of Burnout Crash until it was brought up here, but if it's anything like the other Burnout games. I'm sold. Burnout is super fun, it's like playing an 80's action movie car chase.

  • We both thought it was ridiculously dumb, and can't understand why so many people like it.
    I hadn't heard of Burnout Crash until it was brought up here, but if it's anything like the other Burnout games. I'm sold. Burnout is super fun, it's like playing an 80's action movie car chase.
    It's nothing like them. It's a top-down iPhone game. Drive slowly into the intersection and crash. Then "blow up" your car every n seconds to move it a little and add to the damage.

  • Drive... into the intersection and crash. Then "blow up" your car every n seconds to move it a little and add to the damage
    Sounds like Burnout to me!

    Wait a minute...
    Drive SLOWLY...
  • edited December 2011
    The game was poorly reviewed just about everywhere. It's sitting in the mid-60s on Metacritic so I'm willing to admit I'm in the minority, but if I have bad taste, then I'm guilty as charged. All I know is I'm having fun.

    I thought the concept was interesting (seems like you guys did not, already on different paths here), and it had enough style points to warrant me giving it my 15 minutes. By time that was up though, I got myself caught up in the challenges and hitting high scores. Yeah the gameplay is super simple, but I think it's got a very good learning curve as it throws more complicated intersections, highways and such at you as well cars that play differently and are well suited for certain stages but not for others. I just chose to go down the rabbit hole and explore all of that stuff, solve the "puzzle" of how to hit all those high score marks and such.

    I'll probably put 4 hours into this game and then never touch it again, but that seems to be more than most people are getting out of it.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Keep having to tell myself that Mario Galaxy is not going to let me pull half of the shenanigans that I took for granted in Mario 64.
  • edited December 2011
    I dove back in to The Binding of Isaac after a few months away. It took some doing but I knocked the rust off and am back in true form. The only things left to do are find Forget Me Now (Grind with Isaac and the Die) and the fight all 4 horsemen in a single play through. The later, if anything, is what will make me rage quit before 100%'ing this game.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • I dove back in to The Binding of Isaac after a few months away. It took some doing but I knocked the rust off and am back in true form. The only things left to do are find Forget Me Now (Grind with Isaac and the Die) and the fight all 4 horsemen in a single play through. The later, if anything, is what will make me rage quit before 100%'ing this game.
    You do know that if you're holding the Book of Revelations, your chance of encountering a Horseman as a boss is greatly increased? I dunno if it's guaranteed, but so far I've always encountered 1 Horseman per level while holding it.

  • I do. Just a matter of finding one. I've done 3 runs total (even going back to pre patch) with the book being found in the basement and I still can't do it. It's kinda crazy how unlucky I can be at time.
  • BIT.TRIP RUNNER hurts my eyes.
  • I picked up a PS3 for the cheapness, and now am playing some Little Big Planet and MGS4. The fiance loves MGS4, since I'm only actually playing the game for about 10 minutes out of every hour. So it's like watching a very long spy action movie.
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