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  • Exactly, luck!

    In one round of bf3, I blasted a tank with a RPG. Aiming down the sights hid a guy that was running up to me. After I saw him, I panicked and pressed 1 for my primary weapon, G36C. I held down the fire button and apparently, I had 1 bullet left and got a HS. Didn't even aim properly.
  • edited December 2011
    Best lucky shot I ever had was on Dust. I had the AWP and was on the T side of the ramp. My ENTIRE team collapsed in seconds, leaving me with a couple of kills, and five angry CT's. One comes around from T spawn, being clever, and I pop him in the chest. Another dude tries rushing the ramp, and I blow his legs off. Finally, the last three decide to rush out of the tunnel at me from the a straight line. BOOM, triple headshot. Adulation from the team, accusations of hacking from the enemy, and me saying "Seriously, it really was all luck."
    Then I died first in the next round.

    Best BF3 moment was a 16 kill streak on Metro - Conquest on a 64 player bazillion ticket server. I threw three grenades, getting two kills and then a triple kill while pushing out of the locker room area. Then, running down the stairs with my PKP and extra magazine size and holding the trigger until bullets ran out, I got ten kills one right after another. I blazed across the train tracks as my ammo ran out, whipped out my pistol, and blew away a sniper before I was finally taken out.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • My lucky shot was against bots in Quake 3. There was a fairly open space level with a variety of platforms and jump pads positioned all over the place to get between them. For whatever reason, I fired a rocket at one of the bots while it was mid-air between jump pad 1 and jump pad 2. Jump pad 2 shoots you up to platform 3. I knew the shot wouldn't hit anything, so I turned to the left and killed another bot, then looked up at the bot that had been jumping just to see the rocket make a direct hit with it while it was in the air from the bounce-back. Total luck, and while I'm sure a pro would actually have some idea of how to time that - it seemed rather insane to me.
  • @GreatTeacherMacRoss
    As long as there's a plethora of smoke and you have IR sight, your're good to go!

    The CTF map with jump pads to get from one base to the other was where I learnt to admire the Quake 3 announcer. I used the Railgun, just so I could hear him say
  • I've had some amazing kill moments.

    Once in BC2 Vietnam I knifed 6 guys in a row on Rush while on fire. There just happened to be a ton of Med boxes on the ground to keep me alive. Another time on of my AT mines took out a chopper full of enemies. I guess I had bouncing Betty mines because the chopper was fairly high up in the air.

    Best BF3 streak was 11, 10 of which were knife kills.
  • I'm still waiting for my big-break where I shoot down a heli with a RPG!

    Them: Get do da chappa!
    Me (in bushes): Bang! Vehicle disabled/destroyed

    Whatever works for me :D
  • I'm still waiting for my big-break where I shoot down a heli with a RPG!

    Them: Get do da chappa!
    Me (in bushes): Bang! Vehicle disabled/destroyed

    Whatever works for me :D
    One time I was playing as recon in BC2, and some noobsquad set down their chopper by Alpha on Heavy Metal. I set some C4 on it, hid, and waited for them to cap the point, at which point they soared off in the chopper. I watched the thing until it was just about at maximum height, and then detonated the C4. Quad kill, helicopter just fucking tumbled out of the sky over Bravo, aflame like a dying phoenix. I recapped the point and jumped in the 4x4 (the bumper primed with C4) to continue my work.

  • edited December 2011

    LOL! Well done. :D
    I pretty much play as Engineer, so I'm barely in the bushes taking cover and holding down spots.
    Post edited by Xiphias3 on
  • @WindUpBird

    LOL! Well done. :D
    I pretty much play as Engineer, so I'm barely in the bushes taking cover and holding down spots.
    I'm a Medic/Recon player. If I'm not blowing you to bits, I'm putting ya back together. ~_^

  • edited December 2011
    I also love screwing around with C4. Back in Battlefield 2, you could run around enemy spawn zones without getting auto-killed like you are now. I was the Spec Ops guy and kept every plane, chopper, and tank primed with C4 while the commander kept dropping supply crates in discreet locations. Every time a vehicle left the base and got to a capture point, everything exploded. It was glorious.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I am itching in playing Saints Row 3 with someone else to make the experience last, anyone interesting in starting a pure co-op campaign?
  • I am itching in playing Saints Row 3 with someone else to make the experience last, anyone interesting in starting a pure co-op campaign?
    I'd get it, but I don't even have a credit card. I hear the MP is really fun.Speaking of co-op, I should see if anyone would want to play bf3 together sometime.
  • I'm playing The Binding of Isaac. Gurdy and Chub are assholes.
  • You know, Brink is a pretty fun game, a solid shooter, quick and chaotic, and it does some interesting things, such as the ability to pick your own objectives, class based objectives, and so on - the so-easy-it-might-as-well-not-be-there unlock system is a nice touch, too - You'll have almost everything from the start, and the rest are unlocked by doing challenges that are designed to help you get better at the game, rather than rank-up bullshit. Sure, not the greatest game in the world, but it's certainly not bad, and considering it's on sale right now, it's definitely worth the price.
  • I'm playing The Binding of Isaac. Gurdy and Chub are assholes.
    Peep is the king of douchebaggery.

  • I'm playing The Binding of Isaac. Gurdy and Chub are assholes.
    Peep is the king of douchebaggery.

    Yeah, him too.
  • Peep is pretty easy once you have his pattern down.
  • No, Brink is not worth the price.
  • edited December 2011
    No, Brink is not worth the price.
    Did you play it, or are you band-wagoning? The game gets a hell of a lot of unjustified hate, just because it's not absolutely perfect - funnily enough, just like everything else on the internet. Every time it's mentioned, /r/gaming(or any other group of gamers) seems to turn into a snide mess, acting like it's worse than the infamous ET for the Atari 2600, but easily 3/4 of them have never even touched it, they just hear it was bad, and therefore didn't play, but are perfectly happy to dispense their expert opinion on how bad it is. Sure, It can be a little sterile and the story is garbage, it's no BF3, but it's solid enough, and it's fun.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Own it on 360.

    The smart movement system is awesome and I wish more games had it. The rest of the game is crap.
  • Own it on 360.

    The smart movement system is awesome and I wish more games had it. The rest of the game is crap.
    I bet one of your problems was playing a FPS on a console instead of PC :-p

  • Own it on 360.

    The smart movement system is awesome and I wish more games had it. The rest of the game is crap.
    I bet one of your problems was playing a FPS on a console instead of PC :-p

    You have it backwards.

    The problem with Brink is Brink itself. Controls are fine and you can play it for free on Steam this weekend. Go ahead, play it.

  • I would, but I'm too busy partying with the FRC at my house :-p
  • I would, but I'm too busy partying with the FRC at my house :-p
    The Visigoths are in town?
  • yea, it's my yearly, crew / locals mixer. The crew comes in for the weekend and Saturday night I have all my localish friends come and we have a huge party.
  • You have it backwards.

    The problem with Brink is Brink itself. Controls are fine and you can play it for free on Steam this weekend. Go ahead, play it.

    I've played it on both, and I rather prefer the PC version, but fair enough.
  • I really want a Dota 2 beta invite. Shit looks awesome.
  • I'm playing The Binding of Isaac. Gurdy and Chub are assholes.
    Peep is the king of douchebaggery.

    Wait 'til you fight the horsemen; "Death" is super annoying.
  • Rayman Origins is really fun with 4 people.
  • Heh heh, you think Peep's bad? Blastocyst can eat a dick.
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