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  • edited November 2011
    Resident Evil 4
    Mario Strikers
    Midway Arcade Classics - RAMPART
    Pac-Man vs.
    Soul Calibur 2
    Animal Crossing
    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

    B-Level games
    Pikmin 1/2
    Metroid Prime: 2
    Mario Party 4/5
    Mario Sunshine
    Wind Waker - just stop before the triforce collecting bit
    The DK Bongo games
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Because of that site I am going to go to Gamestop and pick up a couple more games this afternoon/evening.
    Man, all the Gamestops by me stopped carrying used Gamecube games :/
  • Because of that site I am going to go to Gamestop and pick up a couple more games this afternoon/evening.
    Man, all the Gamestops by me stopped carrying used Gamecube games :/

  • Man, the Cube really had some great goddamn games.

  • Man, the Cube really had some great goddamn games.

    GameCube itself did not sell well, relatively speaking. But almost everyone who bought a GameCube bought every one of those awesome games. Wii sold a fuckton. There are a hojillion Wiis. They can't sell a Wii game to save their lives.
  • They can't sell make a Wii game to save their lives.
  • Skyward Sword
  • Skyward Sword

  • edited November 2011
    Skyward Sword
    Now the sad part. Even in its first week of sales, Skyward Sword was still outperformed by Mario Kart Wii.

    Edit: Of course, Nintendo had a huge weekend thanks to Black Friday and such, so we'll see if those numbers don't jump up a little.

    The problem isn't that there are no good games on the Wii (though I'd agree the Cube still has a better catalog overall), the problem is that there are no good buyers.

    Unrelated, I kind of forgot that I finished Unwound Future over the Thanksgiving weekend. I'm really hoping that Last Specter is a step back up for the series, cause it's kind of getting old for me.
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • Resident Evil 4
    Mario Strikers
    Midway Arcade Classics - RAMPART
    Pac-Man vs.
    Soul Calibur 2
    Animal Crossing
    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

    B-Level games
    Pikmin 1/2
    Metroid Prime: 2
    Mario Party 4/5
    Mario Sunshine
    Wind Waker - just stop before the triforce collecting bit
    The DK Bongo games
    Midway Arcade Classics has Rampart?! SHIT! Gonna buy that one. I was also considering Pac-Man vs. and Mario Strikers.
    Alright, what are some must-have gamecube games? I know Wind Waker..
    Crystal Chronicles
    Four Swords
    Soul Calibur 2
    Wario Ware
    Mario Tennis
    All aside from Soul Caliber 2 are now on my list. I forgot about Wario Ware.
  • Finished Mass Effect 2 (Never played 1). Good game, but it was shorter than I expected.
  • I think it suffers from pacing issues that are caused by letting the player play much of it in any order they want. Kind of a reverse deus ex machina where the a problem to advance the plot comes out of nowhere with no warning.
  • I think it suffers from pacing issues that are caused by letting the player play much of it in any order they want. Kind of a reverse deus ex machina where the a problem to advance the plot comes out of nowhere with no warning.
    I really thought what turned out to be the final mission was going to be the midpoint of the game where the story was going to take an unexpected turn. I was disappointed.

    I look forward to ME3, but I'll wait till it's on sale. This didn't feel like a game I'd be happy paying 50-60 dollars for.
  • edited November 2011
    They can't sell make a Wii game to save their lives.
    Both Super Mario Galaxies.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • They can't sell make a Wii game to save their lives.
    Both Super Mario Galaxies.
  • edited November 2011
    Because of that site I am going to go to Gamestop and pick up a couple more games this afternoon/evening.
    Man, all the Gamestops by me stopped carrying used Gamecube games :/ is great for used games

    Also, is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time really a must-play? Not being derisive, honestly asking. I never played one but always wrote it off as most likely a B-game. If it's really standout, might have to add it to my list to go back and play one day.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Also, is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time really a must-play? Not being derisive, honestly asking. I never played one but always wrote it off as most likely a B-game. If it's really standout, might have to add it to my list to go back and play one day.
    If you only play one Prince of Persia game in your life, play some version of the original, but if you have room for two Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is great. The best in that trilogy at least. (And I'm saying that without playing the last one.)

  • Also, is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time really a must-play? Not being derisive, honestly asking. I never played one but always wrote it off as most likely a B-game. If it's really standout, might have to add it to my list to go back and play one day.
    Yes, but buy it during a Steam sale because it's cheaper and you'll have it forever and all that.
  • Sands of Time is most certainly worth YOUR time.

    I would not Say Eternal darkness is a MUST PLAY, but it was very impressive at the time and if you can find it cheap, why not.

    Beyond Good and Evil, while multiplatform, is a fantastic Cube game.

    OH SHIT, Rampart is on the Cube?? I have to find that!
  • Both Super Mario Galaxies...
    are both pretty amazing. What's your point?

  • Mario Kart 7 looks badass. Cursed 3DS, STOP TEMPTING ME.
  • Finished playing Battle Wings (B-WINGS), a game from my childhood. <3
  • Mario Kart 7 looks badass. Cursed 3DS, STOP TEMPTING ME.
    My only problem is that one of the 3 characters I used in Mario Kart Wii (Rosalina, King Boo, and Hitler) is not coming back in 7, and it's not the one you would expect.

    But you know what, you can make your own kart. I can live with one of my characters not being there.

  • Hitler isn't going to be in Mario Kart 7!? How dare they?
  • Finished Mass Effect 2 (Never played 1). Good game, but it was shorter than I expected.
    Took me 25 hrs. Not bad on Insane or whatever the penultimate difficulty was. Normal was waaaaaaaaaaayyyy to easy for me.
    Hitler isn't going to be in Mario Kart 7!? How dare they?
    Mario Kart still around? Maybe I should get a N64 emu and try out the one that runs on it. And maybe replay Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

    Hopefully If/when I get a new PS2 lens, i can continue DOA2: Hardcore. Even though my hand-eye co-ordination is poor, I still like it (until I toss the controller aside).
  • edited December 2011
    Mario Kart still around? Maybe I should get a N64 emu and try out the one that runs on it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Because I can't be arsed finding the counterstrike thread, here's eleven minutes of footage from the beta.

  • Oh Counter Strike, such fond then horrific memories. As my paranoia/anxiety developed to epic proportions, I had to stop playing these games regularly. I remember an AVA moment quite vividly:

    We were playing demolitions and I was on the defending/defuse team. I was at the bomb location, defending the bomb. I just happened to press the Tab key and realized all my team-mates were dead. Anxiety sky-rocketed! I then took out 2 guys and apparently 1 was left. Suddenly, I saw one of my team mates say "You have 10 bullets! Grab my AK, but its your call" Dude was talking to me like I was a pro and at that moment my hear was a fucking machine gun. I jumped around looking for his AK, then decided to not bother. I made the right choice chosing a particular. The enemy appeared and I took him out with those last 10 bullets in the M4. I breathed a wicked sigh of relief.

    My team mates were like "GJ!" and "Pro!" But clearly it was mostly luck, as one of the enemies TeePeeGee1 said, "He's a noob!"

    Pressure, son! I cant handle it. It ruins my barely existing hand-eye co-ordination. No respawn rounds aren't my thing; too much pressure. So I play only game modes where people don't watch my screen in win/lose anticipation and expectation.
  • I forget the map name. It's the one with the castles and the courtyards and the sundial and shit. I was T. I was last alive against three. Somehow miraculously killed two, and had almost no health left. Found the dropped bomb and was bringing it back to a spot. Was way nervous and was looking around. I looked to the right and saw the last enemy coming through the tunnel. Clicked once, deagle headshot, game win. Got accused of hacks. I would have accused me of hacks as well. 100% luck.
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