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  • Nier has a god tier soundtrack. I prefer this version of the song:
  • NieR is a game where I love everything about it except the actual gameplay.
  • Seems about right.
  • edited March 2012
    Alternating between Resident Evil: Revelations and Darksiders. Revelations is pretty good. It's a modern Resident Evil in every way, on a handheld. Kind of wish it wasn't episodic but at the same time it makes it easy to pick up for an hour at a time.

    Darksiders... holy shit how did I miss this game when it came out? It's such a blatant Zelda clone but at the same time it improves on the formula so much. Really liking the combo system and the spin they've put on some of the classic staple items (boomerang, hookshot, etc). The art style reeks of cheesy 90s indie comics and I love it.

    Avoiding Mass Effect 3 like the plague. It seems like such a rushed, soulless cash grab, and all the controversies over stock photo use and ripping off of people's deviantarts don't help that image. Bioware has been dead to me since Dragon Age 2.
    Post edited by Doctor Barber on
  • Bioware has been dead to me since Dragon Age 2.
    I've never liked any Bioware game ever.
  • edited March 2012
    Bioware has been dead to me since Dragon Age 2.
    I've never liked any Bioware game ever.
    Not even Baldur's Gate huh? Actually, makes sense, you guys hating D&D and all.
    Post edited by Doctor Barber on
  • edited March 2012
    I've never liked anything ever.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • What exactly is it that people like about ME? I enjoyed the first game to a certain extent but the second one I thought was just boring. It was just a subpar third person shooter with boring character interactions IMO.
    I'm really just into the role playing itself. I got very invested in my Shepard and crafting her own personal narrative. I stopped thinking about just trying to be good or evil and started to think about how my Shepard would react. I grew to love the characters through Shepard's eyes and really started caring for (most) them on an almost emotional level (I hated Ashley and am almost completely ambivalent towards Jacob and Miranda, but I adore Garrus, Tali, Wrex, to some extent Jack, and the love of my Shepard's life, Liara). To me, Mass Effect is a very personal experience, so that's why I keep playing.

  • What exactly is it that people like about ME? I enjoyed the first game to a certain extent but the second one I thought was just boring. It was just a subpar third person shooter with boring character interactions IMO.
    I'm really just into the role playing itself. I got very invested in my Shepard and crafting her own personal narrative. I stopped thinking about just trying to be good or evil and started to think about how my Shepard would react. I grew to love the characters through Shepard's eyes and really started caring for (most) them on an almost emotional level (I hated Ashley and am almost completely ambivalent towards Jacob and Miranda, but I adore Garrus, Tali, Wrex, to some extent Jack, and the love of my Shepard's life, Liara). To me, Mass Effect is a very personal experience, so that's why I keep playing.

    Ok that makes sense. I hated all the characters so maybe that was why I didn't have as strong an experience with it.
  • Bioware has been dead to me since Dragon Age 2.
    I've never liked any Bioware game ever.
    Not even Baldur's Gate huh? Actually, makes sense, you guys hating D&D and all.
    You mean the game where you constantly have to jam on the space bar to "pause" combat? Why couldn't they just make it turn based like Advance Wars!
  • You mean the game where you constantly have to jam on the space bar to "pause" combat? Why couldn't they just make it turn based like Advance Wars!
    Wat? You can totally play it turn based. It's right there in the option menu. It's the preferred way to play the game.

  • What exactly is it that people like about ME? I enjoyed the first game to a certain extent but the second one I thought was just boring. It was just a subpar third person shooter with boring character interactions IMO.
    I'm really just into the role playing itself. I got very invested in my Shepard and crafting her own personal narrative. I stopped thinking about just trying to be good or evil and started to think about how my Shepard would react. I grew to love the characters through Shepard's eyes and really started caring for (most) them on an almost emotional level (I hated Ashley and am almost completely ambivalent towards Jacob and Miranda, but I adore Garrus, Tali, Wrex, to some extent Jack, and the love of my Shepard's life, Liara). To me, Mass Effect is a very personal experience, so that's why I keep playing.

    Ok that makes sense. I hated all the characters so maybe that was why I didn't have as strong an experience with it.
    My Shepard is Clint Eastwood.
  • I imagine the actual Clint Eastwood challenging people to duels and whatnot in the ME universe.
  • Mass Effect 3's ending was...Good, if not bittersweet. I don't understand the rage all that much.
  • I'm about sixteen hours into Mass Effect 3. Bioware just made me cry. I, for one, am invested in these characters.
  • There is a lot of hate going on about those endings, but the haters don't know what they are talking about and are just burnt because it didn't end in 100% puppies and rainbows.
  • I've been steadily increasing my Dota 2 skills over the past week. I've also started the first Mass Effect, being hella behind on the series.
  • I just started playing Jasper's Journeys which I got in one of the Humble Bundles a while back, and its quite a bit more fun. I really feels a lot like the old PC platformers from the 90's. Its worth checking out, especially if you already got it in the bundle and didn't look at it twice like me.
  • Tried the Rayman HD demo and it's fun, but they give you a section from a random point in the game so, while it's easy enough to get from A to B, trying to get the special coins takes a while while you get the controls down.

    One problem with learning this is that Rayman's momentum changes very abruptly. Running at full speed into a kick will stop you almost completely.
  • edited March 2012
    HOLY HELL, FINISHED METAL GEAR SOLID 4 FINALLY! The story was confusing and the acting was overdone, but the ending was actually pretty good. I've never mashed triangle so hard in my life.

    Also, over an hour of cut scenes at the end. Wowee.

    Ok, back to Mass Effect 3.

    Also, I think I'm done with Jagged Alliance 2 after what... 14 years? I've equipped my 20 odd mercenaries with a wide variety of weapons and armor... honed their skills and my tactics to a razor edge... even made sure to equip a few for special missions like night ops (a full squad of them) and fire support (MGs and a mortar). Each squad had a doctor, mechanic/lockpick, sniper and at least 1 LAW...

    ...and in the last city, the first battle includes 3 tanks. I think I'm done.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Got the new SSX for PS3. It's nice having a new SSX game, but I wish they would ditch all the XTREME extraneous bullshit and just let me snowboard. I don't want to worry about armor, or lack of oxygen, just let me do tricks. Also, there should be no dying in a snowboard game... none... ever.

    Overall, I have mixed feelings about this game. On the one hand, it's a lot of fun and it's great to be playing SSX again, on the other, they saddled the game with all this extra stuff that I don't care about, trying to make it hardcore.
  • Mass Effect 2 will no longer play for me at all. I've tried two different copies on two different 360's and on all occasions it freezes on the first loading screen after the menu. I think it's my save file, so I'm going to not try to play Mass Effect for a while as so that I don't burst a blood vessel out of sheer unadulterated rage.
  • Got the new SSX for PS3. It's nice having a new SSX game, but I wish they would ditch all the XTREME extraneous bullshit and just let me snowboard. I don't want to worry about armor, or lack of oxygen, just let me do tricks. Also, there should be no dying in a snowboard game... none... ever.

    Overall, I have mixed feelings about this game. On the one hand, it's a lot of fun and it's great to be playing SSX again, on the other, they saddled the game with all this extra stuff that I don't care about, trying to make it hardcore.
    The thing that really bothers me about SSX is that I got burned hard with the one after SXX 3 (one of my favorite games ever) and I've got a hard time trusting them again. That it at least seems to be a decent game is great news to me.
  • Devil Survivor 2 on the DS. It's just more of the same. Which is fine by me.

    Good, not great.
  • edited March 2012
    I know the game came out a while ago, but I just finished "To the Moon". 99% story, 1% game; but I love it SO much. I'm very much a fan of the story line; the music is fantastic, and the overall structure of the story-telling process is really effective leading to a surprising solution. Two thumbs-up.
    Post edited by remix3211 on
  • Tried Arkham City on new game plus but that game can't do hard. Loosing the flashing prompts makes how sloppy the combat is really stand out. They also amp up the enemies' health.
  • edited March 2012
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Not sure what that is.
  • Bought and played through Journey last night. The feel and flow of the game is very much like Flower (duh, made by the same people), but adding in the possibility of playing the game with other random people makes a significant difference that is kind of hard to explain. It's uniquely satisfying and pleasant traveling with someone else, especially when you try to communicate. It's like interacting with random people in other cars on a highway, but with the knowledge that they are going to the same destination as you are.

    Aside from that the graphics and world are fantastic too, definitely worth playing again just to view the scale of the landscape. It gives that same world feel that Shadow of the Colossus, and to a lesser degree Ico, does.
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