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  • edited March 2012
    Bought and played through Journey last night. The feel and flow of the game is very much like Flower (duh, made by the same people), but adding in the possibility of playing the game with other random people makes a significant difference that is kind of hard to explain. It's uniquely satisfying and pleasant traveling with someone else, especially when you try to communicate. It's like interacting with random people in other cars on a highway, but with the knowledge that they are going to the same destination as you are.

    Aside from that the graphics and world are fantastic too, definitely worth playing again just to view the scale of the landscape. It gives that same world feel that Shadow of the Colossus, and to a lesser degree Ico, does.
    Everything I have heard and seen about this game (which is, admittedly, not a ton), just rants and raves about the graphics and multiplayer mechanic. What about the actual gameplay itself? The videos that I've seen make it look really minimalistic, which is disappointing to me. Do you see it as something you'll be playing a month from now for the gameplay, or just for the scenery?
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Everything I have heard and seen about this game (which is, admittedly, not a ton), just rants and raves about the graphics and multiplayer mechanic. What about the actual gameplay itself? The videos that I've seen make it look really minimalistic, which is disappointing to me. Do you see it as something you'll be playing a month from now for the gameplay, or just for the scenery?
    The gameplay is pretty minimalistic, and that's not really the draw for me. It is much more the scenery and experience. The gameplay is really just a platformer with two buttons (jump/fly and action/communicate), which is only a little more complex than Flower was. There are some simple stealth sections later on that I didn't expect, but otherwise it is exploring, activating things to open paths, and following various guides.
  • The Penny Arcade Report did an article about it.

    I linked it in the Video Games Offer thread a while ago.
  • Not sure what that is.
    Looks like Burnout Paradise City.
  • Ah, so it does. Also, Churba is currently playing Nuclear Dawn.
  • Ah, so it does. Also, Churba is currently playing Nuclear Dawn.
    Well, downloading, but I will be shortly, yes.
  • Nuclear Dawn.
    Bought that a while ago from an Indie Royale thing, but I haven't played it yet.
  • Anyone know of a good plugin I can use in single-player Minecraft to get CreativeStick? I've found what I think might work, but I can't locate any plugin folder to put the file in.
  • edited March 2012
    Nuclear Dawn isn't the best game in the world, but I've been quite enjoying it. It's definitely a fun FPS, even if it doesn't do anything really groundbreaking as a FPS. It does combine the FPS/RTS thing quite well.

    Definitely do the trainings. Each class has special stuff that you'll need to learn about.

    I haven't had huge amounts of time to pour into games recently, aside from the sick day on Monday, so really it's been lots of smaller games and stuff I can play quickly. So Nuclear Dawn fits the bill, as do some Source mods (For some reason, Battlegrounds has grabbed me... Revolutionary war FPS).
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • It seems to me (still haven't played the game) that Nuclear Dawn tried to do the Natural Selection thing, but they pretended that it had never been done before.
  • It does combine the FPS/RTS thing quite well.
    Did you ever play the 1998 remake of Battlezone? That was the best execution of an FPS/RTS I have played, although there have not been all that many of those to compare to.

  • image
    I'm gonna take you down in Paradise City.

  • It does combine the FPS/RTS thing quite well.
    Did you ever play the 1998 remake of Battlezone? That was the best execution of an FPS/RTS I have played, although there have not been all that many of those to compare to.

    Have you NOT played NS?
  • edited March 2012
    It does combine the FPS/RTS thing quite well.
    Did you ever play the 1998 remake of Battlezone? That was the best execution of an FPS/RTS I have played, although there have not been all that many of those to compare to.

    I did, actually. Loved it. This is more like Natural Selection than that, though, as it's completely multiplayer and doesn't actually combine the two using a clever UI.

    Instead one person plays the commander, building things and issuing orders via voice chat or what have you. The rest are various grunts.

    Where it differs from NS is that the two sides are more or less congruent. So a bit less clever, but well balanced if you like shooting things with guns. The gun play feels pretty solid, the unlocks are useful, the various classes are each useful (I think it's interesting that two separate classes get sniper rifles, and they each end up playing very differently), and the RTS aspect seems to be well implemented from a grunt POV. I haven't played as a commander yet, though.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I was talking to canine.
  • As was I. Editing my post to clarify.
  • edited March 2012
    It does combine the FPS/RTS thing quite well.
    Did you ever play the 1998 remake of Battlezone? That was the best execution of an FPS/RTS I have played, although there have not been all that many of those to compare to.

    Have you NOT played NS?
    I have, I think I need to reword that. Battlezone (1998 remake) is the best single player FPS/RTS I have played but while the multiplayer was good, to an extent, it does not come close to NS. So I do have to correct that and say it is probably the second best FPS/RTS I have played. I will say that is hard to compare the 2 as they implement their blend of the two genres in different ways. I would argue that FPS fans would prefer how Natural Selection handles it more and RTS fans would prefer Battlezone.

    EDIT: Actually I retract that. I think it had the potential to be better for more RTS oriented fans but with their multiplayer only have a couple modes that focused on RTS at all and its horrible sequel that killed any chance of the franchise continuing I disagree with that.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Finally getting around to playing Portal 2. It's really good guys!
  • I played as much nuclear dawn as I could get away with, and in the end, I didn't buy it, despite really rather liking it, as I pretty much never saw an Australian game going.
  • I'm getting around to playing Mass Effect, the first one, finally. All of the stink being raised makes me more curious than I probably should be.

    Dungeon Defenders still seems to consume way too much time. Grinding sucks but grinding with friends can be fun.

    Also, I liked Nuclear Dawn, but it's hard to get experience as the commander/builder without pissing off some 20 people at once and listening to them screaming for your blood is a bit off putting.
  • ^^^^^ This fine specimen has it right. I don't play commander because I don't want a bunch of pissed off 20 somethings yelling at me.
  • Alright, so I'm taking a break from Mass Effect 3 (really, I just don't want it to end) in order to play some other games. Here's the breakdown currently:

    Starfarer - Pretty good top-down starship combat thingy. Very fun. There's a Star Wars mod out already that is fantastic.

    Warhammer 40k - Not PC or Console or anything, but I've gotten back into 40k. I know, I know. I hate money.

    Hell: After The End - It's a text game (MOO or MUX or whatever). I cannot stress this enough though: IT WILL OFFEND YOU. Within a few hours of starting the game I'd beaten an orphan to death, relived a nuclear apocalypse (which is their chargen), and done a few other unspeakable things. However, if you have a dark sense of humor it's hilarious. Also, the combat is incredibly well-done and the entire thing is simply polished. It's easy to get into, and very little (or no) grinding is required.
  • ^^^^^ This fine specimen has it right. I don't play commander because I don't want a bunch of pissed off 20 somethings yelling at me.
    I do a very similar thing in NS - I'm USELESS at RTS games. I have no fucking clue what I'm doing as the commander. So I stick to running around and shooting things in the face, since I at least know what I'm doing with that. Not because anyone will yell at me - though my interactions with the NS community so far have been a mix of helpful people and absolute wankers - but simply because me taking that position would fuck the entire team. Better I just run about with my gun/teeth, and do what I'm better at.

  • edited March 2012
    Finally decided to get ME and ME2 from that Origin sale so I'm playing Poop Shepard. And GODDAMN DARK SOULS. I forget how much I like this game until I get like half way and things start to ramp up in difficulty.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Mass Effect 3 is so awesome and sad :(
  • Just beat Mass Effect 3. It was great.
  • What are some good Xbox 360 console games? My father wants to buy something, but he doesn't know what to buy. The games that we have right now are GTA:IV, Halo 3, the newest Call of Duty, Fable 3, and Left for Dead. He has no preferences on what he actually wants, he just wants "something good".

    Here are some that I though of off the bat:
    Skyrim? (I know he didn't like Morrowind, so...)
    Mass Effect
    Dead Space
    Fallout III

    Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  • There is only one game you need on the XBox 360

    Pac-Man CE DX
  • edited March 2012
    There is only one game you need on the XBox 360

    Pac-Man CE DX
    This, also get Fallout 3. Not sure why but old folks like Fallout 3 a lot. When you hear him bitching about not being able to kill kids you will know you have a winner.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • The atmosphere of Dead Space can be quite nice. If he likes Sci-Fi I would say give that a go. The controls are not too crazy. Fairly easy to pick up.
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