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    There is no way for me to accurately relay how much amazing shit I have jammed into my eyeballs since that game came out. GOOD LORD. Let me hit the highlights.

    1. Awesome story is awesome. I'm impressed by how much they are willing to break status quo.
    2. The AI is probably the most devilish and smartest I've ever encountered. They make the guys in FEAR look like bumbling fools, and the added complexity from the abilities and shields and stuff make for fantastically complex shooty gameplay.
    3. Multiplayer is dangerously fun.
    4. Banshees can take the express train to hell. Combat Engineers can build said train.
  • QUESTION - Does it still make that super-satisfying "BWANG" noise when you drop an armored/helmeted enemy with a sniper rifle+headshot?
  • So I just saw this in update release notes:
    - Readjustment of certain realistic payloads ammunition for armored cars (20-30mm).
    - The minimum range for at least 1 AP damage is reduced: small AP will now have to approach much closer to inflict damage.
    - Fixed issue likely to hit is too high, affecting units level 3 and 4.

    - Availability of Chasseur FAMAS decreases from 32 to 20.
    - Availability of the Legion FAMAS decreases from 16 to 12.
    - Availability of 2e FAMAS REP decreases from 12 to 8.
    - The accuracy of Canon XM-150 of the MBT-70 decreases from 9 to 7.
    - Cost of KPZ 70 has decreased by 5 deployment points.
    - The speed of the UH-1M gunship increases from 175 km/h to 300 km/h. (error that does not take into account the new engines, such as UH-1D).
    - Increased the M150 RoF to put on an equal footing with other vehicles to load external ATGM.
    - Cost of UH-1C Heavy Hog has decreased by 5 deployment points.
    - Cost of UH-1M Gunship has decreased by 5 deployment points.
    - M551 Sheridan Speed increases by 5 km/h.
    - M551A1 Sheridan Speed increases by 5 km/h.
    - Improved optical M551 Sheridan to Normal.
    - Improved optical M551A1 Sheridan to Normal.
    This makes Wargame: European Escalation sound incredible. I can't figure out what it IS though. Is it a turn based game? Is it akin to a cardboard chit and counter wargame? Is it a RTS?
  • I'm at a program meeting in Gainsville, VA, which means...Angry Birds. All day. Every day.

    Shoot me now.
  • edited March 2012
    WEE is a real time tactics game on the battalion level. It's a bit of RUSE mixed with World in Conflict. Key aspects of the game are maneuvering, recon, and proper army composition. A major keypoint of the game is the ability to define your available unit choices in any game through a deck of units you get to chose. There is a ridiculous number of units the game, but you can only have 25 units (plus their variants) available to you in any given match. This allows you to customize your deck to your play style.

    I love the game because it requires a minimal amount of micro and really emphasizes maneuver warfare combined with proper recon. Additionally, you have to maintain supply lines to your front line troops to replenish their ammunition and fuel. Otherwise your major tank push could stall halfway across the map in a wide open field.

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I loved World in Conflict, didn't try RUSE. It sounds like this might be right up my alley. I'll have to see if there's a demo to give it a shot before plunking down the cash. Toying with unit composition sounds insanely awesome to me. I love picking out the proper units for a particular mission. Maneuver tactics are also really interesting, although I don't know much about it. I'm starting to learn more through airsoft though, strangely enough. Infantry squad-level at least.
  • Lots of SFxT. I thinks it's on par with SSF4, and miles better then MvC3. It's got a lot of depth for a fighter and the character roster is pretty nuts. The Tekken characters fit suprisingly well. My biggest complaint is for the online matching. That part is really really bad. I think it's easier to start an arcade match to get into an online fight.

    The game mechanics are easier in ways but harder then others. For example: Super moves a easier to pull off*1 and can be "charged up" instead of using your EX meter. But it's really easy to read and leave you wide open for a counter.

    Launchers and launcher combos are something I need to start timing better. The same goes for cross counters. Knowing when and how to tag is vital to this game. Pandora mode is interesting. I've used it to set myself up with a full EX meter to start the next round and it's let me pull a W out of a loosing match. It's a risky gambit that can pay off. I wouldn't rely on it, but don't be afraid to pull it out once and a while.

    *1: It's one motion with 3 buttons instead of a double motion with 3 buttons to do a super, and EX movies only require 2 buttons instead of 3.
  • Started a new character on Dark Souls
  • Started a new character on Dark Souls
    Well whaddya know, I did the same thing recently. Trying out a dex-scaling parryguy. It's definitely not what I'm used to, but it is so damn satisfying to land those parry counters. Parrying Dagger is where it's at.
  • Started a new character on Dark Souls
    Which type of character are you going for? I just beat the 4 Kings. Now I'm trying to gear up a bit before I take on the library.
  • Started a new character on Dark Souls
    Well whaddya know, I did the same thing recently. Trying out a dex-scaling parryguy. It's definitely not what I'm used to, but it is so damn satisfying to land those parry counters. Parrying Dagger is where it's at.
    Parrying at Dark Souls is a joke. Sick twisted cruel joke. You think to yourself "I can do this, I have fought this guy hundred times I know the timing, I can parry this" and next thing you know is that there is a pointy thing stuck to your abdomen.

    Two things that kill in Dark Souls over confidence and panic. Being too afraid or not afraid enough.

  • edited March 2012
    My first guy was a mishmash of Dex, Vit, End who I am sort of giving up on since combat is becoming somewhat difficult. I made a Pyromancer, which I'm not really sure if I'm going to boost pyro at all but the char will definitely be better built.

    Edit: By difficult, I mean I'm a more offensive player and my character is becoming much more defensive and I don't like it.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • My first guy was a mishmash of Dex, Vit, End who I am sort of giving up on since combat is becoming somewhat difficult. I made a Pyromancer, which I'm not really sure if I'm going to boost pyro at all but the char will definitely be better built.

    Edit: By difficult, I mean I'm a more offensive player and my character is becoming much more defensive and I don't like it.
    My current (and this far only) guy is Dex, End, Vit focus and it has worked on me pretty well. Dark souls is one game where I don't mind being defensive sitting behind my shield to wait for the moment to strike.

  • QUESTION - Does it still make that super-satisfying "BWANG" noise when you drop an armored/helmeted enemy with a sniper rifle+headshot?
    Gods, yes. Also, head explosions.

  • edited March 2012
    My first guy was a mishmash of Dex, Vit, End who I am sort of giving up on since combat is becoming somewhat difficult. I made a Pyromancer, which I'm not really sure if I'm going to boost pyro at all but the char will definitely be better built.

    Edit: By difficult, I mean I'm a more offensive player and my character is becoming much more defensive and I don't like it.
    The thing about Pyromancy is, you don't even need all that much Int for it to be effective, you just need to keep upgrading your flame. Though, I think they might have added Int scaling to the flame with that most recent patch or something? I forget, I've mostly done melee with spells and bows as rarely-used backup. My main guy wound up as a heavy-armor spearman who later turned to axes when spears just weren't cutting it anymore. He's currently in the Lord's Archives and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get to Seath.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • edited March 2012
    My current (and this far only) guy is Dex, End, Vit focus and it has worked on me pretty well. Dark souls is one game where I don't mind being defensive sitting behind my shield to wait for the moment to strike.

    Yeah I could definitely fix my char I just don't really want to put in the time to do so. I started boosting str and dex really early for weapons but I wanted a dex char. so I started to add more to dex and started to keep up with endurance to hit a lot but tried to compensate with heavier armor to make up for vit while I built that up because my end was still low. So now he is just annoyingly imbalanced.

    Now that I know what I want I'm just going to shoot straight for that.

    circle (maybe dodge) and attack. And now I can pelt fire at bosses.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Mass Effect 3 is excellent, by the way. I'm loving the multiplayer, and Single Player is amazing, as usual.
  • QUESTION - Does it still make that super-satisfying "BWANG" noise when you drop an armored/helmeted enemy with a sniper rifle+headshot?
    Gods, yes. Also, head explosions.

    Thank Christ for that. I'd miss it after the ME2 binge I've been on to refresh myself for ME3. Infiltrator all the way, yo. I can also only assume they've enhanced the meaty "Splutch" sound you get on unarmored enemies, too.

    Seriously, I'm loving just cruising around like a boss with my Enormous anti-materiel rifle. The only problem I have is thus - What dumbass goes into combat with only fourteen rounds?

  • QUESTION - Does it still make that super-satisfying "BWANG" noise when you drop an armored/helmeted enemy with a sniper rifle+headshot?
    Gods, yes. Also, head explosions.
    Thank Christ for that. I'd miss it after the ME2 binge I've been on to refresh myself for ME3. Infiltrator all the way, yo. I can also only assume they've enhanced the meaty "Splutch" sound you get on unarmored enemies, too.

    Seriously, I'm loving just cruising around like a boss with my Enormous anti-materiel rifle. The only problem I have is thus - What dumbass goes into combat with only fourteen rounds?
    OMG YES. Seriously, I hate that. Why can't we have the 40 something rounds that the Viper Sniper rifle has? And, about the Viper rifle, What the hell kind of rifle can't drop an unarmored enemy with a headshot? Why does it need three to do em in?

  • edited March 2012
    QUESTION - Does it still make that super-satisfying "BWANG" noise when you drop an armored/helmeted enemy with a sniper rifle+headshot?
    Gods, yes. Also, head explosions.
    Thank Christ for that. I'd miss it after the ME2 binge I've been on to refresh myself for ME3. Infiltrator all the way, yo. I can also only assume they've enhanced the meaty "Splutch" sound you get on unarmored enemies, too.

    Seriously, I'm loving just cruising around like a boss with my Enormous anti-materiel rifle. The only problem I have is thus - What dumbass goes into combat with only fourteen rounds?
    OMG YES. Seriously, I hate that. Why can't we have the 40 something rounds that the Viper Sniper rifle has? And, about the Viper rifle, What the hell kind of rifle can't drop an unarmored enemy with a headshot? Why does it need three to do em in?

    Wait 'til you get the Geth Sniper Rifle, the Javelin. Slow to shoot, but I've seen it take out a full shield and 75% of someone's health in a single shot. My Soldier is currently running the full Geth arsenal: Geth Pulse Rifle, Geth Plasma Shotgun, and Javelin.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • QUESTION - Does it still make that super-satisfying "BWANG" noise when you drop an armored/helmeted enemy with a sniper rifle+headshot?
    Gods, yes. Also, head explosions.
    Thank Christ for that. I'd miss it after the ME2 binge I've been on to refresh myself for ME3. Infiltrator all the way, yo. I can also only assume they've enhanced the meaty "Splutch" sound you get on unarmored enemies, too.

    Seriously, I'm loving just cruising around like a boss with my Enormous anti-materiel rifle. The only problem I have is thus - What dumbass goes into combat with only fourteen rounds?
    OMG YES. Seriously, I hate that. Why can't we have the 40 something rounds that the Viper Sniper rifle has? And, about the Viper rifle, What the hell kind of rifle can't drop an unarmored enemy with a headshot? Why does it need three to do em in?

    Wait 'til you get the Geth Sniper Rifle, the Javelin. Slow to shoot, but I've seen it take out a full shield and 75% of someone's health in a single shot. My Soldier is currently running the full Geth arsenal: Geth Pulse Rifle, Geth Plasma Shotgun, and Javelin.
    I'm not sure that's beating my current rifle and character build - with the Widow, I'm killing just about anything in one hit, provided I get a headshot. The exceptions? Some Krogan, Scions, and Geth Prime - All of which I kill in two shots. Benifits of being an Infiltrator, I guess.
  • I'm not that far into the main game because I literally look and everything and talk to everyone. Beating the hell out of that tabloid reporter again was awesome.

    Incidentally, is anyone having trouble connecting to friends when they invite you to multiplayer? A friend and I couldn't get the game to work, and would get stuck at the "joining game" screen regardless of who started the game and who did the inviting.
  • I do the same thing. I've talked to everyone and have read everything in the journal. The dude who narrates that codex is awesome.

    So I haven't even made it off the Citadel the first time yet.
  • Man, I really need to set aside some more time for video gaming. I just thought about it and in the month of February all I ever got to was 2 levels of Dead Space 1 (which I have been slowly playing through since Jan 2010, holy crap), a few levels of Rock of Ages, and a few levels of Sonic Generations.

    On the plus side I did start watching through Cowboy Bebop for the first time ever, so maybe it's just not vidja game season.
  • edited March 2012
    Note: one of the super-expensive guns in ME3 is called the Black Widow - It's a Widow, but semi-automatic. Yeah.

    Also, ohmygosh Masseffect ohmygosh this is just constantly awesome.

    Also, we might want to post our Origin handles so that we can get together for multiplayer. I'm linkigi, as always.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • What exactly is it that people like about ME? I enjoyed the first game to a certain extent but the second one I thought was just boring. It was just a subpar third person shooter with boring character interactions IMO.
  • I should really finish ME2 already. (by which I mean actually jump through the Omega Gate. Not sure how much game happens after that.)
  • Yeah, Linkigi and I are already on Origin. I think my mic works, so we shout get everyone together for multiplayer. I'm not going back to my single-player game 'til I get my galactic readiness up to 100%. Not that I need it for my effective military strength, but...
  • So I started playing Nier today.

    I'm... I'm just gonna leave this on loop for the rest of the night.
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