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  • I played some Airmech. Very good game. Great controls. You wouldn't even know it's an Alpha, and it works so nice in Chrome with native client. Great job.

    Except they used the free to play Gunbound business model, so the whole thing is ruined.
  • Just buy T.E.C 3001 if you have an Xbox 360. It's only like two dollars on the indie game channel.
  • Seems like a horizontal version of AaAaaAaAAA!!!
  • You can't buy Tec 3001 outside of America. It sucks. I filled a bug to MS. Don't think they fixed it yet.
  • I am playing Xenoblade Chronicles. It is pretty ballsy :O
  • I played some Airmech. Very good game. Great controls. You wouldn't even know it's an Alpha, and it works so nice in Chrome with native client. Great job.

    Except they used the free to play Gunbound business model, so the whole thing is ruined.

    I'ma still fucking play it. I don't care. I want robots that turn into planes, dammit!
  • Been playing a lot of Mount & Blade: Warband mods. Not bad at all.
  • I've been playing this game way too fucking much. So much fun, though.


    Golden God is the achievement for getting every item minus one (due to a glitch in item counting.) I am pleased either way.

  • More ArmA2 vids. You can't beat a game that gives you moments like this. This is a PvP mission where BLUFOR had to patrol a road in the jungle and OPFOR performs an amazing ambush.

  • More ArmA2 vids. You can't beat a game that gives you moments like this. This is a PvP mission where BLUFOR had to patrol a road in the jungle and OPFOR performs an amazing ambush.
    Wow, that was incredible. How many people were on the server at that point?

  • Between 50-60 people, so about thirty on each side. Maybe more though, not sure on the specifics.
  • Between 50-60 people, so about thirty on each side. Maybe more though, not sure on the specifics.
    Well then. Looks like I'm going to be looking into getting involved with that in addition to Mount and Musket.
  • Taleworlds is releasing Mount and Musket as an expansion in the near future. It's got a ton more units and such along with general improvements. It's funny, seeing as how my group is pretty much the reason why that mod was so popular.
  • Yeah, I've latched onto a group in M&M recently, just as that mod was announced. Now I can't wait for Thursday.
  • Playing BF3 and an awesome effect happened by accident. Due to a glitch, all the game's audio cut out for a split second and there was the sound of a grenade hitting the ground, then all the sound came back.
  • In the same game of BF3 - Upside: We got to play with the internet-famous Fhr0pe. Downside: I'm still the worst BF3 player IN THE WORLD.
  • In the same game of BF3 - Upside: We got to play with the internet-famous Fhr0pe. Downside: I'm still the worst BF3 player IN THE WORLD.
    I can almost guarantee that I am worse.

  • edited April 2012
    In the same game of BF3 - Upside: We got to play with the internet-famous Fhr0pe. Downside: I'm still the worst BF3 player IN THE WORLD.
    I can almost guarantee that I am worse.
    You have not yet see the almost cartoonish amounts of failure I feature prominently in. I would almost say I'm the Bad Luck Brian of BF3, but that title goes to anyone who lingers close to me for long enough that my aura of shitness starts to infect them. That's right - Ammo boxes have a bullet aura, Health crates have a healing aura, I have a terribleness aura.

    That said, I still enjoy the game, most of the time, because it's not unusual for me to just start goofing off and doing stupid shit. Like using the M98B like a carbine, My Sniper shotgun with underslung shotgun Assault class, Hunting snipers down with the EOD bot, or running people over with a jeep...On the top of a mountain.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Has anyone played Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery?
  • In the same game of BF3 - Upside: We got to play with the internet-famous Fhr0pe. Downside: I'm still the worst BF3 player IN THE WORLD.
    I can almost guarantee that I am worse.
    You have not yet see the almost cartoonish amounts of failure I feature prominently in. I would almost say I'm the Bad Luck Brian of BF3, but that title goes to anyone who lingers close to me for long enough that my aura of shitness starts to infect them. That's right - Ammo boxes have a bullet aura, Health crates have a healing aura, I have a terribleness aura.

    That said, I still enjoy the game, most of the time, because it's not unusual for me to just start goofing off and doing stupid shit. Like using the M98B like a carbine, My Sniper shotgun with underslung shotgun Assault class, Hunting snipers down with the EOD bot, or running people over with a jeep...On the top of a mountain.
    I have a friend who appears to have this terrible aura, but it really only manifests when he gets into vehicles. Every vehicle he gets into almost immediately explodes. There was a game where he was testing this hypothesis, we have gathered enough information to call this a theory.

  • edited April 2012
    I gave Soldner: Secret Wars a shot last night for around an hour or so. There was only one server populated, with around 12 people. Here's my 3 word review:

    Poor man's Arma.

    I didn't want to plunk down any cash for Arma 2 without having an actual group to play with, and Soldner seemed a bit more casual. It's okay, though. Not great. I like the wide variety of guns/vehicles but kind of hate how useless infantry is when everyone can spawn any vehicle they want for free. It turned the entire game into "spawn a helicopter or AA".
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Has anyone played Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery?
    Everything I've seen about it says that it is very good and an "audio visual experience". I'm guessing if you like things like Flower or Asura's Wrath you'll be ok with it.
  • I didn't want to plunk down any cash for Arma 2 without having an actual group to play with, and Soldner seemed a bit more casual. It's okay, though. Not great. I like the wide variety of guns/vehicles but kind of hate how useless infantry is when everyone can spawn any vehicle they want for free. It turned the entire game into "spawn a helicopter or AA".
    Arma 2 is free-ish. They have a "Here's the full game" demo that has some limitations on how pretty it gets, and installing mods/maps, and you can then pay to get the rest of it.

    Didn't know you were into that sorta game, to be honest.

  • Has anyone played Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery?
    I played the ipad version and thought it was pretty boring. I was never terribly into point and click adventure style games, though (which is what it is fyi).
  • Yeah, I saw that. Dunno why I didn't just click on it and give it a whirl. I've grabbed Arma 1, 2 and played the heck out of OFP back in the day but never really got into it at all since I never had people to play with. Now that I'm more involved with various internet communities I might pick it up again.

    I'm into a lot of different games. Tactical shooters are something I've always enjoyed but never had anyone to play with, and the single player on most of them isn't that great.
  • As someone who's played years of ArmA/OFP, I can officially say I've never played the single player components of the game.
  • As someone who's played years of ArmA/OFP, I can officially say I've never played the single player components of the game.
    I live a sad, lonely existence. With Arma 2, are there servers that one can just hop into to "casually" play? It might be easier to get the hang of that way, as the tutorial crap was annoyingly bad.

  • And now I get to figure out! Thanks, Churbs!
  • edited April 2012
    And now I get to figure out! Thanks, Churbs!
    No worries, man.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I would recommend playing either on the Tactical Gamer or the United Operations servers. They are both public gaming communities with dedicated servers and modsets with low barriers of entry.
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