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  • I like Grass Starters the best. You all suck hardcore.
  • Use all the starters! I only ever played Gen I, and had all 150 (no mew) eventually.
  • Oh the days when we first got a link cable and we repeatedly started a new game to trade over the starting Pokemon.

    There should be dragon starters.
  • There should be dragon starters.
    Yes. And psychic. I kinda like the idea of an eevee starter as well.
  • Dragon, Ghost and Psychic. No-one bothers trying to decide which is best as they're off kicking everyone else's ass.
  • There will never be a pure Dragon type starter, and the only types that they would ever use besides Fire, Water, and Grass would be Dark, Psychic, and Fighting as they are the only other elemental triangle.
  • Which makes me wonder if there are any two type monsters that have both weaknesses to elements possessed by another i.e. the double beatdown.
  • There will never be a pure Dragon type starter, and the only types that they would ever use besides Fire, Water, and Grass would be Dark, Psychic, and Fighting as they are the only other elemental triangle.
    What about Flying, Ground, Electric?

  • Normal, Bug, Poison. Not for any particular reason other than you'll move on quickly.
  • That would be sweet if they did give you an Eevee starter. Maybe they could just give you Eevee, and you'd have the choice of what stone to use on it?
    Oh the days when we first got a link cable and we repeatedly started a new game to trade over the starting Pokemon..
    heh we used to do that all the time as well.

  • Well, in Yellow Version your rival starts with Eevee.
  • There will never be a pure Dragon type starter, and the only types that they would ever use besides Fire, Water, and Grass would be Dark, Psychic, and Fighting as they are the only other elemental triangle.
    What about Flying, Ground, Electric?

    Fire is weak to Water, Water is weak to Grass, Grass is weak to Fire.

    Psychic is weak to Dark, Dark is weak to Fighting, Fighting is weak to Pychic.

    Electric is weak to Ground, Flying is immune to Ground, Flying is weak to Electric. It's not a perfect trinity of one type being strong against another and weak to the other.

  • Lots of LOL. I'm getting better at Classic. Blitzcrank is my boy.
  • Slowly playing through Witcher 2: EE and Deus EX, becuase Deus Ex causes my computer to restart every once and a while pissing me off.
  • Slowly playing through Witcher 2: EE and Deus EX, becuase Deus Ex causes my computer to restart every once and a while pissing me off.
    That's odd about the computer restarting. CPU/GPU overheating?
  • edited May 2012
    I've been playing a ton of League of Legends and Super Monday Night Combat.

    Twisted Fate and Wascot, respectively, are my devices of carnage.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited May 2012
    I know a lot of people who are really into LoL and I don't understand. I played a few times and it just doesn't seem that interesting. What is the appeal?
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I get a kick out of head to head competition. It's a strategy war game. I get a similar thrill when I'm playing 40k, but this is much more accessible. Plus I work with my friends instead of wanting to see them die chocking on a Leman Russ.
  • I get a kick out of head to head competition. It's a strategy war game. I get a similar thrill when I'm playing 40k, but this is much more accessible. Plus I work with my friends instead of wanting to see them die chocking on a Leman Russ.
    However, 40K is super expensive, which is why I got out of it. I mean, a single Landraider tank is about the same price as it costs me to fill my van with fuel. The tank, anyway, not the whole van. Five dudes, unassembled and unpainted, just on their own, is about fifty bucks for basic dudes.

  • edited May 2012
    Got DEx:HR and the first augment I decided to get was the upgraded radar. Now the radar blips are too small to see.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I ignored all of the "enhanced view/data" augments.

    Went solely for stealth and hacking and never looked back.
  • It saves a good few reloads due to the FPS map areas letting someone across the other end of the level see you.

    Invisibility seems like a cheap way to use stealth though.
  • edited May 2012
    I ignored all of the "enhanced view/data" augments.

    Went solely for stealth and hacking and never looked back.
    This is the best way to complete the game, however it makes the boss battles annoying.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The Game Cube Pokemon games used Eevee as a starter.
  • edited May 2012
    Trying to fight Barrett with a stealth character would have been a lot easier had I known the area you fight him in is in no way suited for sniper rifles.

    Wait a second, does he come back, because the trailer shows you fighting him in a wide open area.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Just throw tanks of poison at him and then shoot them.
  • Way ahead of you, worked about half the time then I beat him really fast once.
    The overhangs around the edge mess it up most of the time and the rest, grenades.

    Why do people in games hold stuff in front of their face?
  • Remember, I played the Major (GitS style). Super stealth, speed, and hacking, but also an assault rifle. ;^)

    I beat him first try. Shot him in the face until he came at me, ran and hid, threw every poison tank into the middle and waited for him to asphyxiate. I never even saw him again once I started throwing tanks.
  • Which major were you playing? The original Kusanagi was a pretty straight forward soldier. Sort of a mix of infiltrator and shock trooper.
  • Stand Alone Complex Major.

    Sneak in, hack everything, but bring out big guns if someone deserves it or I'm in real danger.
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