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  • Super
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  • Super
    Everything Else

    Also I don't see why people think Prime as the best Metroid. It's not a bad game in any means, but clunky controls, horrible platforming sections, especially in end game and few bossfights that made me shout "What the fuck am I supposed to do with you?" Metroid Prime is a prime example of a game where few small problems kill my enjoyment of otherwise good game.
    Prime is best played in the trilogy collection on Wii with motion controls. The control setup for Corruption is an example of how FPS should be done.

  • Super
    Everything Else

    Also I don't see why people think Prime as the best Metroid. It's not a bad game in any means, but clunky controls, horrible platforming sections, especially in end game and few bossfights that made me shout "What the fuck am I supposed to do with you?" Metroid Prime is a prime example of a game where few small problems kill my enjoyment of otherwise good game.
    Prime is best played in the trilogy collection on Wii with motion controls. The control setup for Corruption is an example of how FPS should be done.

    Uh oh.. You mentioned "control" and "FPS" in the same sentence.

    Thread to be derailed in 3.. 2.. 1..
  • Just because Metroid: Prime has a first person perspective and you shoot things does not mean it is an FPS.
  • I love the Metroid Prime controls on the Wii.

    But it's not an FPS. A game like Counter-Strike would be impossible on the Wii.
  • Just because Metroid: Prime has a first person perspective and you shoot things does not mean it is an FPS.
    I would argue that it is, among other thing, an fps. Tell me, what makes it non-fps?

  • Just because Metroid: Prime has a first person perspective and you shoot things does not mean it is an FPS.
    Correct! It's an action-platformer.

    I also love the Wii controls in Prime.

    I don't think anyone would claim that Prime is the best game ever, but it did a LOT right, far more than it got wrong, and still holds pretty well today.
  • Just because Metroid: Prime has a first person perspective and you shoot things does not mean it is an FPS.
    I would argue that it is, among other thing, an fps. Tell me, what makes it non-fps?

    The fact that you can just run past 99% of the enemies, and the only way to advance the game is to navigate multiple platform based puzzles?

  • The fact that you can just run past 99% of the enemies, and the only way to advance the game is to navigate multiple platform based puzzles?
    I could put here some speedruns of "real" fps;es where players run past 99% of the enemies, but I seriously don't want to bother. Just because you can avoid enemies it doesn't change the fact that there are lots of them and your primary way of interacting with them is to shoot them. With guns. In a first person perspective. If it looks like an fps and it sounds like an fps and it shoots things like fps it's an fps.

  • In an fps the primary skill being tested is the ability to precisely aim, fire, and move at high speed.

    In Metroid: Prime series the primary skills being tested are puzzle solving, pattern recognition, navigation, spacial awareness/perception, and timing. Really, it is testing the same skills as Super Metroid, only the camera happens to be in a different spot.
  • In an fps the primary skill being tested is the ability to precisely aim, fire, and move at high speed.
    Well yes, by that definition of fpses, it Prime isn't one.

  • edited August 2012
    In an fps the primary skill being tested is the ability to precisely aim, fire, and move at high speed.

    In Metroid: Prime series the primary skills being tested are puzzle solving, pattern recognition, navigation, spacial awareness/perception, and timing. Really, it is testing the same skills as Super Metroid, only the camera happens to be in a different spot.
    Says who? Scott Rubin? FPS is an acronym. It contains its own definition.

    The controls for prime on Wii are significantly different to those on Gamecube, and in Corruption you're expected to play with that in mind (the enemies are adjusted accordingly). It is most certainly an FPS with puzzle gameplay.

    Are we really having this conversation? By your definition, DOOM isn't an FPS.

    Post edited by muppet on
  • In an fps the primary skill being tested is the ability to precisely aim, fire, and move at high speed.

    In Metroid: Prime series the primary skills being tested are puzzle solving, pattern recognition, navigation, spacial awareness/perception, and timing. Really, it is testing the same skills as Super Metroid, only the camera happens to be in a different spot.
    Says who? Scott Rubin? FPS is an acronym. It contains its own definition.

    The controls for prime on Wii are significantly different to those on Gamecube, and in Corruption you're expected to play with that in mind (the enemies are adjusted accordingly). It is most certainly an FPS with puzzle gameplay.

    Are we really having this conversation? By your definition, DOOM isn't an FPS.

    Doom tests all the same skills as Counter-Strike, Quake, etc. plus also the skills of resource management and mazing.
  • In an fps the primary skill being tested is the ability to precisely aim, fire, and move at high speed.

    In Metroid: Prime series the primary skills being tested are puzzle solving, pattern recognition, navigation, spacial awareness/perception, and timing. Really, it is testing the same skills as Super Metroid, only the camera happens to be in a different spot.
    Says who? Scott Rubin? FPS is an acronym. It contains its own definition.
    Scott is Scott and he is allowed for his definitions of things. Although I think that it would be polite to explain the definition from get go, and not only after someone asks for them. Makes a lot easier conversations.

  • edited August 2012
    Predit: Virtual surround works so well in Crysis, I relied on my ears more than my map and the jungle works great for getting into the middle of a group of enemies.

    Tried Crysis and I couldn't kill the tanks. Someone said it took 2-3 direct hits but I was doing 4-5 on each and had run out of rockets. It turns out that some of the objects were invisible and I had been hitting a wall that I could see straight through.

    This was also happening:
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Did you punch out that trucks body?
  • Since we are on a theme:

    Ocarina of Time - Perfection
    Wind Waker - I loved the sailing, so for me it's a win
    Skyward Sword
    Majora's Mask - never finished it, but liked what I played. Very hard game.
    Links Awakening
    Twilight Princess
    Phantom Hourglass (I liked the central time dungeon, I know a lot of people didn't)

    4 Swords - in a different category, can;t really comapre.

    The rest...
    Minish, Seasons, Ages, Spirit Tracks..
  • ALttP
    Wind Waker
    Majora's Mask
    Twilight Princess
    And the rest in some order
  • A Link to the Past
    Link's Awakening
    The Legend of Zelda
    Ocarina of Time

    Nothing else

    I do need to try The Wind Waker though.
  • Canine and Axel both with ALTTP at #1

    I can agree with that.

    If I was to replay ALTTP, should I go SNES or GBA? Which, if any, do you prefer?
  • It's not important. Either one works. If you have a Wii, the VC port is a great choice. But I do love it on a TV, which is the only weakness of the GBA. Playing it on my SNES on an HDTV...Pure magical bliss.
  • edited August 2012
    Opps, internet gave me a double post.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I didn't mind wind waker until the guy told me I had to sail around and find these triforce pieces then I just stopped playing.
  • I didn't mind wind waker until the guy told me I had to sail around and find these triforce pieces then I just stopped playing.
    Even Miyamoto has said publicly that part is shit. IIRC the only thing you get after the triforce pieces is a dungeon and a boss fight. Better to just watch that on YouTube.
  • The final boss fight with Ganon is 100% worth it. Best Zelda boss fight.
  • I didn't mind wind waker until the guy told me I had to sail around and find these triforce pieces then I just stopped playing.
    Even Miyamoto has said publicly that part is shit. IIRC the only thing you get after the triforce pieces is a dungeon and a boss fight. Better to just watch that on YouTube.
    I may end up watching Majora's Mask on Youtube. That game scares me.

  • I didn't mind wind waker until the guy told me I had to sail around and find these triforce pieces then I just stopped playing.
    Even Miyamoto has said publicly that part is shit. IIRC the only thing you get after the triforce pieces is a dungeon and a boss fight. Better to just watch that on YouTube.
    I may end up watching Majora's Mask on Youtube. That game scares me.

    Might not be a good idea, depending on the LPer skipping over MANY inter-connecting sub-stories you might be missing a huge chunk of the game.
  • I didn't mind wind waker until the guy told me I had to sail around and find these triforce pieces then I just stopped playing.
    Even Miyamoto has said publicly that part is shit. IIRC the only thing you get after the triforce pieces is a dungeon and a boss fight. Better to just watch that on YouTube.
    I may end up watching Majora's Mask on Youtube. That game scares me.

    Might not be a good idea, depending on the LPer skipping over MANY inter-connecting sub-stories you might be missing a huge chunk of the game.
    So I should just man up and play it. :/

  • Ok if I didn't enjoy parkouring around and murdering guards so much then I much more annoyed that in the last chapter of AssCreed 2 they have you go back and collect the stupid codex pages that apparently they expected you to be collecting but didn't explicitly say "hey collect these".
  • Graphics and fluid world (no load screens) of Wind Waker combined with the plotting and level design of OoT, minus all the silly sailing = perfect game.

    Although I did really enjoy Wind Waker, I don't think the sailing added much (but is probably responsible for the dynamic loading on Gamecube).
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