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  • Played all the way through Spec Ops: The Line today after it was recommended by Extra Credits and Yahtzee (and that says something). That game is a goddamn gutwrencher. I have never played or heard about a game like it before. The only remote comparable I have is Bioshock, and Spec Ops ends where it should have which isn't the case for Bioshock.
  • FTL is now officially out. If you're at all intrigued by what we're talking about (dude, seriously, you can kill boarders by releasing all the air out of the ship.. unless they're robo-drones), buy it.

    Also to note, this game reminds me so much of Battlestations.

    Also, I finally moved on from FTL. Now I am playing Battlestations: Pacific to get my giant battleship pew-pew fix. Not sure what I'll play tonight since I'll have some dedicated gaming time, I have far too many choices. Maybe World of Tanks or some more Tekkit.
    I've never played Battlestations, but Faster Than Light reminds me of Space Alert, which is a very good thing.

    I've never played Space Alert, though I've heard it's fantastic. Battlestations, I think, is a bit more RPG-esque. There's a person working as GM during it.
    New Galaxy Trucker has Space Alert elements, so it's basically FTL: The Board Game.
  • edited September 2012
    Black Mesa first impressions:

    Three long loading screens before you even exit the tram. Well, the scenery is pretty, and the opening sequence of Half-life had a series of load screens too, but it's about twice as long as the original opening.

    Step off the elevator and hit a bug after a loading screen where I can no longer move. Alright :(
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Black Mesa first impressions:

    Three long loading screens before you even exit the tram. Well, the scenery is pretty, and the opening sequence of Half-life had a series of load screens too, but it's about twice as long as the original opening

    Step off the elevator and hit a bug after a loading screen where I can no longer move. Alright :(
    Pretty sure the tram ride was the same exact length with same number of loads as the original. Also, no bugs here!
  • edited September 2012
    I didn't time it, but I just replayed the beginning of Half-life to compare and the original tram ride is actually rather short.

    I love the voice-acting so far. The inflections for each line are spot on recreations of the originals.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Played 9 hours of FTL. Last run I had a ton of scrap... but no shops popped up for a very long time (two sectors) and I ended up dead. Made me double sadface.

    Engi seems easier. First try unlocked their second type and got to the boss at least.

    Super shield guys... tried them five or ten times. Usually failed early, because I couldn't get any crew. If I got a bunch of crew though, they became super effective.
  • Does pre-loading Borderlands 2 count?
  • edited September 2012
    Played Black Mesa Source up until the finale of Blast Pit where the fire button is meant to go off but it isn't.

    Going to check I've gotten the power generator too.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The way to the generator is past a jump that kept glitching out on me but I got there in the end.

    Black Mesa is a firm reminder as to why we don't put platforming in FPS games any more.
  • The way to the generator is past a jump that kept glitching out on me but I got there in the end.

    Black Mesa is a firm reminder as to why we don't put platforming in FPS games any more.
    I got that also but I just crouched and moved forward along the edge.

  • Gordon is a lot less nimble in Black Mesa due to the engine, which I think is what makes the platforming parts more difficult.
  • Finally finished all the main levels of Yoshi's Island 100%.

    I've heard it called the best 2D platformer before. I would have to agree.
  • Finished Mario 3D land (both normal and special worlds) with all medals. Fantastic game! If you liked Galaxy 1 and 2, this is for you.

    Really impressed with the 3DS XL so far. The 3D effect is really quite stunning on that larger screen.
    I should really finish the game on special mode dude! :O
  • Finished Mario 3D land (both normal and special worlds) with all medals. Fantastic game! If you liked Galaxy 1 and 2, this is for you.

    Really impressed with the 3DS XL so far. The 3D effect is really quite stunning on that larger screen.
    I should really finish the game on special mode dude! :O
    That's where the game really begins. First 8 worlds are just training. Get ready to be hurt :)

  • Note that if you don't have "Always Run" marked as ON in the options for Black Mesa, you're gonna have more trouble with the platforming stuff. I only played through the first hour or so last night, but had a blast. I love all the little touches they added. Did the original Half-Life have flares?
  • Note that if you don't have "Always Run" marked as ON in the options for Black Mesa, you're gonna have more trouble with the platforming stuff. I only played through the first hour or so last night, but had a blast. I love all the little touches they added. Did the original Half-Life have flares?
    The flares are new. Why haven't you played the original Half-Life?
  • Note that if you don't have "Always Run" marked as ON in the options for Black Mesa, you're gonna have more trouble with the platforming stuff. I only played through the first hour or so last night, but had a blast. I love all the little touches they added. Did the original Half-Life have flares?
    The flares are new. Why haven't you played the original Half-Life?
    I did, but it's been over a decade so I didn't remember if that was in it or not.

  • edited September 2012
    Picking up and throwing flares is definitely a Half-Life 2 engine thing. I mean, back when HL2 came out, people were losing their shit over the fact that you could get on a playground roundabout and it would actually spin. Seems kind of quaint these days.
    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • Mark of the Ninja is a fun little platformer for the 360. I highly recommend at least checking out the demo. The style reminds me a lot of Penny Arcade for done reason.
  • Need to get Bastion done tonight. I finally got the part to recover the first shard after Zul left. How much longer do I have? I figure since I have more weapons to discover, maybe I'm halfway done?

    Also dueling pistols are awesome.

    I also got Critter Crunch on Steam. If you like games like Magical Drop, Puyo Pop, or Astro Pop, you will like this game. It's a two legged critter basically trying to get enough jewels to feed his family. It's cute, colorful, and fun. If you get enough chain bonuses going, his son comes on screen and you can feed his son by puking rainbows.

    Yes. Puking rainbows.
  • Yes. Puking rainbows.
  • Hah. Just got notch on my crew. He was the captain of some starship I attacked.

    Also found some lame exploits (maybe they only work on easy?) wherein I get into fights with weak enemies and level up all my crew.
  • Do you guys know if there are mothrakks in Borderlands 2? I had to stop playing Borderlands at level 20 because of that giant moth boss. I couldn't get past my crippling butterfly/moth phobia.
  • LOL. That moth wasn't too bad once you learned a decent strat. I basically hid in the nearby hut after clearing it out of the mobs. Then whenever he was overhead, I would snipe his ass and go back in before he dropped fire bombs of doom.

    There are better strats out there. Check the Youtubes.

    Tomorrow. Can't wait.
  • Haha, it wasn't the strategy that got to me. It was the fact that I had to look at that thing in the first place! It triggers my phobia and I had to step away from the game.
  • Finally got lucky in FTL. Red Tail ship. Also got my crystal ship and rock ship in the same run.
  • FTL is so fucking good.
  • Finally got lucky in FTL. Red Tail ship. Also got my crystal ship and rock ship in the same run.
    How U DO DIS?
  • >tfw you unlock every ship on your first run
  • FYI, for those who will be playing Borderlands 2 on the PC/Steam, launches some sort of repair thing for Visual Studio. It will give you an infinite loop of asking you to restart your computer everytime you launch the game.

    I did it once and it asked me again. I saw on Twitter that this was an issue. Next time I just selected "Restart Later" and the game loaded.

    Anyhoo, just started the game to watch the opening cinematic. Time for bed.


    Stupid job giving me mah moniez.
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