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  • How is the multiplayer for that, by the way, Scott?
  • The red crystal ship is best ship, but highly risky at first. Still no slug ship. Must acquire slug ship before friend gets crystal ship!
  • I got the Hawken beta, which I am only mildly interested in. But rather than have a non-stop gaming like NS2, they are limiting the beta from tomorrow through Monday. Hello Burning Con. Guess I might play it a little bit Monday night?!
  • Hotline Miami is a game about being on coke in the 80s.

    After you finish playing it, you may feel like you did too much coke in the 80s.
  • How long is it? I saw it played at IndieCade and it seemed excellent.
  • 20 levels. I just played like, two hours maybe? I got five levels in. Shit is hard but super addicting.
  • Oh ok. The way I read that post made it seem like you had already beaten it even though it only came out yesterday, which made me think it was super short.
  • Shit is hard but super addicting.
    So it's like doing cocaine?


  • You don't understand. The game has this electronic soundtrack that bores straight into your brain. It is just a short repeating loop that worms right in there. The outsides of the level slowly shift colour, so the environment is constantly shifting. The game is so goddamn fast and so hard, and the reset so instant, that you end up in these constant repeating loops of trying to murder everyone in a room just right, so you end up repeating the same room dozens of times, losing track of time because the game gives you no points of reference whatsoever. The violence is gruesome despite the simple graphics and starts to get to you after a while. Finally, and worst of all, the entire screen rocks slowly back and forth, making you dizzy and disoriented.

    The game feels like being intoxicated. It is unbelievably.
  • I thought hawken was pretty cool playing at PAX
  • I thought hawken was pretty cool playing at PAX
    Servers for the closed beta fire up in about an hour or two, I'm pretty stoked.
  • Just got FTL so now everyone shall stop. Trying to find stuff that will take the edge of cravings till I can justify a proper gaming computer.
  • Got FTL for myself yesterday too as a reward for surviving a very very busy month. It is a very random game, but the adventurey feel of it is what makes it fun.
  • edited October 2012
    Got FTL for myself yesterday too as a reward for surviving a very very busy month. It is a very random game, but the adventurey feel of it is what makes it fun.
    Glad you finally came around from thinking it looked really boring. Not all games have to be visually exciting. :)
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited October 2012
    Got FTL for myself yesterday too as a reward for surviving a very very busy month. It is a very random game, but the adventurey feel of it is what makes it fun.
    Glad you finally came around from thinking it looked really boring. Not all games have to be visually exciting. :)
    Definitely not what I meant when I said it looked boring. The way everyone here talked about it made it seem like a dry micromanagement game.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Got FTL for myself yesterday too as a reward for surviving a very very busy month. It is a very random game, but the adventurey feel of it is what makes it fun.
    Like wise been a tough month so treating myself to a bottle of wine and games. Liking it so far. The pick up and play element is good for me as I can just have a quick play as a brake between work.
  • Hotline: Miami is friggin great.
  • After a long a grueling battle with my PC, my ISP, and just about every piece of technology with a computer in it in my house, New Vegas still chokes up at a loading screen every 10 minutes. I've run malware scans, I've run PC tune-up, I've closed every program but Fallout, and I still can't play it. I only actively want to play two franchises in video games: Civ, and Fallout. Why am I denied one of these?
  • After the vacation this weekend where I played nothing but iPad games (seriously, Bad Piggies is awesome and addictive as hell), I'm back to Planetside 2. Also finally unpacking my gear from the airsoft game a couple weeks ago.
  • I am playing Pokemon White 2. It'll be a while before I'm done. I was also playing Code of Princess, but it's really bad and I beat it in about a day.
  • edited October 2012
    Hotline Miami is the absolute hottest shit on the planet. Go play it immediately. You can even pirate it if you don't want to pay $10; the devs are offering support to anyone who torrents it from TPB.

    It's basically what happens when Smash TV and GTA Vice City have a baby that is fed nothing but PCP and Faces of Death.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I am playing Pokemon White 2.
    How many badges have you gotten so far?
  • Picked up Doom BFG for 360 because i thought my PC could not run it. Having fun but graphics look like shit. Did only the PC get a graphic upgrade?

    2 badges into new Pokemon game but since my daughter hasn't even opened her copy i may not bother getting the rest.
  • Playing through Hotline Miami as well.

    This game somewhat reminds me of mediocre Amiga cyberpunk adventure Dreamweb, as well as Cannon Fodder. And probably some slaps of Jeff Minter in there, to explain the seasick swaying of the graphics.
  • Playing through Hotline Miami as well.

    This game somewhat reminds me of mediocre Amiga cyberpunk adventure Dreamweb, as well as Cannon Fodder. And probably some slaps of Jeff Minter in there, to explain the seasick swaying of the graphics.
    Dreamweb! I knew the gore in this game reminded me of something.
  • Pokemon Red Nuzlocke which will ether come out a web comic or a pretty good fan fiction not sure yet but my notes tell me probably the fan fiction.
  • Bought Prototype because of cheap and I'm pretty sure I've heard good things about it. Otherwise it seems pretty cool, but sadly it's clearly made for controller. Mouse and keyboard just feels wrong. So maybe I'll leave playing that until I get one of those xbox controller wireless reserves.
  • Linking myself to the past.
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