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  • All this X3 talk is making me want to play it. Goddamnit.
  • edited November 2012
    Lots to do in that game. Give the modding interface a try when you want to try some new things.
    Remember also drones are your friend. They can keep enemies busy if you have to run.

    Running through Terran conflict as a pirate myself now. In the later games depending on what role you start as you start with different resources.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Why are you power leveling? It is quite easy to level up in that game. Since getting to about level 7 I have been above the level requirement for the missions by at least 2 levels.
    Because I need to max out one of each class to better farm for gear.
  • Finished playing Castlevania: SOTN for the first time ever. I did everything except fight the hard ass optional boss, so I ended up with 199%. Overall I loved the experience, which is not surprising since everyone does. The only thing that would've made the game better is that I wish you could get rid of your items and equipment. Or at the very least have an auto-sort so that I can find things more easily when I have a bajillion food items that I never use mixed in with my weapons. Item hording was pretty common in RPGs back then though, so I won't fault it too much for that. The main part of the game was fun as hell, even when the going got tough.

    While I was doing that, Katie and I also started new games in Resident Evil 4. I'm a bad person because I've had the game for years and never played more than a couple hours into it, so I'm finally getting around to finishing it for the first time. To my benefit though, Katie has played the game dozens of times (yes, really), so I get a lot of backseat driver help. She's having a tough time with it though since she's played with the cheat weapons for so long that she is running out of ammo a lot more often than I am (she's not used to them not doing insta-kills).
  • There's a hard ass optional boss?
  • There's a hard ass optional boss?
    Optional in that you don't need to kill it to advance. It's the guy in the catacombs of the inverted castle. Has HP near the same level as Dracula, but hits way harder if you're not properly prepared for it. At the time I was in the area, I was not properly prepared, so I just ignored him.
  • I'm not sure if I have ever killed that optional boss in Sotn, without being cheap bastard. Because there is a way to make that fight trivial.
  • Okay, so the question is this: It is election day eve. I really, really need to relax tonight because I will be a bundle of nerves tomorrow and will likely die of alcohol poisoning.

    So what do I play tonight? The choices are:

    The Sims 3
    X3: Albion Prelude
    X3: Terran Conflict
    Planetside 2

    I will likely have 5 hours or so to play said game, as I will not be exercising since my legs are pretty much obliterated from running this weekend.
  • Okay, so the question is this: It is election day eve. I really, really need to relax tonight because I will be a bundle of nerves tomorrow and will likely die of alcohol poisoning.

    So what do I play tonight? The choices are:

    The Sims 3
    X3: Albion Prelude
    X3: Terran Conflict
    Planetside 2

    I will likely have 5 hours or so to play said game, as I will not be exercising since my legs are pretty much obliterated from running this weekend.
    You play NS2.
  • I am trying to save money and not buy NS2. At least until it goes on sale.
  • edited November 2012
    I am trying to save money and not buy NS2. At least until it goes on sale.
    Play more LoL. It's free and a better game.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • I am trying to save money and not buy NS2. At least until it goes on sale.
    Play more LoL. It's free and a better game.

  • I am trying to save money and not buy NS2. At least until it goes on sale.
    Play more LoL. It's free and a better game.
    I'll ignore Wyatt's epic trolling there and just say that NS2 is only $25! Yeah, it's more expensive than the cheapo sale prices for $10 or $5 games. But this isn't one of those games you play once and then never play again. NS2 and CS:GO are the kinds of games you keep coming back to for years and years. NS1 is 10+ years old, and I have played it every year since its release! I have played some version of Counter-Strike every year since 2000.

    There is a reason to pay the $25 now so you are a newb at the same time as all these other newbs that just started. If you wait, you will be a newb all alone among gods.
  • I am trying to save money and not buy NS2. At least until it goes on sale.
    Play more LoL. It's free and a better game.
    I'll ignore Wyatt's epic trolling there and just say that NS2 is only $25! Yeah, it's more expensive than the cheapo sale prices for $10 or $5 games. But this isn't one of those games you play once and then never play again. NS2 and CS:GO are the kinds of games you keep coming back to for years and years. NS1 is 10+ years old, and I have played it every year since its release! I have played some version of Counter-Strike every year since 2000.

    There is a reason to pay the $25 now so you are a newb at the same time as all these other newbs that just started. If you wait, you will be a newb all alone among gods.
    You make a good argument, however $25 is still > $0. Which is what I pay for the games I listed.

    I will also likely need that $25 for food/beer tomorrow night.

  • Rolling a four sided die a few times to decide came up 1-4-3-3-2. More of three than anything else, so Terran conflict.
  • I would however say you should play Planetside 2 because that game is ridiculous.
  • edited November 2012
    I would however say you should play Planetside 2 because that game is ridiculous.
    I was admittedly torn between Planetside 2 and the X3 games, so I left it up to chance.

    Had a stupid moment today in PS2, though - ended up dancing about with a bloke going mental on him with a knife, he's trying to shoot me and barely winging me, I just tag him, and then in my panic I whip out my massive LMG and immediately Panic-fire grey right in the face by accident just as he comes over to back me up. Why was I trying to knife him? Just because I felt like it, and once I went for the first strike he moved - and my only chance was to shift out of the way and keep moving so neither of us could hit the other. I'd never kill him with a gun, so shanking him was the way it had to go. To be fair, if he'd tossed a grenade, or just flicked on his extra armor powerup and fired a rocket directly behind me, he'd have won, so bad reaction on his part too, I guess.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Looks like X3 it is, with PS2 filling in the gaps. The more and more I read on X3, the more excited I get.
  • Master Gee is still broken. Both my copy and girlfriend's copy of BL2 freeze after he dies. Host does not get credit for kill but guests do.

  • edited November 2012
    Looks like X3 it is, with PS2 filling in the gaps. The more and more I read on X3, the more excited I get.
    It's one of those games/series, the X series. It starts kinda slow, but as you get deeper, it unfolds into a magnificently complex and interesting game. Right now, I'll sometimes run it in the background, allowing my pilots and ships to do automatic trade runs, building up money to expand my burgeoning empire. Why? Because I can.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    I'll ignore Wyatt's epic trolling there and just say that NS2 is only $25! Yeah, it's more expensive than the cheapo sale prices for $10 or $5 games. But this isn't one of those games you play once and then never play again. NS2 and CS:GO are the kinds of games you keep coming back to for years and years. NS1 is 10+ years old, and I have played it every year since its release! I have played some version of Counter-Strike every year since 2000.

    There is a reason to pay the $25 now so you are a newb at the same time as all these other newbs that just started. If you wait, you will be a newb all alone among gods.
    NS2 has one edge over CS:GO in that in NS2 it's trivial to get game going in games primary game-mode, while in CS:GO playing classic competitive is impossible.

    Post edited by Apsup on
  • Also CS:GO is dumb. If I wanted to play a click-on-heads game I'd boot up a Macromedia Shockwave game from 1998.
  • NS2 has one edge over CS:GO in that in NS2 it's trivial to get game going in games primary game-mode, while in CS:GO playing classic competitive is impossible.

    I have never waited more than a few seconds to join a classic competitive game in CS:GO.

  • NS2 has one edge over CS:GO in that in NS2 it's trivial to get game going in games primary game-mode, while in CS:GO playing classic competitive is impossible.

    I have never waited more than a few seconds to join a classic competitive game in CS:GO.
    After the new matchmaking system I've played one full round of classic competitive, and even in that there was an abandon. It just happened so late that we had time to finish the mach before it ended for that.

  • I may hate the Enclave as human beings, but sweet fuck they are good at the game.
  • Beat RE4 for the first time this morning. That is one fantastic game.
  • Beat RE4 for the first time this morning. That is one fantastic game.
  • I'm playing through it right now, plus like 4 other games
  • I played some PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale tonight at the Polygon launch party. It's pretty fun, and got to play with a few different characters. I can see it being a good Smash Bros. replacement.
  • edited November 2012
    Been dipping back into mass effect multiplayer. I'd forgotten how fun it is, especially with my crazy Vanguard character, which I've set up to do pretty much nothing but essentially teleport across the map into people, drop huge AOE damage+Stuns, and then immediately charge into someone else's face. My charge gives me full barrier/shields, so then my AOE does full damage, and my AOE has a side-effect of massively reducing my already super-fast power cooldown. It's just a cacophony of BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM.

    And I'll occasionally use my shotgun which is pretty much just there to look cool along with my violently pink-and-green armor.
    Post edited by Churba on
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