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  • edited December 2012
    Saints Row is... very Saints Row.

    I kind of like it.
    Power by Kenya West; may be one of the best non-player created moments in games.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Kenya West
    Did you just Freudian slip "Kanye" to "Kenya?"


  • Also seriously concerned about the inherent classism in the association of a poor African nation with a wealthy Black American (n.b.: terminology preferred because not all Black Americans trace back to Africa; #PrivChecked).

    Some seriously justice-worthy systemic oppression in the way you talk about minorities, dude.
  • edited December 2012
    Somebody should write a generator that just spits out paragraph after paragraph of nonsensical social justice ranting. Like a tumblr Lorem Ipsum.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • It was my cis nazi auto correct, I swear (also, I apologize for being white and tall).
  • Extreme Football Throwdown (a.k.a. Half Life: Blood Bowl)

    Oh god, I have try this out when I get home today.
  • edited December 2012
    Tore into a few Nintendoland single player games. The Yoshi and Octopus Dance games are OK. Fun enough to go through and beat them once, but I won't be back. The Donkey Kong, F-Zero, and Balloon Fight games are very fun. I am going to be sinking a lot of time into these three. Haven't tried the Ninja star throwing one or the three co-op games yet, so at this point, 6 out of 8 Nintendoland games I've played are pretty awesome.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Anyone interested in some saints row co-op sometime? Been itching to get back into it.
  • The Donkey Kong, F-Zero, and Balloon Fight games are very fun.
    Is there a scoreboard on the single player Nintendo Land games? I'd love to keep track of my friends' scores as well as my own.
  • The Donkey Kong, F-Zero, and Balloon Fight games are very fun.
    Is there a scoreboard on the single player Nintendo Land games? I'd love to keep track of my friends' scores as well as my own.
    I'm not sure actually. I know that friend's Miis (and plenty of other Miis if you have your settings to open) run around the Nintendoland main menu. If you try to interact with any of them, it brings up their scorecards, showing progress and achievements in every Nintendoland game.

    Would be nice to have a master leaderboard though. I'm not convinced that this exists, which means bigtime facepalm. Will look tonight. Having some friends over after work for more Nintendoland.

  • Lots of LoL. I'm way too excited about Season 3.

    Yeah. Same. Feeling really triggy.
  • Somebody should write a generator that just spits out paragraph after paragraph of nonsensical social justice ranting. Like a tumblr Lorem Ipsum.
    Oh, like you're one to talk Mr. Social Justice.
  • Somebody should write a generator that just spits out paragraph after paragraph of nonsensical social justice ranting. Like a tumblr Lorem Ipsum.
    Oh, like you're one to talk Mr. Social Justice.
    I am fully capable of poking fun at myself.

  • Wouldn't that be a "WTF"?
  • And just "WTF" is wrong with twin-spirited individuals? Don't be such a cis-kyriarch, broseph.
  • That post makes the koopa inside me stir.
  • I remember in my past life being a protazoa. I was all like consuming things or something. And then I'd evolve new appendages and get bigger, and then eat the predators that I used to have to run away from. Then I grew legs on land and built and empire and eventually explored space.
  • I used to be really into my past lives, but then I realized my future lives were a lot cooler. When Davem-2034 will have learned how to telepathically pleasure his catgirlfriend who resides in a different star system, that will have to be a milestone day.
  • I remember my past life being full of bees, like someone's secret santa gift will be.
  • I remember my past life being full of bees, like someone's secret santa gift will be.
    I swear to god, if you are my secret Santa and I get a box full of bees, I will track you down and shove a beehive up your ass.
  • If I get a gift that is bees, I will punch everything.
  • The most underrated Cards Against Humanity card: Bees?

    It's all in the reading.
  • The most underrated Cards Against Humanity card: Bees?

    It's all in the reading.
    Speak of the devil:
  • edited December 2012
    That is definitely a must-buy for anyone who has CAH. It says 1 per person but they don't limit you by address. I ordered one when they announced it, and my wife ordered one last night to tack on to a friend's gift (three people are currently getting CAH for Christmas from us).

    Updating my experience with the Wii U and Nintendoland, spending ludicrous amounts of money as an early adopter on this thing has been paying off in the way I expected: friends came over on a Tuesday night, which pretty much never happens anymore.

    - The Zelda game is idiotic waggle bullshit for 4 players while the guy with the gamepad gets to play a fun arrow-shooting game.
    - The Pikmin game is just a dumbed-down version of actual Pikmin and not much fun for either type of player.
    - The Metroid game on the other hand is excellent. 4 people play an FPS while the 5th flies a support ship up above with a big gun. Everyone had a great time with it, and the game definitely lives up to its billing as the Nintendoland attraction most geared for experienced gamers.
    - The ninja star throwing game is fun, and is a good twist on the lightgun game. I'll play more until I at least beat it once. This is the first situation where the lack of multiple gamepads shows up though. In most situations it makes sense to only have 1 pad. Here? We should have 4 and all be flicking stars at the screen. I'm 50/50 on this one b/c it's fun but could be so much better.

    So my final verdict on Nintendoland is 7.5 out of 12 games are great fun. The multiplayer games are hard to choose between but Animal Crossing is my favorite. For single player, the Donkey Kong Crash Course is the best.

    I was surprised how deep the game was for a pack-in. Most of these games are more involved than all of Wii Sports combined. There are also achievements, new content that opens up as your skill increases, etc., and a trophy collection system w/ minigame like Smash Bros.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited December 2012
    Just finished dead island. It was okay, I guess, some interesting systems, but generally lacklustre.

    Also, any game developers, if one of your health pickups is some sort of food, and you feel the need to put loud crunching, lip-smacking, swallowing and chewing noises in your game when you pick those up - Fucking don't. It's horrible and makes people hate your game. I seriously stopped picking up health items after about the first twenty minutes of the game or so, just because of the noise.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Putting that down in my mental notes section.
  • I remember my past life being full of bees, like someone's secret santa gift will be.
    I swear to god, if you are my secret Santa and I get a box full of bees, I will track you down and shove a beehive up your ass.
    Bees produce delicious honey. Also possibly pain if they determine you a threat. Don't worry though. The bees will be asleep when packaged, I'm sure they won't be angry by the end of the trip.

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