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  • Also, any game developers, if one of your health pickups is some sort of food, and you feel the need to put loud crunching, lip-smacking, swallowing and chewing noises in your game when you pick those up - Fucking don't. It's horrible and makes people hate your game. I seriously stopped picking up health items after about the first twenty minutes of the game or so, just because of the noise.
  • Wow, I've literally never though about that, Churba. Now it will be the only thing I can think about in all videogames featuring it, going forward.
  • edited December 2012
    Minecraft has an almost polite, cartoony "Chomp chomp chomp" noise - cartoony, as opposed to being able to tell that they just taped a few high-gain microphones to someone's face and throat, and had them eat something. When the characters in dead island eat a powerbar, they sound like a jellyfish in jackboots stomping through a cornflake swamp.
    Wow, I've literally never though about that, Churba. Now it will be the only thing I can think about in all videogames featuring it, going forward.
    It is THE WORST THING. I have absolutely no idea what the sound designer was thinking when they made that choice.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Exception number 2: the Gauntlet series.
  • They were thinking that's the sound normal people make when eating, right?
  • edited December 2012
    They were thinking that's the sound normal people make when eating, right?
    That's the thing - it clearly is, they've just recorded someone eating and drinking. The difference being that normally, you don't hear those sounds, as your hearing apparatus is not located within someone else's mouth.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yo take this peanut butter sandwich and go sit by that mic over there.
  • Yo take this peanut butter sandwich and go sit by that mic over there.
    More like "Yo, take this powerbar, eat this lavelier mic, and then eat the powerbar."
  • edited December 2012
    My beef with food items in Dead Island is that you can't put them in your pack. Why do the characters have to eat and drink everything on sight? Is there serious ganga in the air and the munchies always win?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I absolutely hate the oversampled sounds of someone eating. I hate it. I can't even zoom in when my Sims are eating because they sound like a horse eating an apple and burping. Seriously, it's just disgusting.
  • You guys are funny. For whatever reason, sounds like that don't affect me in the least.
  • It doesn't bother me, its just bad sound design.
  • edited December 2012
    You guys are funny. For whatever reason, sounds like that don't affect me in the least.
    I'm kinda with Matatat on that one. It's kinda like the difference between someone eating normally, and someone eating as loudly and wetly as possible right in your ear. The former doesn't bother me, but the latter is both annoying, and in this context, really bad sound design for numerous reasons.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sounds like Churba has a fair point with crappy sound design in Dead Island, but there definitely is a certain set of people who cannot tolerate the sound of people eating, even normal noises.
  • Mine is a pet peeve. I can't stand the sound of someone chewing, so I avoid it whenever possible. If someone near me is chewing with an open mouth I'll just hit them on the jaw lightly. No big deal.
  • Man I want to go back and play Dead Island some more. I was playing with my friend but he didn't find the game as amusing as I did. It was in the realm of so bad that it's good.
  • Okay, Saint's Row 3 is awesome.
  • Man, Hotline Miami is so far up my alley it is unbelievable. Need to finish it soon. Also reminded me I gotta get Drive (the film) in one format or another. If you liked that film, or GTA 1, 2, or Vice City, this is a must buy. Hell, it may be a must buy if you hated all those things.
  • AC3 suffers from horrible game design. Worst in the series.
  • AC3 suffers from horrible game design. Worst in the series.
    I think AC1 is still the worst, followed by Revelations, then AC3.
  • Had a vacation this past weekend so spent some relaxation time reading and playing DS. Trying to finish up my stack of old DS games so I can start buying up 3DS games.

    Finished Hotel Dusk after starting it last year. If you get the urge to go back and play that one, DON'T. It's pretty awful. Do you enjoy 10 minute cutscenes where you have to keep hitting the button to advance the text? No? I won't go any further in my bashing.

    Played Rhythm Heaven afterwards and it was like a ray of sunshine. A quick, twitchy competitive game with bizarre Japanese style. I am in love with this little game. It was just what I needed to wash away the Hotel Dusk. I may have to try its sequel on the Wii afterwards.
  • I am also playing old unplayed DS games. Moving right along in Edgeworth Investigations.
  • How different are those from Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice?
  • edited December 2012
    How different are those from Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice?
    There's no court room. You just walk around clicking things to get evidence. Then you interrogate people out on the street. Other than that, it's really very similar.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Started playing Phantasy Star II on PC last night. I never played this on the original Genesis, but my friend had it and I lusted after it with every fiber of my being at the time. Of course it's, dates, but still fun. I find it annoying that you can't control whom your party members attack though. I'm looking forward to beating it so I can move on to Phantasy Star III and IV.
  • Just got my copy of Diamond Trust of London. Not 100% sure whether I got mine late because of some shipping issues, or if things are just now shipping out. Will report on how sweet it is later.
  • Still playing a bunch of Planetside 2. However, I am also alternating it with World of War Planes, War Thunder, Wurm Online (why not), and this afternoon will attempt some Loadout.
  • edited December 2012
    Every time I play planetside the game just disconnects after about an hour. It's really weird but I usually only want to play it for about an hour so it's okay.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Every time I play planetside the game just disconnects after about an hour. It's really weird but I usually only want to play it for about an hour so it's okay.
    Are you using wireless N? I find that in densely populated areas N is unreliable.

  • edited December 2012
    Nope, but my internet is kinda spotty to begin with in my building. It's generally strong but occasionally they signal will just drop for like 5 seconds. I get a patch of lag for 10 seconds but I've almost never had games disconnect. Planetside is pretty consistent, even in unpopulated areas.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
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