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  • Do you like World War 2 fighter/bomber/attack fighter things? If so, play War Thunder. Goddamnit play War Thunder. image

    Also apparently Star Thunder is a thing?

  • yea it actually looks pretty fun. I've played the tutorials..
  • Played through Home today. Not sure what I think of it. Its got a nice style as a throwback to older 2D survival-horror games. It changes as you play it, but not based on your choices like in most games. You're basically directly choosing what actually happened rather than affecting the outcome, which is kind of strange to me. The story seemed good but there wasn't really much resolution and because there doesn't seem to be any official TRUE ending kind of puts me off. It builds up the entire game to the ending and then doesn't really explain all that much other than going over what you went through in the game. Its fairly short, at about an hour and a half so I suppose it may be good for multiple play-throughs, but I don't know if the gameplay would hold up. It's mostly just walking around trying to find your way home. Other than turning something on or off a couple of times, most of the other gameplay is just making yes or no choices, so it might get tedious after a few plays. I still liked it though, and I'll probably play it again in a few days to see if my opinion changes. It's only like $3 and it will probably be $1 again in a couple of weeks anyway so its probably worth picking up if even the idea interests you at all.
  • Cremlian - if you want a wingman or whatever after the friends update comes in, hit me up. SquadronROE.
  • I've been playing the 1997 game BLOOD: ONE WHOLE UNIT, which I grabbed off

    I wish they made more shooters like this. Insanely hard, super fast paced, and completely nonsensical. The only problem is that it does that false-3d thing in the vertical axis, which gives me a headache in short order.
  • Saints Row: The 3rd is over the top silliness, and kind of a guilty pleasure.
  • Has anyone tried out the Hawken beta? I'm curious how this game is. It looks cool and all...
  • Has anyone tried out the Hawken beta? I'm curious how this game is. It looks cool and all...
    I tried it out during the closed beta it was awesome but I joined kinda late and everyone had better guns and upgrades.

  • Hawken was fun when I played it at pax. I've been playing the shit out of sticker star. I wouldn't say it's better than the first two and I've heard the wii one is poop but this one is still fun to run around and jump on shit.
  • edited December 2012
    Has anyone tried out the Hawken beta? I'm curious how this game is. It looks cool and all...
    I've been in it since the Alpha, and it's pretty fun. Gameplay-wise, it's like the Counterstrike of Mech games - Fast, tight, precise, quick re-spawns and simple, easy-to-grasp gameplay. It doesn't have the slower, more deliberate nature of Mechwarrior games, you just have your guns, your jets, now get a fuckin' shuffle on.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Interesting. Churba's post is not the first time I've seen a mention of Counter-Strike when describing of Hawken, but based on grand total of one game of death-match, I would disagree. Especially when Churba's list doesn't have many things that describe Counter-Strike. I personally would draw more comparisons to Quake and games like it. I feel that Hawken's dodge maneuvers, boosts and howering share similar function to the rocket jumps and bunnyhops of Quake, dodging and positioning. Of course having only basic knowledge of Quake and minimal knowledge of Hawken I could just be wrong.
  • Interesting. Churba's post is not the first time I've seen a mention of Counter-Strike when describing of Hawken, but based on grand total of one game of death-match, I would disagree. Especially when Churba's list doesn't have many things that describe Counter-Strike. I personally would draw more comparisons to Quake and games like it. I feel that Hawken's dodge maneuvers, boosts and howering share similar function to the rocket jumps and bunnyhops of Quake, dodging and positioning. Of course having only basic knowledge of Quake and minimal knowledge of Hawken I could just be wrong.
    Nah, It's more accurate. I just figured more people would be familiar with Counterstrike than Quake. The rest, they'll figure out as they go along.
  • I'd agree with the above. Even the closed beta felt pretty polished, so I'm happy with how Hawken is coming along. Between Hawken and Mechwarrior Online I'll be covered for mech games this year.
  • There are too many Free to play games that are actually of decent quality.
  • Just played some of the best NS2 ever.

    Lots of good rounds back and forth with mostly the same people. Then, the final epic round happened. I can't recall all the details of the amazingness that happened. I didn't record it, either. We were aliens. We started out not so good. We eventually won a very long battle that lasted maybe over an hour. Both teams pushed each other to the limit.

    Everyone had to defend every inch of the map at all times. We were constantly sneaking behind their lines to take out RTs. They were constantly sneaking ARCs near all our hives. I went onos at least three times with my own res. Every time we made them beacon to take their secondary base, they phased through like pros.

    The game broke when we put up a sneaky cafeteria hive, and then they took it down. We were miraculously able to take departures while they were taking cafeteria out. The push they made on departures was like none I have ever seen. And they were still pushing Generator and Locker Room at the same time.

    Once departures was up, we got all the three-hive abilities, and it was the beginning of the end. Stomp came out, and we were able to win in maybe another half hour. It wasn't just that the game was long. It was that we were pushed back to the edge of gg. I considered pressing F4 early on. Yet, somehow we brought it back. And there was never a dull moment. It was a constant climax on all fronts. Wish it could be that great every time.
  • Okay, so I just finished Saint's Row: The Third. I'm at the maximum level with all the upgrades and have completed both endings. Great game. Will buy the next one (if there is a next one) sight unseen.
  • Hotline: Miami is no longer glitch/crashtastic.
  • Good. Now play it until your eyes bleed.
  • edited December 2012
    I'd rather hawken was just a release. It's really fun but fuck the fact that if I want to change the way my mech looks at all I HAVE to pay. Just give the option to pay once for $60 and give me access to everything. I mean colors and hats I could care less about but if I can make my body smaller but I have to pay then that is frustrating.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I'd rather hawken was just a release. It's really fun but fuck the fact that if I want to change the way my mech looks at all I HAVE to pay. Just give the option to pay once for $60 and give me access to everything. I mean colors and hats I could care less about but if I can make my body smaller but I have to pay then that is frustrating.
    It's only cosmetic. I'm pretty sure your hitbox is still the same size.

  • edited December 2012
    Yeah I wasn't sure whether the hitbox changed, I was trying to do some research on it. Still, microtransactions just make me feel weird inside.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Yeah I wasn't sure whether the hitbox changed, I was trying to do some research on it. Still, microtransactions just make me feel weird inside.
    Ditto that. It was cool in the alpha and beta, where they essentially gave you free cash, but now, maybe a little less so.

  • New Super Mario Bros Wii U is awesome and I suck at it so much.
  • Looks good man, you guys have done some brilliant stuff this year. Keep it up!
  • edited December 2012
    Oh hey, I might buy The Secret World, since it's only 15 bucks on amazon.

    "Games are only available to US residents."

    Or maybe fuck you.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2012
    I've been playing DOTA 2, DOTA 2, DOTA 2, Dishonored, and Spider Solitaire while DOTA 2 loads and finds a match.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited December 2012
    Anyone know when Steam's Winter Wallet Rape Event is happening?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • 18th, I think?
  • Right in time for my birthday, then. :D
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