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  • edited December 2012
    Oh hey, I might buy The Secret World, since it's only 15 bucks on amazon.

    "Games are only available to US residents."

    Or maybe fuck you.

    Just add a fake US delivery address, it has worked for me before. But maybe it only works for Steam codes, not sure.
    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • Just add a fake US delivery address, it has worked for me before. But maybe it only works for Steam codes, not sure.
    I'll have to try that out - I know that taking my money isn't the issue, because I've bought things for friends with my Australian card and a US address before. Dunno why it never occurred to me to try it, thanks Thane!
  • Oh mans. That charge at 4:30? That was glorious.
  • Just add a fake US delivery address, it has worked for me before. But maybe it only works for Steam codes, not sure.
    I'll have to try that out - I know that taking my money isn't the issue, because I've bought things for friends with my Australian card and a US address before. Dunno why it never occurred to me to try it, thanks Thane!
    Brief update - Works perfectly. Sweet, thanks again, Thane!
  • Brief update - Works perfectly. Sweet, thanks again, Thane!
    So, what awesome fake address did you go with? I use an actual hotel in the middle of nowhere.
  • Brief update - Works perfectly. Sweet, thanks again, Thane!
    So, what awesome fake address did you go with? I use an actual hotel in the middle of nowhere.
    Predictably, I used a bar in LA that I'm rather fond of. Worked perfectly.
  • I used the address that this site is registered to.
  • Dikembe Mutombo's 4 1/2 Weeks to Save the World is a bizarre, incredibly slick Old Spice sponsored flash game.
  • Picked up Spec Ops the Line, man this is a heavy game. Im not sure if its because I know some of the stuff around it but its really jaring.
  • Dikembe Mutombo's 4 1/2 Weeks to Save the World is a bizarre, incredibly slick Old Spice sponsored flash game.
    Finished the shooter level on the 3rd attempt. It's alright.
  • With SquadROE continuing his long cavalcade of being like the FRCF's own super-awesome Santa figure, but without all the hassle of being fictional, I'll be playing some Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. Probably while drinking.
  • I'm taking a bit of a break from Planetside 2 at this point, to make room for Far Cry 3 and War Thunder. The former is actually pretty fantastic, although it's already starting to get a little repetitive. I'm gonna push through it because, well, what it's repeating is a lot of fun.

    War Thunder is a bit of a weird beast right now. It's trying to be an all-encompassing arcade/sim WW2 combat game/simulator with expansive multiplayer as well as a branching single-player game. I'm worried that they will try to do all of this and end up doing none of it very well. For instance, World of Tanks has been up and running for a couple of years and is doing well, but they are still tweaking it. World of Warplanes is still in beta, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. War Thunder is combining both of those games, by a different company, and adding what would equate to a World of Boats. As well as adding a branching single player campaign, and beefing up the sim aspect of those games through a "historical" game mode.

    On the surface, this seems like an insurmountable task. The really odd thing is, though, that they are actually succeeding. I keep trying to find glaring flaws, mistranslations, or other aspects of a shoddy F2P design... and there really aren't any. None that really matter that much, at least. The flight model is solid, and when my Hurricane IIc ends up in a flat spin it's because I've done something really stupid even in Arcade mode. Tight turns bleed speed, so you don't end up in a turning war with someone. You have to be careful. The bombers are hilariously fun and feel as good as they ever did in SWOTL or any other classic WW2 games. They handle slowly, you have to jump around taking control of various stations (although the AI is fairly good at gunning) to make combat a little more hectic, and the firing arcs aren't horrifyingly bad. They're just accurate.

    The only real down side I can see is that it will suck money out of my wallet, because I'd want to avoid the grind to get better aircraft.
  • War Thunder looks pretty good played a bit of it.
  • Just started the Walking Dead, got through the first episode which enough "aww this is messed up" moments to last me a bit.

    I'm quite glad that games like this are being made.
  • I beat Sleeping Dogs and it was so sick. Now I'm going to start FFXIII FTW
  • Star Conflict is good you should play it.
  • edited December 2012
    Don't Starve is pretty ballin'. Kinda like Minecraft/Terraria minus the digging around. You find resources, learn shit, eat food so you don't die, and build stuff. You also get two copies for purchasing during preorder.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The end boss of Magical Drop V on normal can fuck itself up the ass with a rusty ICBM.
  • Picked up Spec Ops the Line, man this is a heavy game. Im not sure if its because I know some of the stuff around it but its really jaring.
    Oh mans, Spec Ops is a fantastic game. I played it all in one sitting, and it gave me all the feels. Also, Hotline Miami is really strange, and I'm not very good at it.

  • I beat Sleeping Dogs and it was so sick. Now I'm going to start FFXIII FTW
    There is no ftw in regards to FFXIII. It managed to trick me and I will never forgive it for it.
  • Blood Bowl is fucking hilarious.
  • Loving Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Grab it while it's $15 (only a few more hours I think).

    Hotline Miami's visual style is very hard for me to take when you're sitting in front of a computer screen, it's probably best on a TV. The 8-bit style seems like it's kind of a cop-out. I love the gameplay, don't get me wrong, but looking at the game gives me a little bit of a headache and then I end up getting frustrated and playing something with more pixels.
  • The headache isn't caused by the pixels. It's actually caused by the combination of the music, the colour shifting, and the constant, wavering tilt of the screen, which only happens during combat sequences. The effect is entirely deliberate, as it's meant to simulate the fact that, just before he goes on his murder spree, the main character does a fuckload of cocaine!
  • I think I'm gonna try to finish Far Cry 3 today. Then I'm going to think up a good contest to give away one of my favorite RTS's of all time: Wargame: European Escalation.

    Seriously, dudes. They've managed to accurately model modern combined arms warfare without it being a micro management nightmare. The sides are also incredibly well balanced, without feeling inaccurately modeled.
  • Side note - If you think the Australian character, Buck, sounds really odd in FC3, you're right. He's played by a guy whom I think is Canadian, and he sounds more South African than Australian.
  • What am I doing wrong in this Magical Drop?!?!?!
  • I know right? I honestly have lost faith in my puzzle skills. You have to be super fast to set up combos/chains.
  • I know right? I honestly have lost faith in my puzzle skills. You have to be super fast to set up combos/chains.
    But I never had this problem in Magical Drop III
  • Over the week I finished New Super Mario Bros Wii U.
    I somehow ended skipping two worlds by accident. I kind of feel that jumping over those two worlds was awesome but I am gonna try to finish the right way. If only because I missed the experience of playing them.
    How weird, right? Back in the day jumping over a world was awesome. Maybe because, one felt lucky enough to find a secret passage and one could boast in front of one friends.
    However, now I just want to experience every second of it.
    Also, the experience of playing multiplayer with my little cousins yesterday was awesome and hilarious. Somehow all of us went back to our 6 year old selves and had a fantastic time.
    If you own a Wii U, you should totally pick up this game.
  • I beat Sleeping Dogs and it was so sick. Now I'm going to start FFXIII FTW
    There is no ftw in regards to FFXIII. It managed to trick me and I will never forgive it for it.
    Play VI instead, if you haven't already.

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