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  • Aria Di Mezzo Carrattere!
  • Just once I'd like to join a TFC server and not have to download ten million MP3 files.
  • I just finished up the Buck storyline in Far Cry 3. Yeah, his accent was a bit off. However I think the entire character was "a bit off". That entire quest line was... odd. It also left me feeling a little bit hollow.

    I mean, he's got a chainsaw in his basement thingy. With a camcorder. And a bed.
  • Yeah, his accent was a bit off.
    I seriously didn't know he was meant to be Australian, till I read the wiki.
  • I can't place any of the accents in the game, aside from the Americans. They all just seem a bit off to me, although I really don't have much experience with Pacific islander accents anyway. That could just be me.
  • I finally got around to paying the single-player of Battlefield 3, but apparently the latest multi-player update broke single-player in a hilarious way: one of the levels requires you to shoot down a plane, but the missile launcher needed to actually do that has disappeared from the level. Forum thread.
  • I played through the campaign on a week where I didn't have internet, then I got back on the web and Battlelog decided to wipe my progress.
  • Over the week I finished New Super Mario Bros Wii U.
    Are we Wii U friends yet?

  • Over the week I finished New Super Mario Bros Wii U.
    Are we Wii U friends yet?

    Yes we are :D
  • Just wanted to make sure! :P
  • I just had the most hilarious dogfight in War Thunder. I got in a twin-engine level bomber (Beaufort Mk VIII) and somehow got matched up with a bunch of level 0-2 duders. Basically I was faster and their guns (except for a couple of the ones armed with .50 cals) had a hard time hurting me. So I was dogfighting the biplanes, letting my front gunner take shots at them. Shot down 4.
  • Spec Ops: The Line is a goddamn gut-wrencher. Anno 2070 isn't quite what I had hope it would be.
  • Spec Ops: The Line is a goddamn gut-wrencher. Anno 2070 isn't quite what I had hope it would be.
    I was curious about Anno 2070. Please elaborate.

  • Anno is fucking slow. Press numpad plus to fast forward your game and it gets tolerable. Otherwise, it's a pretty cool sim-city type game. I enjoyed planning out my economy, figuring out which islands could grow what and could mine what, and figuring out how to trade it all together in such a way that I could supply everything to everything and make my whole economy work together.
  • edited December 2012
    I started Cave Story 3D the other day, having never played any version of it before. Definitely a very solid and satisfying game, but it seems like its importance to the lineage of indie game development kind of outshines the work itself.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2012
    Anno is fucking slow. Press numpad plus to fast forward your game and it gets tolerable. Otherwise, it's a pretty cool sim-city type game. I enjoyed planning out my economy, figuring out which islands could grow what and could mine what, and figuring out how to trade it all together in such a way that I could supply everything to everything and make my whole economy work together.
    What he said. The game got a lot more fun when I learned how to fast forward and skipped the tutorials.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • That's a bummer I was sorta interested in that game.
  • At the beckoning of a new friend, I logged in to WoW and gave their Pokemon system a try. It's pretty fun. I will admit I'm not a huge Pokefan having only played Red WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back on the Gameboy. I am itching for more but I need to cut off that addiction before it happens.
  • Finished off Borderlands. Just started Saints Row 3. Holy jeebuz, I forgot how much I liked open-world crime games (last one I played was San Andreas when it came out).
  • Epic Mickey 2 is better than the first one, but still has it's issues. The AI for Oswald is infuriating at times and I would suggest going co-op all the way with it.

    New Super Mario Bros U is really, really pretty~
    It also seems to be harder than the other New SMB games, so that's good.
  • Theoretically I'm playing Just Cause 2, but I can't find any ammo, so right now I'm playing Dick Around Until You Find Ammo.
  • Theoretically I'm playing Just Cause 2, but I can't find any ammo, so right now I'm playing Dick Around Until You Find Ammo.
    Call your supplier. Get him to drop you a tank.
    Problem solved.

  • Theoretically I'm playing Just Cause 2, but I can't find any ammo, so right now I'm playing Dick Around Until You Find Ammo.
    Call your supplier. Get him to drop you a tank.
    Problem solved.

    Not that far in yet. Baddest I can get is a plane that I will instantly crash.
  • Theoretically I'm playing Just Cause 2, but I can't find any ammo, so right now I'm playing Dick Around Until You Find Ammo.
    Call your supplier. Get him to drop you a tank.
    Problem solved.

    Not that far in yet. Baddest I can get is a plane that I will instantly crash.
    You should still be able to get weapon and ammo drops, though.

  • Theoretically I'm playing Just Cause 2, but I can't find any ammo, so right now I'm playing Dick Around Until You Find Ammo.
    Call your supplier. Get him to drop you a tank.
    Problem solved.

    Not that far in yet. Baddest I can get is a plane that I will instantly crash.
    You should still be able to get weapon and ammo drops, though.

    Regardless, I now have ammo and am role playing steam boat Willie.
  • Finally got Skyrim to work, playing that and more War Thunder, although I'm starting to get tired of War Thunder. So many people are just plain awful at that game. I had 3 people try to avoid me by simply snap rolling in a straight line. That is not a particularly great manuever.
  • Lots and Lots of Sonic Generations, which is actually quite excellent.
  • Started up Zelda: Spirit Tracks. About two hours in and too early to pass any judgement. Definitely a slow starter, but all the critics say it's a nice improvement over Phantom Hourglass, which I thought was a good game and a worthy handheld follow-up to Wind Waker.
  • Started up Zelda: Spirit Tracks. About two hours in and too early to pass any judgement. Definitely a slow starter, but all the critics say it's a nice improvement over Phantom Hourglass, which I thought was a good game and a worthy handheld follow-up to Wind Waker.
    Phantom Hourglass isn't amazing, but it is WAY better than Spirit Tracks. Spirit Tracks is the only Zelda game other than Majora's Mask I have not finished. That says a lot, since I've beaten Minish Cap.
  • edited January 2013
    Spirit Tracks is really bad. First dungeon is terrible. Second dungeon is terrible. Third dungeon was lame. I think I liked the fourth dungeon. Fifth was awful. I got that far, and then the last excursion through the Tower of Spirits was the most annoyingly repetitive thing and I stopped. Traded in the game after a while.

    The saddest part about Spirit Tracks is that blowing the train whistle and riding the train to places is the best part of the game. The dungeons are SO uninspired. PH is a lot better.
    Post edited by Axel on
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