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  • How the hell do they plan to differentiate between violent and nonviolent?
    The ESRB does it for them.
  • ToME is so god damn good. Got an Alchemist to level 15


    Took on all those frost giants and then died to friggin diseases later...
  • I went to a local game store on Sunday and partook of some games. Some I liked, some I hated, but more detail below...

    When I first arrived, everyone was engaged, so I watched a few games wrap up and was dragged into a 4 player game on Dominion. I forget the exact board but the highlights were Market, Black Market, Grand Market, and Bishop. Colonies and Platinums were also in play.

    I was the only one to take the long game approach and ended up with 8 of the 10 Grand Markets, 5 Markets, and 4 Villages. That along with the Black Market getting me City, Remodel and a few others, I ended up winning handily with 86 and the next closest player haves 61.

    Since I ended it so quickly, no other groups had broken and the people I just played Dominion with didn't have a burning desire to play anything specific, I asked if they wouldn't mind playing my game and they agreed.

    As it turns out, only one of the three players gave any good feedback at all. The other was a man who refused to say ANYTHING about it (???) and a teenage girl who proclaimed it was too long. That might be because she and the Silent Man didn't pay attention when I was explaining how to play and had to be explained things several times.

    I gained a little more insight into the project so more tweaks will be made and the game brought to the big monthly meetup on Saturday. I won't ask people to play it but enough people know it's there that I'm fairly sure someone will ask. ^_^

    Next up was Ticket to Ride. I loathe this game but it was the best option of the games forming and the Eclipse players didn't want to go again. I still haven't had a chance to play Eclipse and I want to get that off the checklist!! I ended up second in 4 players. I'm told a feat since the other people had all played "hundreds of times". They only brought it up when they commented on how annoying I was to play against (I always take that as a compliment. It means I'm getting in their way) and I said I hadn't played in over a year.

    Finally, Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe. I also hate Catan games. When asked if I wanted to join, I asked if there was anything in this version of Catan that made it anything but "Roll dice to see who wins". The reply was no.

    I was faced with leaving and going home or playing a game, even a shitty one. I chose playing.

    In short, the player to my left said he needed one more turn to win, the next player had to roll a 10 or 11 to win (which he did), the next player could only win on a 3, and I just needed another turn regardless of rolls to be able to play the stiffy card I bought on my previous turn.

    I could have won on my penultimate turn had I conned someone into trading me a wood but these guys had played enough Catan to know you don't trade so late into the game. I used that situation to explain that Catan games were silly and random. No one argued with me and 2 of them said they were over Catan. I consider that a win.
  • Still playing War Thunder. Pew pew pew vroom vroom.
  • So I've been playing DMC, and I was worried that it might lose the feel of the franchise I love what with the new team and frame rate. Then Dante got into a fuck you of with a ancient demon and Virgil boasted about the size of his genitals and I knew I was home.
    I've heard that DMC is really, really easy and that completely turned me off from the game.
  • Chivalry is pretty fun, if a bit rage inducing at times.
  • Chivalry is pretty fun, if a bit rage inducing at times.
    I've heard it called CS with pointy things.
    I tried to play through the tutorial but had a hard time with more than a few bugs and a good deal of shitty directions and lack of cues as to how to do some things. I kinda gave up after that.
  • The game is so hilarious I'm not sure how you could rage at it. They've fixed a lot of things in it.
  • edited February 2013
    It looks like Pirates, Vikings, and Knights, but without the pirates and vikings and it costs money. So worse.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Except that that game looks like shit and not fun.
  • The game is so hilarious I'm not sure how you could rage at it. They've fixed a lot of things in it.
    It's definitely funny more often than ragey, but occasionally you'll get hit when standing behind someone as they are winding up, and get instakilled (playing as a light class).
  • Except that that game looks like shit and not fun.
    Just like Chivalry :P Bern there, done that.
  • edited February 2013
    Well if you don't like any sort of first person melee combat you're not going to like it. But I guarantee it handles much differently than that game does.

    I actually thought the game looked like shit at first and then I played it and had a lot of fun. So no hating until you play it brah.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I agree it's pretty fun. But they took the stabbing off my javelins and now I'm sad.
  • I don't think I've ever used the javelins yet. I have all the Knight and Vanguard unlocked and am in the process of unlocking the last bow and crossbow. I basically haven't done anything with the man at arms yet.
  • Javelin basically turns the Archer into a cheap Man-at-Arms. It functions like a short spear you can also throw, or it did before they removed the spear part.
  • Yeah I've certainly been killed by a lot of people using the javelin.
  • My defining experience in Chivalry was playing elimination deathmatch at the arena. We got slaughtered the first two rounds, and someone said we need to plan. I spouted out that everyone except the knights turn left. Since I was playing with some friends, at least a few people cooperated and we won the round as a result. Next round, I said everyone turn left including the knights. Won again. Then I said everyone go right and we won a third time. Eventually, I had a process where I tossed two coins to determine which direction the knights went and where the rest went. Won the deathmatch as a result :D

    Now when I play the game (although it's been a month now), I think of it as a RTS unit simulator. Not in the same way as Natural Selection, where pew pewing is still very important, but in a "position and proximity to other units determines life and death" sort of way that made a relatively normal FPS into something really awesome.
  • Yeah I've certainly been killed by a lot of people using the javelin.
    You should try BF3, with the way IR smoke has been set up, nobody is ever killed by a Javelin.
  • That's the other multiplayer game I've been playing. Team objective is what I find most interesting about chivalry but its nice to play team death match every now and again.
  • I've been trying to play it more lately too. It's enjoyable, but it does have those little quibbles that make it annoying sometimes - like, for example, the Javelin is all but useless.
  • I actually thought the game looked like shit at first and then I played it and had a lot of fun. So no hating until you play it brah.
    Except that that game looks like shit and not fun.
  • edited February 2013
    I stand by my contradiction sir :P. I was kinda joking by being ignorantly critical, like it seemed you were being. I've always lived by the phrase "don't knock it until you try it."
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I don't think Chivalry actually looks like shit, I just didn't want to argue on the phrase "looks like shit." But I watched Game Grumps play Chivalry and it's a lot like PVK except with only the K. It's a silly fun game where you hack at your opponents in first person, but it's kind of similar to a free source mod I stopped playing in like 2006, is all :P
  • I've been trying to play it more lately too. It's enjoyable, but it does have those little quibbles that make it annoying sometimes - like, for example, the Javelin is all but useless.
    I'll need to add you on Origin as I only have one other friend who plays it and he has very little free time.
  • I just finished Sly Cooper 4 today. What an amazingly disappointing game.
  • edited February 2013
    I just finished Sly Cooper 4 today. What an amazingly disappointing game.
    Well fuck, that is not what I wanted to hear. I was hoping for something fun even if Sucker Punch was not developing it.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I just finished Sly Cooper 4 today. What an amazingly disappointing game.
    Well fuck, that is not what I wanted to hear. I was hoping for something fun even if Sucker Punch was not developing it.
    Likewise, I figured since they HD ported over the original to the PS3 that they understood how to make a Sly game. Well rather they understood how, but why those things made a Sly game.
  • I'll need to add you on Origin as I only have one other friend who plays it and he has very little free time.
    I'm pretty easy to find, I'm Churba pretty much everywhere. You should also ask George Patches and Omnutia, they both go through bursts of playing regularly.

  • edited February 2013
    Oh shot frcf bro squad ASSSEMBLLLLLEEE! Time to kick some terrorist ass. Don't let them take our guns or our freedom but mostly our guns.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
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