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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Currently still playing Spirit Tracks and have started up ZombiU
    Let me know your thoughts on ZombiU, was perusing the idea on getting that game.

  • I didn't really lose any important squaddies until I got to the
    mind control aliens. They can take down my best units.
    Really? I plowed through those guys. You just have to advance cautiously so that you don't trip them and their guards on the same turn.
  • I didn't really lose any important squaddies until I got to the
    mind control aliens. They can take down my best units.
    Really? I plowed through those guys. You just have to advance cautiously so that you don't trip them and their guards on the same turn.
    The Berserker started getting pretty easy, once I unlocked the alloy cannon - Hit them with rapid fire(two shots from the one assault class bloke), and then when they charge you, you get a third automatic reaction shot if you have that skill. One dead Berserker.

  • My team for almost my entire run was three support, two assault and one sniper. The assaults leapfrog up with the supports assembled behind, and the sniper lagged back, flying or climbing on shit as necessary. Absolutely anything that was detected was battered back and forth between two alloy cannons and then hosed with plasma fire regardless of whose turn it was.
  • Oh mans, snipers are 100% boss. Ghost suit to get up to rooftops, they can hardly be touched, and they're super deadly up there with the high advantage to hit percentage and crit chance.
  • My sniper was basically the way I got through the early game. She could sit just outside of weapon range and there is this nice sweet spot for a long while where the game is throwing lots of Sectoids and Floaters at you, but nothing scarier just yet, that just lets the sniper absolutely tear shit up. I would finish missions with my assaults battered but alive, the support having used their medkits to depletion, and my sniper having 20+ kills.

    (I actually managed to take a core team of six from the start of the game to the very end on Hard. The key was playing super conservatively in the early game, focusing on scouting and clearing small areas at a time, lining up the supports for good overwatch, and excising heavies from my lineup entirely to save money on upgrades. Also, chucking in sacrificial rookies to pad the squad when I had wounded and basically using them to stumble on aliens for the rest of my team to murderize.)
  • edited January 2013
    Just finished act 1 of KRZ. It's more visual novel than game and reminds me of a Cormac McCarthy novel but minus some of the fucked up shit he writes about. It's some cool business and I'm interested in more.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Replaying through HL2 because I've grown somewhat bored with CS at the moment and am really frustrated with Dota 2's learning curve.

  • Currently still playing Spirit Tracks and have started up ZombiU
    Let me know your thoughts on ZombiU, was perusing the idea on getting that game.

    I find that while I want to play ZombieU my stomach will not let me. The low light levels play havoc on my motion sickness. After twenty minutes I have to stop or puke.
  • edited January 2013
    Sword & Sworcery is 90% excellent (80% if you're not using a touch screen).
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Agreed.
  • I only got through the first part of that because the developers seemed to in-games keep patting themselves on the back for being really clever when I did not find anything about it especially clever at all.
  • So I can see why Spirit Tracks isn't among the best Zeldas, but there is some stuff to like about it. I'm still plowing through b/c I'm stubborn, and am probably just past halfway in the game (about to head to fire temple). One thing I enjoyed so far was the boss design. One thing I have not enjoyed has been that side quests seem to be less interesting. I usually like tearing into all the extra stuff but don't feel compelled to with this game.
  • Goddamn DotA 2 and more DotA 2.

  • Just got into the beta for The Showdown Effect, a multiplayer action game from the Magicka devs. Seems pretty fun so far, got 3 extra steam keys for it too:
  • edited February 2013
    Just used the second key. I'm curious to see if their network code works because in Magicka it sucks balls.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I grabbed the last one of your Dylan.
  • Game crashes when I click "Go Training". Magicka guys. You are bad at this.
  • I took the first. Thanks!
  • edited February 2013
    Game crashes when I click "Go Training". Magicka guys. You are bad at this.
    Yeah, does that for me too. Online play is working fine though, there just aren't many players.

    Post edited by Dylan on
  • Didn't crash for me Rubin, probably your computer :-p
  • Didn't crash for me Rubin, probably your computer :-p
    I think the people who make Magicka must have broken computers like yours. If their software works for you, it's a problem.
  • ...That is the most broken logic I've ever heard. Seriously, it's a work of art.
  • Either everyone playing is in Sweden, or the net code in this thing is really bad.
  • Either everyone playing is in Sweden, or the net code in this thing is really bad.
    How could they get it wrong twice? Magicka netcode was so broken. Why they no fix?
  • Maybe it's fine if you're in Sweden.
  • Magicka was such a cool idea but also so frigged up and broken. Did they ever fix it up?
  • Tried dipping back into old games with Evil Genius, after playing for a while and having been stuck for a long time, it turns out moving one of the pieces of furniture (The conference table.) causes a game breaking bug that doesn't manifest for a long while later.

    And Steam lets something like that through?
  • edited February 2013
    Trying to get all the campaign cheivos in StarCraft II demonstrates how well those campaign levels are designed (even if the story is kinda meh).
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Game Dev Story has me hooked in a very big bad way.
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