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  • Oh shot frcf bro squad ASSSEMBLLLLLEEE! Time to kick some terrorist ass. Don't let them take our guns or our freedom but mostly our guns.
    Oh, and Yosho too. I don't see him on as much, but he's around from time to time.
  • Just purchased my 2nd DS copy of chrono trigger (lost the 1st one). Alternating between titles like final fantasy 8, illusion of gaia SNES, and torchlight on steam to name a few.
  • Oh shot frcf bro squad ASSSEMBLLLLLEEE! Time to kick some terrorist ass. Don't let them take our guns or our freedom but mostly our guns.
    Oh, and Yosho too. I don't see him on as much, but he's around from time to time.
    I haven't played BF3 in forever. I need to get on that shit. Send me a skype message when you want to play, and I'm in!

  • I don't understand Tropico 4, but I'm having a lot of fun with it.
  • Just purchased my 2nd DS copy of chrono trigger (lost the 1st one). Alternating between titles like final fantasy 8, illusion of gaia SNES, and torchlight on steam to name a few.
    Why would you ever need to punish yourself so much as to play Final Fantasy VIII?

  • Just purchased my 2nd DS copy of chrono trigger (lost the 1st one). Alternating between titles like final fantasy 8, illusion of gaia SNES, and torchlight on steam to name a few.
    Why would you ever need to punish yourself so much as to play Final Fantasy VIII?

    Yeah seriously. It is without a doubt, the worst Final Fantasy. Worse than XIII and II for that matter.

  • XIII is worse. II is a lot better than both of them, get off it.
  • edited February 2013
    8 isnt that bad but it's arguably one of the doofier games. I still like it though. Everything after 10 was terrible IMO. Xii was okay but just not interesting. I straight up stopped playing x because the voice acting was driving me insane. I don't need to say anything about xiii
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I never beat Illusion of Gaia. I never owned it (alwasy rented or borrowed) and I always was stuck repeatedly in areas where I wasn't sure what to do or it wasn't clear how to move past something.
  • >be me, playing Tropico 4
    >choosing which El Presidente will be my El Presidente
    "custom avatar"
    >make William Jennings Bryan avatar
    >play prospecting mission
    >anti-populist fat cat tells me to mine for iron
    >need his money to pay my farmers, so I go with it
    >iron market collapses, fat cat comes running back to me
    "You need to start mining gold now!"
    >I will not let you crucify this nation on a cross of gold
  • Antichamber has this incredible ability to make you feel both like a magnificent supergenius and a fucking dumbass, often at the same time.
  • Greg, you're the best.
  • If you liked that, we should play Twilight Struggle at PAX. I end up making all my best American History jokes while playing that game.
  • edited February 2013
    I may have an obligation to attempt to counter you with references to the histories of the Holy Roman Empire.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • You guys.


    original Xcom you guys.


    (watched the Idle Thumbs Xcom steam and it gave me the Xcom itch something fierce)
  • Finally taking the time to finish Star Tours: The Video Game Kid Icarus: Uprising before I allow myself to purchase Fire Emblem: Awakening. What an awesome game. The only complaint about it I have is that it's sometimes hard to split my attention between the dialog, visuals, and actually playing the game.
  • >be me, still playing Tropico 4, three days ago
    >playing mission 6, year is 1986 (in game)
    "The Rebels are rallying for a final decisive attack on your Palace. The attack will happen within 2 years"
    >build two or three guard stations, carry on as usual
    >fastforward to today
    >making up to $500,000 with each freighter
    >game year is 2030
    >rebels still haven't attacked.

    What the fuck is wrong with my game?
  • >be me, still playing Tropico 4, three days ago
    >playing mission 6, year is 1986 (in game)
    "The Rebels are rallying for a final decisive attack on your Palace. The attack will happen within 2 years"
    >build two or three guard stations, carry on as usual
    >fastforward to today
    >making up to $500,000 with each freighter
    >game year is 2030
    >rebels still haven't attacked.

    What the fuck is wrong with my game?
    Clearly, Gabe Newell the leader of the third revolution.

  • I finally beat Spelunky! I'm not sure I want to try to get into and out of hell since beating it straight up was enough of a grind but it sure was fun.
  • Antichamber has this incredible ability to make you feel both like a magnificent supergenius and a fucking dumbass, often at the same time.
    Probably gonna snag that this summer when I finish playing my back catalog of games. The game looks good though.

    1. Fallout 3 / Fallout : NV
    2. GTA IV
    3. Hitman : Blood Money
  • I finally beat Spelunky! I'm not sure I want to try to get into and out of hell since beating it straight up was enough of a grind but it sure was fun.
    Damn I gotta go back and play Spelunky that game was strangely addicting for a while.
  • I've somewhat recently finished Morrowind, The Witcher 2 and Deus Ex. Human Revoluion. Feels like I've finally made a dent to my backlog. Maybe next I focus on something that's less of a words-words-words, and after Deus Ex, I don't want to see a hacking minigame for a while.
  • Played a bit of Anodyne last night. It reminds me a lot of Gameboy Zelda's more than anything else. I can tell there's going to be a bit more to it than that, at least atmospherically. Its worth a look, at least. Since you buy it through the humble store there is a possibility it might be in a future bundle so I don't blame anyone for just torrenting it for now, but its only a dollar anyway.
  • Persona 3, pretty interesting but I think I'd just rather watch it as an anime then play it :-p
  • There is a new F2P MMO out called War Thunder and it's pretty fucking awesome. It's WWII aircombat game that combines pvp aircombat with AI ground wars. Many of the game modes require you to eliminate the AI while staving off enemy fighters or capture airfields. It's also very skill based, even though there is a little bit of unlock stuff. Because of the match making, I've never run into issues of being out classed because of my level. The game also runs super smoothly and works extremely well with mouse and keyboard (even better than the joystick controls I've heard).

    It's currently open-beta with future plans to include navy and ground player vehicles in the future.

  • What the hell, I'll give it a go. That's three people who've recommended it now, so I'll give it a shot.
  • AmpAmp
    edited February 2013
    If it runs on mac then I would be up for it. It could be pretty cool to get some forum squadrons going. Also I could try to find a way of getting the Sopwith Camel the greatest plane ever made.

    Edit for derp terminology.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • I'd be playing it if I wasn't addicted to Planetside 2, it was pretty good when I tried it a few months ago.
  • The one downside is that squads/groups are limited to four people. It's a bummer. Also, Sopwith Camel is soooo WWI. However, many of the starter planes are Bi-Planes...
  • The one downside is that squads/groups are limited to four people. It's a bummer. Also, Sopwith Camel is soooo WWI. However, many of the starter planes are Bi-Planes...
    Is there anyway to have organization across that? Say the flight leads all talking to each other? Also WWI is where its at! One wing isn't enough you need two to get the best out of a plane.
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