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Games You are Currently Playing



  • No, I'm Scott.
    I am Spartacus.
    No, I'm Scotacus!
  • My brother just got Borderlands, and the single and multi-player are both fun experiences. Hopefully, over the coming weeks, I will also be acquiring Dragon Age: Origins, Phantasy Star Zero, and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. I should be all set with my gaming needs for a while.
  • I'm in the middle of FE: Shadow Dragon and Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, and I just got Zack and Wiki.
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Love it.
  • No, I'm Scott.
    I am Spartacus.
    No, I'm Scotacus!
    I am the real Scotacus.
  • I'm in the middle ofFE: Shadow DragonandProfessor Layton and the Diabolical Box, and I just gotZack and Wiki.
    All great games.
  • edited December 2009
    I am the real Scotacus.
    This man is From Crete, a nation of Drunks and Liars. I am Clearly the Real Sportacus. I mean, seriously, look at these guns.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is a cold reminder that most Genesis games are garbage. It is also a reminder that Streets of Rage 2 is fucking sweet.
  • Dawn of War II demo, plus Eversion, an adorably horrifying platformer best described as "Cthulhu meets Super Mario Bros 2." It's freeware, too!
  • Okay, just got Dragon Age: Origins and spent three hours playing it this afternoon. Freaking AMAZING. This game is the shiz. It immerses you completely. I'm having a good time watching my brother start his character.
  • I just picked up Torchlight for $9.99 on Steam. As someone who never played Diablo or Diablo II, I'm really liking it. I know a lot of you don't like Diablo clones, but I'm having fun with it.
  • Just got back from a wild weekend in Albany where I had the chance to try out a bunch of games I have not played.

    Batman: Arkham Asylum - I watched my friend play this one (was late) and it was awesome. Seeing the terror level rise in the bad guys when you scare them is just great.

    Dead Space - Thought I would like this one but I did not enjoy the 'over the right shoulder' perspective. I also found it impossible to read the onscreen info on the SDTV he had. I might enjoy it more on an HDTV.

    Brutal Legend - OMG! This game is insanely awesome and all metalheades should pick it up. Excellent soundtrack and a shit-ton of inside jokes all over the place.

    Prince of Persia - Didn't play but watched. Found it to be very boring and lame. You can't die in this game!!! Perhaps that is why they resorted to giving out achievements every few minutes of playing?

    Formula De - I brought this one along and we did a few races with four players. When you have the right group of players this game turns into a non-stop trash-talking fun-fest.
  • Just got back from a wild weekend in Albany where I had the chance to try out a bunch of games I have not played.
    You were in my 'hood? Just missed you.
  • Prince of Persia - Didn't play but watched. Found it to be very boring and lame. You can't die in this game!!! Perhaps that is why they resorted to giving out achievements every few minutes of playing?
    It's actually very fun to play, but not very hard (unless you're collecting the spirit orb things or you suck at quick-time events) and the achievements slow down after the first segment.
  • Formula De - I brought this one along and we did a few races with four players. When you have the right group of players this game turns into a non-stop trash-talking fun-fest.
    This is a very fun, but very expensive game. I did see the newer version at PAX, and I like the new car parts they added.

    I recommend just playing this game with people who already own it.
  • I picked up Deus Ex this weekend. I've never played it before, but I definitely get a System Shock feel to it. It's good to play the classics and experience the best of gaming history.
  • I picked up Deus Ex this weekend. I've never played it before, but I definitely get a System Shock feel to it. It's good to play the classics and experience the best of gaming history.
    Speaking of older games, I'm playing Red faction and I gotta say I miss autosaving...
  • Just about every time I go to a gaming store, gaming club, or gaming convention, there is a copy of Formula De just sitting around not being used. I always want to play, but it has never happened. Next time, it's going to happen.
  • Replayed Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped recently up to 104%. Too lazy to get Gold on each time trial for 105.
  • Just about every time I go to a gaming store, gaming club, or gaming convention, there is a copy of Formula De just sitting around not being used. I always want to play, but it has never happened. Next time, it's going to happen.
    Like most board games, it's good to learn this game from others who have already played and know what they are doing. There are a lot of things to remember and keep track of in regards to durability of the parts of your race car. It's still very fun, and I forgot to add on what Steve said, there is a lot of fun trash talking going on in this game.

    I think I'll have to ask my friend to bring it for New Years.
  • It's still very fun, and I forgot to add on what Steve said, there is a lot of fun trash talking going on in this game.
    Depending on your group you may also hear a lot of anal sex jokes every time a collision check is made, more so if someone crashes due to a blocking condition on the track.

    I own the Euro Games edition of the game but I still want the new version because they got rid of the paper pads and made stick shifts on the car controller things. Tracks are backwards compatible.
  • I just got Shadow Complex (10 dollars this week on XBLA!) and I'm enjoying it, but the aiming system is really hard to get used to.
  • You know what sucks, Fucking Steam, you should go see their christmas sale... HOW can I not buy every game at some of those prices...I mean the Eidos pack alone!
  • edited December 2009
    I mean the Eidos pack alone!

    I need to finish my 40k army...but this sale...

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You know what sucks, Fucking Steam, you should go see their christmas sale... HOW can I not buy every game at some of those prices...I mean the Eidos pack alone!
    I know, its crazy. I mean I only have so much free time, but they are selling some of this stuff for so little its hard not to buy some of it. Luckily it seems to be running through Jan. 3rd so I have time to decide.
  • You know what sucks, Fucking Steam, you should go see their christmas sale... HOW can I not buy every game at some of those prices...I mean the Eidos pack alone!
    I know, its crazy. I mean I only have so much free time, but they are selling some of this stuff for so little its hard not to buy some of it. Luckily it seems to be running through Jan. 3rd so I have time to decide.
    I'm likely going to scoop up more than I need right now just because the bargains are tremendous. I might not have time for Machinarium this moment, but it's $10 as opposed to $20.
  • Alright! Picked up Stalker, Braid and Deus Ex. Add those to the list of Steam games I'll never have time to play.
  • Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is a cold reminder that most Genesis games are garbage.
    Thems fightin words.

    Anywho, I'm playing Dirt2, which is pretty damn fun.
  • Played a little Red Faction, and A little far cry 2 today. Goddamn, I'd forgotten how simultaneously brilliant and controller-snapping frustrating FC2 can be at times.

    Oddly enough, though, I'm having less trouble with the map than what I'd heard, at least, because I already knew how to read a contour map. Most of the complaints I'd heard in that department were that the map had no way to tell what you were driving into, unless it was a colored in mountain, but couldn't be further from the truth, the map does make it really easy to plan an assault, pick out sniper nests, etc, etc.
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