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  • edited November 2009
    Oh no, you didn't just insult the rest of the FRC's mario playing skills....Oh no.
    Have you ever watched Rym play a Mario game? Sure, he's great at regular old Mario Bros, but not Super Mario Bros.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I have been dragged back into playing Trials HD because one of my friends has taken it upon himself to try and beat my times. Friends high score lists equal both the best and worst thing about gaming.
  • The only complaint I have, not really with the game but with with the people I play with, is that they kinda suck (no offense :-p). Whereas I've been playing Mario games my whole life and can quickly pick up on whatever they throw at me, my companions often cannot. The game does circumvent this by providing players the ability to retreat into a protective bubble, while a more skilled player moves on through the level. Playing with others is definitely a hoot, but will often lead to bickering and a little confusion. The solution, of course, is to throw annoying players at goombas and off ledges. I highly recommend this game to any Wii owners out there, as this seems like the best game that will be coming out for a while...
    I am worried about this issue as well. I have friends who will play, and they are good at Mario, but I'm about ten times better at Mario-ing than anyone else in the FRC. If I played co-op I might just get annoyed at them getting in my way.
    This is a common occurence among my group. However, we may yell at one another, or point out a mistake a person made, but we know not to take it personally. I think that's another challenge within the game itself. You need to learn how to deal with the skill level of your teammates.

    There were instances where everyone was able to be the clutch player in the end. It's all about communication. We say when we're in the bubble, we point out who is the only one not in the bubble so they don't fuck up.

    There are some levels where we will have to honestly take it slowly and not haphazardly as we normally do to get all 3 star coins and to get the other exits, however the haphazard way is pretty fun and entertaining.

    Also Scott, if you're the one with the mad mario skills, you can always just shit talk to everyone at the end of every level and say "I carried you all." :P
  • Mount&Blade; Warband Beta
  • Also Scott, if you're the one with the mad mario skills, you can always just shit talk to everyone at the end of every level and say "I carried you all." :P
    Yeah, I guess that is a point. Right now my Mario skills are way better than everyone else's, but I'm no Mario god or anything. I'm good enough to beat the hell out of it on my own, but co-oping with inferior players is like doing it with a ball and chain. Instead of me carrying the team, usually they just drag me down into a pit. But with a different approach, I could just consider the other players as really dangerous obstacles. If I improve my Mario skills even more, I should be able to just win and blow the game away, even with crappy players dragging me down.
  • I could just consider the other players as really dangerous obstacles. If I improve my Mario skills even more, I should be able to just win and blow the game away, even with crappy players dragging me down.
    That's how I treat unstealthy skulks. ^_~
  • I could just consider the other players as really dangerous obstacles. If I improve my Mario skills even more, I should be able to just win and blow the game away, even with crappy players dragging me down.
    That's how I treat unstealthy skulks. ^_~
    So true.
  • Punch-Out!! and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
  • Kingdom Hearts is awesome. I wish my brother would've actually beaten it so we could play real multiplayer together. He played it like a snail, so we could only do missions that were too easy for me, so it wasn't the way multiplayer was intended, with actual difficult/fun missions.
  • edited November 2009
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days seems to be one of those game where I'm the only one hating it. I tried playing it and played for some time but for some time I have felt no interest of picking it up again. I really liked the first one on PS2, but 358/2 just doesn't do it for me. I'd like to have some analog sticks for my 3D games. Also because I haven't played the second one story is kinda meaningless for me and it feels so much like a filler. But I really like the box-thing, "leveling" system, those kind of things where you can play with the system and the choices you make are not final so you can chance your character depending what you'll want or need are cool and there isn't enough of that kind of stuff.
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • You misspelled the numerical title twice, differently each time. It almost seems intentional!
    I know people think of the numerical title as stupid and pointless, but I think it's cool.

    I've never had any problems without an analog stick, I dunno. It might be better with one though, I guess.
  • Mega Man ZX is a fun game, but it's ultimately too simple. While several parts of it are hard, if you can play Mega Man at all, it's easy. For someone like me who sucks at Mega Man, it's tough, but Scott would probably consider it a cakewalk.
  • Mega Man ZX is a fun game, but it's ultimately too simple. While several parts of it are hard, if you can play Mega Man at all, it's easy. For someone like me who sucks at Mega Man, it's tough, but Scott would probably consider it a cakewalk.
    Actually, it's pretty good. The only hard parts are the bosses, though.
  • Mega Man ZX is a fun game, but it's ultimately too simple. While several parts of it are hard, if you can play Mega Man at all, it's easy. For someone like me who sucks at Mega Man, it's tough, but Scott would probably consider it a cakewalk.
    Actually, it's pretty good. The only hard parts are the bosses, though.
    Yeah, most of the stages are pretty simple. The sequel, ZX Advent, actually gets some slightly harder stages. It's also a lot longer.
  • Because I played Advent first I didn't really get into original ZX, advent is just better in every way. The map of ZX is almost useless and trying to guess where you have to go was annoying, also there was some other little things that made me quit playing and move to other games.
  • About to fire up Borderlands for the first time. Anyone else have it?
  • edited November 2009
    About to fire up Borderlands for the first time. Anyone else have it?
    My roommate has it for 360, so I tore through a good deal of it. It's pretty much post-apocalypse gun porn, but it's very, very good post-apocalypse gun porn. If the PC mod community decides to have some fun with it, I'll likely pick it up on Steam.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Playing Lego: Rock Band which I got for free on Black Friday.

    I can easily say that I'm happy I got this for free because if I got the whole thing for full price, I would of been disappointed. There's a good amount of songs in there and the Power Rock Challenges are a spectacle to watch, but there's a bit too much generic crap in there that isn't very fun.

    My favorite song and challenge of the game (That I didn't know about UNTIL the game)

  • Plants vs. Zombies cutest game ever! I love the music video at the end of the game.
  • Plants vs. Zombies cutest game ever!
    Hey Plants VS Zombies, you're doing a great job and Imma gonna let you finish, but Nintendogs is the cutest game of all time! Of all time!

    And I'm not a gay fish.
  • edited November 2009
    I'm bored with Borderlands already. I'm having MMORPG flashbacks. The game demands menial task after menial task, kill this many of these, collect this many of these. It feels like an MMORPG without the first M. Also, I'm beginning to think that choosing Hunter was a mistake. These classes don't feel balanced at all.

    In other news, still addicted to KotOR. Borderlands will probably be revisited when I either have someone to play it with or I'm done with KotOR.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Borderlands will probably be revisited when I either have someone to play it with
    I've heard that it's only worth playing if you have 3 other people playing with you.
  • Evil Genius. It's essentially the Incredibles video games.
  • I was playing Borderlands but stopped when Dragon Age came out. Will be back to it after my second playthrough of Dragon Age. Might pick up the Professor Laytons for the DS as well.
  • Got the GTA Pack on Steam for $30 after I started hurting for some old school, hilarious GTA action instead of all this new GTA IV grimdark bullshit. San Andreas is just as fun as I remember.
  • edited November 2009
    I'm giving Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri a go. It's one of those games you need to read a FAQ for before even attempting to play to work out what everything does.

    Edit: So I picked the free market guy, who's main weakness is against the religious fanatic, and guess who I find has their main city less than ten squares from mine?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'm trying to finish Assassin's Creed 2, but also started Far Cry 2 and Mirror's Edge after picking them up on the Steam sales. Also picked up Dragon Age but probably won't start that until closer to New Year's.
  • Far Cry 2
    I've been playing this, and holy christ is it frustrating at times.
  • edited December 2009
    Well, after an entire night of Alpha Centuri, I ended up conquering my immediate neighbour (Guy was a complete tosser.) and I'm not sure if I want to bother attempting an attack on the other two surviving major factions mostly due to the tedious nature of launching a large scale assault. I might try for diplomatic victory or, failing that, stockpile enough planet buster missiles to wipe them out in one go.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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