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Games You are Currently Playing



  • I am playin Valkyria Chronicles, it is an excelent game :D
  • Over the weekend I started and finished Call of Duty 4, just cause I like the single player campaign a lot, and it's quick. Then I started Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. Yeah, no joke. It's a very short and easy game, but damn it, I still love picking it up every other year or so. There is always some point during every year where I pull out the SNES and just play stuff through, so this year I started with that. Only played it for a couple days and I'm already near the end. Other than that, still slogging through Chrono Trigger on DS.
  • Played Mario Wii a little bit during Scojo's party. Here's one thing I learned. Let's say there's a star going that's down in a pit. Have one person stand in a safe place. Have the other person jump down, get the coin, then bubble. The bubble makes a lot of the star coins easy to get because you basically throw away your life in the process, but bubble before you actually die. Getting all the coins in single-player, that's a real challenge.
    And I'm playing single player only. So far I have them all in World 1 & 2 and I have most in World 3. I just started world 4 last night but I believe I have all 3 stars in the couple levels I've completed there thus far.
  • Got a multi-player game of Borderlands going last night. When it was two player it was fairly challenging. Once we added in the third player it became a serious battle with constant ammo shortages and very nasty enemies.
  • Got a multi-player game of Borderlands going last night. When it was two player it was fairly challenging. Once we added in the third player it became a serious battle with constant ammo shortages and very nasty enemies.
    I think when Borderlands has a deal or drops in price I'll have to pick that up.
  • JayJay
    edited December 2009
    Got a multi-player game of Borderlands going last night. When it was two player it was fairly challenging. Once we added in the third player it became a serious battle with constant ammo shortages and very nasty enemies.
    The game basically becomes a cake walk at later levels unless you play with 4 people. The enemies just don't scale up quick enough and you start running the train all over them. It is a game made to be played with 3-4 people.

    For Fun: Don't have a hunter in party who min/max's blood wing. The bird is poorly balanced and basically runs all over all but the strongest of enemies at higher levels. Especially when it gets multiple strikes and 100% dizzy.

    Pro tip: With 4 players if you encounter a group of higher level bad ass ants...just run.
    Post edited by Jay on
  • The Bayonetta demo. That is all.
  • edited December 2009
    I've started playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS again, since I never finished it. It's a lot harder than the FFIV I remember.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • I'm going old school and playing Breath of Fire 1 on the GBA. Emulator, of course. I'm also experiencing some of my PS3 games on a new HDTV. Although, I'm still waiting for my HDMI cable to come in the mail, so for right now I'm stuck with the regular composite/AV cables.
  • Finished New Super Mario Bros Wii and I've moved on to Brutal Legend. I played it once the day it came out and put it down because some other things came up. My initial impression was that I wasn't going to care much for it, but having played it for a couple days now I'm really enjoying it. One thing that I noticed is that the game seems very short, which is fine. I've only played about 2-3 hours and I'm about 30% finished.
  • Still on my crusade to get all the trophies for Uncharted 2 (OH NOES! FAKE ACHIEVEMENT ALERT!), and also jumped back into Red Faction: Guerrilla after a couple month hiatus. Plus I downloaded PixelJunk Shooter last week, and it's pretty fun. I like small, cheap games that have a decent amount of replayability, mostly because you have to get better at it over time to be able to collect everything.
  • and also jumped back into Red Faction: Guerrilla after a couple month hiatus.
    Oh mans, I'm playing that a bit lately, and goddamn, it's fun. The last thing I did before I saved last? Took down an enormous bridge, by shooting out the supports, waiting, and letting it collapse spectacularly under it's own weight. (and then took off running, because as expected, Mars's local constabulary took a very dim view of this.)
  • Oh mans, I'm playing that a bit lately, and goddamn, it's fun. The last thing I did before I saved last? Took down an enormous bridge, by shooting out the supports, waiting, and letting it collapse spectacularly under it's own weight. (and then took off running, because as expected, Mars's local constabulary took a very dim view of this.)
    If you're speaking of the massive bridge that cannot be destroyed with remote charges, I took that thing down with a sledgehammer and a dump truck.
  • If you're speaking of the massive bridge that cannot be destroyed with remote charges, I took that thing down with a sledgehammer and a dump truck.
    Pft, Nano-rifle, Nice and precise. Though, it was a close thing, till the EDF drove a convoy over it, and the bridge just went "Fuck this!" and gave up. A few well-aimed rockets later, two missions in one!
  • I don't need the nanorifle, Scott. I can destroy the bridge. I DON'T NEED NO NANORIFLE.
  • I don't need the nanorifle, Scott. I can destroy the bridge. I DON'T NEED NO NANORIFLE.
    Wow, I'm so used to being called by a name other than my own, I had to think about which Scott you were talking about. But anyway, I didn't need it, either, I just wanted it :p
  • edited December 2009
    Red Faction I, II and Guerrilla are all going to be played seriously after I beat Dragon Age. (so probably a month from now).
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I loved Red Faction one so much.
  • If you're speaking of the massive bridge that cannot be destroyed with remote charges, I took that thing down with a sledgehammer and a dump truck.
    Pft, Nano-rifle, Nice and precise. Though, it was a close thing, till the EDF drove a convoy over it, and the bridge just went "Fuck this!" and gave up. A few well-aimed rockets later, two missions in one!
    Yes, I also used the nano-rifle and rockets to bring it down from below. It was spectacular.
  • Yes, I also used the nano-rifle and rockets to bring it down from below. It was spectacular.
    Oh, I didn't use the rockets on the bridge - I used them to mop up the surviving trucks from the convoy. The straight weight of the convoy broke the bridge.
  • Wow, I'm so used to being called by a name other than my own, I had to think about which Scott you were talking about.
    You're not named Scott? I used it because the one syllable sounded better in the context of the quote, but apparently I failed. This is like the five or so times I mistook Sail for Sonic (and vice versa) before I sorted their identities out.
  • You're not named Scott? I used it because the one syllable sounded better in the context of the quote, but apparently I failed. This is like the five or so times I mistook Sail for Sonic (and vice versa) before I sorted their identities out.
    I am, but I'm used to people referring to me as Churba on the forums, and there are other people on the forums consistently referred to as Scott, such as Apreche and Scojo, thus the confusion.
  • No, I'm Scott.
  • I am Scott-Oh, King of Scotts.
  • I am Scott-Oh, King of Scotts.
    Do you have a crown? If not, you should.
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2009
    I am Scott-Oh, King of Scotts.
    Do you have a crown? If not, you should.
    Could someone use their drawing skills and use their imagination and make this into something tangible? I really want to see what will happen with this.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Yes, I also used the nano-rifle and rockets to bring it down from below. It was spectacular.
    Oh, I didn't use the rockets on the bridge - I used them to mop up the surviving trucks from the convoy. The straight weight of the convoy broke the bridge.
    I didn't have enough nanorifle ammo to take out all the supports, so rockets had to suffice to actually start the collapse.
    Could someone use their drawing skills and use their imagination and make this into something tangible? I really want to see what will happen with this.
  • I was thinking or making an actual crown for Scott.
  • No, I'm Scott.
    I am Spartacus.
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