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  • Okeefe you are a man of my own heart. I play that game at least once a year.
  • I have never played it before! It's a little slow to start... and it's not clear how much I should be grinding if at all...
  • I have never played it before! It's a little slow to start... and it's not clear how much I should be grinding if at all...
    I love that game with a passion. However...there is no reason to play that version with the garbage translation attached to it. In my opinion, I suggest that if you want to truly experience that game, play the "War of the Lions" version. The easiest way to play it is on iOS, but you can track down the PSP version if the former is not available to you.

  • I have never played it before! It's a little slow to start... and it's not clear how much I should be grinding if at all...
    I love that game with a passion. However...there is no reason to play that version with the garbage translation attached to it. In my opinion, I suggest that if you want to truly experience that game, play the "War of the Lions" version. The easiest way to play it is on iOS, but you can track down the PSP version if the former is not available to you.

    It is currently free for PS plus members and can be played on the Vita/PSP/PSPGO it is a digital download.
  • I have never played it before! It's a little slow to start... and it's not clear how much I should be grinding if at all...
    I love that game with a passion. However...there is no reason to play that version with the garbage translation attached to it. In my opinion, I suggest that if you want to truly experience that game, play the "War of the Lions" version. The easiest way to play it is on iOS, but you can track down the PSP version if the former is not available to you.

    I say play the PSone version. Why? Because life is short... Bury! Steady Sword!
  • I have never played it before! It's a little slow to start... and it's not clear how much I should be grinding if at all...
    I love that game with a passion. However...there is no reason to play that version with the garbage translation attached to it. In my opinion, I suggest that if you want to truly experience that game, play the "War of the Lions" version. The easiest way to play it is on iOS, but you can track down the PSP version if the former is not available to you.
    I already had a PS2, and all the iOS reviews said the port was terrible. Not to mention that buying it used was cheaper than either iOS version.
  • I have some kind of sentimental attachment to that original translation. From what I remember the War of the Lions translation was a little bit on the "trying-too-hard-to-be-Macbeth" side... Something like that.

    I would recommend only grinding when you can't make it through a fight. Overleveling can kind of kill the challenge of the game. Also, later in the game you'll get characters that replace the ones you work so hard on in the early game. Orlandu, for instance.
  • OK so since you guys are talking about FFT I will ask a question I've never gotten a straight answer to: is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA a straight-up sequel? A remake? what is it? I always had an interest in playing FFT so bought the GBA version like 10 years ago at a yard sale, thinking it was a direct port, but then I heard it was not.
  • OK so since you guys are talking about FFT I will ask a question I've never gotten a straight answer to: is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA a straight-up sequel? A remake? what is it? I always had an interest in playing FFT so bought the GBA version like 10 years ago at a yard sale, thinking it was a direct port, but then I heard it was not.
    Wikipedia says it's not direct sequel, but the DS FFT is sequel to the GBA one, though not sure if there's continuation of the story of is it just set in same world.

  • The DS one is really just set in the same world. And yes, the GBA FFT is very different from the PS1 Tactics.
  • Oh yeah - Link, Yosho and I rocked some Payday today. It was good fun, and it went pretty well. Not exactly a well-oiled team yet, and I don't think I imparted as much knowledge as I'd like in retrospect(Because I kept just doing things, but not explaining them) but there will be more times, and more opportunities.

    Fuck that game.
  • Well, same name =/= same world. Although it looks like the PSP port retconned that, which is bullshit because not only are there no bunny people, the tone of Tactics is totally different from the other "Ivalice" games (FFTA/FFTA2/FFXII).
  • FFTA annoyed my primarily because it was babies first's grid tactics game. I'd might as well play Pokemon Conquest for all it mattered how well I played.
  • One of my first fan conversion projects was making a D20 FFT conversion. It kinda sucked though. Still gets me a couple random emails each year.
  • Well, same name =/= same world. Although it looks like the PSP port retconned that, which is bullshit because not only are there no bunny people, the tone of Tactics is totally different from the other "Ivalice" games (FFTA/FFTA2/FFXII).
    IIRC, FFT was the first "Ivalice" game. I wonder if the folks responsible for "Ivalice" have an official comment regarding their views on its continuity.

    I'm currently playing Fire Emblem for 3DS. It's fun and a bit challenging on classic mode (in a frustrating way), but lately I'm feeling like there's just way too much flair and not enough grit in these "jtrpg" fantasy-style games these days. It's hard to see past that sometimes.
  • Vagrant Story also took place in an instance of "Ivalice" I think...
  • edited February 2013
    No a vagrant story was never meant to be set in ivalice and the creator denied any connection. He has stated that all the gift games are supposed to be in the same world.

    Which apparently is also a book/some kids imagination.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited February 2013
    Vagrant Story, in the American version, said it was set in Ivalice.

    Edit: Or apparently I'm remembering this line... "The body is but a vessel for the soul. A puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny. And lo, the body is not eternal, for it must feed on the flesh of others, lest it return to the dust whence it came. Therefore must the soul deceive, despise, and murder men."

    - AJ Durai

    As I was thinking of some reference in the opening, and Tactics takes place entirely within the context of the Durai writings.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Yeah I know, but he said it wasn't meant to be the same place and is only really fan service.
  • edited March 2013
    Been playing a little Assassin's Creed 3 in my spare time. It's not so bad, I like what they've done with it so far, though the first section with the english chap dragged a bit. Though, if I keep up the pace I have, by the end of the game, the only thing that'll have me beat for killing English soldiers is English command decisions.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I've been playing Banner Saga: Factions when I get some free time. It's a pretty nifty little turn based strategy game. Free to play but you need to unlock your units over time via XP. Luckily the matchmaking does a really good job placing you against opponents of equal strength.

  • Finally gotten around to playing Bastion (I know, I know). The game is excellent, just like people told me.
  • So with my girlfriend playing Ocarina of Time, and I just purchased and read through the Hyrule Historia, I've decided to put aside my low expectations of Phantom Hourglass and give it a try. So far it does feel a lot like Wind Waker (duh), but I do much prefer the auto-pilot sailing in PH. Shouldn't take too long to get through.
  • Finally gotten around to playing Bastion (I know, I know). The game is excellent, just like people told me.
    I don't feel so bad now. As long as you are playing it!
  • Started playing Quantum Conundrum this weekend. Unlocked the fluffy and heavy dimensions so far. Does this game get harder than throwing safes at some point?
  • I just played a decent little 3DS game called Gunman Clive. The trailer pretty much sums it up.

  • I kind of want to play that now.
  • edited March 2013
    Been playing some Fallout 3, and I'll tell you what - if you're only going to get ONE mod for the game, make sure it's Galaxy News Radio Extended, previously known as "But wait, there's more." The 20 tracks that GNR has in the base game are good, but after hearing "Civilisation" (aka, bongo bongo bongo I don't wanna leave the congo) and "Butcher Pete" for the 400th time, you get a little sick of it.

    Well, this mod adds more than 100 new public domain songs that are period appropriate and fit perfectly with the rest of the GNR soundtrack, as well as making a few modifications, like how many songs between news announcements, fixing a few bugs, etc, etc. It's pretty good.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Surely you mean replaying Fallout 3.
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