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  • Surely you mean replaying Fallout 3.
    Yes and no. The last time I played it, it was on 360 in the UK, and I didn't end up finishing it, haven't played it since. Also didn't have any of the DLC, which I do have now, since this is the Goat-y edition.
  • That's fair. Be sure to shoot lots of people for me.
  • That's fair. Be sure to shoot lots of people for me.
    I shot a man in the face with a teddybear and he exploded like an M-80 stuffed Watermelon.
  • Fuck, the new animations and controls for ArmA3 are super smooth. It's going to be a game changer.
  • War Thunder is the best game.

  • Yup, the radio station mod is the shit.
  • Anyone remember that naive feeling of wonder you had when you first played Homeworld? Even the open end sandbox that was WoW in 2005 had a hopeful feeling. Do games lose this sheen once you've played (lived) enough?

    Meanwhile War Thunder looks good. Will check this out.
  • There comes a point where sheer scale can't impress you as much but execution of mechanics and design can be more intriguing. Playing Metro was a big "oh shit" moment for me and never forget:
  • edited March 2013
    Metro 2022 THQ? I played that for like, half an hour and got bored.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • And now I think I'll go and find me my copy of Homeworld. It's got to be here. Somewhere. I might have to check my attic.

    Any other 3d space rts games out there? I think I recalled one other but it's name isn't bubbling up into my consciousness .
  • Homeworld, Homeworld 2, Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Uh.. Empire At War counts, I guess? Maybe one of those terrible Star Trek RTS abortions?
  • And now I think I'll go and find me my copy of Homeworld. It's got to be here. Somewhere. I might have to check my attic.

    Any other 3d space rts games out there? I think I recalled one other but it's name isn't bubbling up into my consciousness .
    Hopefully, regardless of who buys the Homeworld license, and whether or not they make a sequel for it, this will clear things up so that all three Homeworld games can go up on GOG or another service finally.
  • Metro 2022 THQ? I played that for like, half an hour and got bored.
    Same. The story and setting were kind of interesting, but it had WAY too many quicktime events.
  • edited March 2013
    Metro's not the broardest appealing game but if you can appreciate all the crazy stuff it does then it's super refreshing.

    Where does Metro have quicktime events?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I don't remember off the top of my head, but it seemed like there was one every 10-15 minutes. The UI in general was also really counter-intuitive for me. That being said, I like the idea of the game, and I'll probably take a look at the sequels.
  • Liberation Maiden is everything I wanted it to be.
  • Took me a while to remember as I remember the events chronologically, but that first section is part of the end of the game, where you have to grab onto stuff to climb the tower, which is largely tutorial. After that, I don't recall many, if any, quick-time events.
  • I can't remember any QTEs eitehr. I just remember frantically killing mutants in the ruins of an eastern bloc city while it got progressively harder to see and breath.
  • Just beat Hotline Miami. Weird game.
  • QTEs in Metro 2033? not really. There's one right at the beginning to show you the "defense" mechanic which is basically mash a single button to not die. That only triggers in the rest of the game if you let a mutant get way too close. There's the tower bits at the end but they're kind of minor, and there's only a couple. Don't get me wrong Metro 2033 is pretty flawed, QTEs aren't really it.
  • Now I'm playing Heroes & Generals.
  • Did we even play the same freaking game? I spent a majority of the time I played either watching things happen in first person or playing very short, very scripted combat scenes.
  • Did you get to the point where you were underground?
  • The worst part of a single player FPS is its intro.
  • I made it to the subways and the base, and past the point where you fight on the old timey rail cart. I got bored rapidly after that.
  • Minish Cap. For some reason, I never got around to playing it back in the day. Just started second dungeon and I really like it so far. Classic 2D Zelda.

    They REALLY need to make another one of these...

    And a new Advance Wars.
  • Minish Cap. For some reason, I never got around to playing it back in the day. Just started second dungeon and I really like it so far. Classic 2D Zelda.

    They REALLY need to make another one of these...
    If you've already beaten the other 2D Zelda's, Anodyne is a pretty fun Zelda style game. Its like $9 right now but there was an official torrent of it back when I got it for like a dollar so I'm sure its still floating around if you're not fond of spending money.
  • Minish Cap. For some reason, I never got around to playing it back in the day. Just started second dungeon and I really like it so far. Classic 2D Zelda.

    They REALLY need to make another one of these...
    If you've already beaten the other 2D Zelda's, Anodyne is a pretty fun Zelda style game. Its like $9 right now but there was an official torrent of it back when I got it for like a dollar so I'm sure its still floating around if you're not fond of spending money.
    Looks really nice. I usually prefer portable games these days, but I may make an exception.

  • Trials Evolution. It's ridiculously hard.
  • I hate System Shock 2 and it's mutant spiders!

    I don't even have any kind of specific fear for spiders, but it's always a real shock when you turn around and there is mutant spider right there ready to eat your leg.

    Other than that, System Shock 2 is pretty cool. Has awesome atmosphere, especially for a game that old.
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