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  • Trials Evolution. It's ridiculously hard.
    But rather addictive thanks to the friend list high scores.

  • Trials Evolution. It's ridiculously hard.
    But rather addictive thanks to the friend list high scores.
    Oh, the game itself is absolutely awesome, but fuck, some of the later levels are mind-crushingly difficult.
  • Trials Evolution. It's ridiculously hard.
    But rather addictive thanks to the friend list high scores.
    Oh, the game itself is absolutely awesome, but fuck, some of the later levels are mind-crushingly difficult.
    Yea, I love Trials, but I just gave up on the extreme tracks. I think I'd done one or two of them, but that's a wall little too steep for me.

  • Related:

  • I've managed to do all the extreme tracks, and even got gold on few of them. Oh and a faultless run on the very first extreme track, I spent way too much time playing that game.
  • edited March 2013
    So dumb story: I bought and downloaded the game a couple of days ago. You get medals when you finish a race and the faster you do it and the fewer times you screw up the better the medal is you get (you don't get the same medal for the same level multiple times of course). After a certain amount of medals it unlocks another set of tracks.

    So what I didn't realize at first was that the single player campaign is split into two parts, Country Crash and that warehouse, and medals unlock new tracks in each alternating between the two. However, at first I thought I had to finish every single track that was available in Country Crash and every single skill challenge in there with a gold medal before the next set of tracks would be unlocked. And so I did.

    Next time I started up the game I realized that mistake.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • SimCity

    So much SimCity

    Waaaaay too much SimCity
  • I Am Alive is interesting. Might not hold up for the length of the story.
  • I liked it. The story is kinda butt but I like climbing around on shit. Also I wasn't good at the standoff stuff as I ended up killing everyone I came across.
  • Finished mirrors edge. It was alright. They force you to use their shitty combat system a bit too much.
  • Finished mirrors edge. It was alright. They force you to use their shitty combat system a bit too much.
    That is mostly executive meddling as far as I am told. Mirror's Edge was a promising and interesting game, but it had some botched execution and lost focus.
  • I am playing the heck out of Fire Emblem: Awakening. I just... I don't know what it is about this game. But I enjoy grinding and battling so much. This is unheard of for me. I'm 35 hours into it, and yet I'm only about halfway finished with the actual story of the game. I've just been buying Reeking Boxes and playing the DLC over and over trying to level up my characters and unlock all the support conversations.

    It's definitely going to keep me busy till Animal Crossing comes out this summer...
  • I played tons of Fire Emblem but for some reason it only shows me putting about 10 hours in it. I think it might be because my healers continually like to die from units bypassing my battle lines. ugh I wish there was some sort of lock to keep people from running past your tough guys effortlessly and killing your weaker units..
  • Just beat the Tropico 4 campaign. I really enjoyed it. Fun strategy, hilarious writing, all around a good game. Getting the DLC now.
  • I caved and bought Anno 2070 when it was on sale over the weekend. So far I'm loving the game and it's scratching my SimCity itch... plus it's scifi which is even better.
  • Remember when Simcity 2000 was set in the future?
  • Remember when Simcity 2000 was set in the future?
    Yes. It was grand
  • I just got back into X-box gaming and I'm playing Batman. Love it
  • I just got back into X-box gaming ...
    I'd be careful about admitting that around here. All the Glorious PC gaming UberMenschen don't like to mix with us dirty console gaming peasants.
    ... and I'm playing Batman. Love it
    The Arkham games are great ain't they?

  • I just got back into X-box gaming ...
    I'd be careful about admitting that around here. All the Glorious PC gaming UberMenschen don't like to mix with us dirty console gaming peasants.
    ... and I'm playing Batman. Love it
    The Arkham games are great ain't they?

    I still do PC, but wanted a change. and yes Arkham is great.
  • Playing Gravity Rush and it's extremely cool and FTW.
  • edited March 2013
    I caved and bought Anno 2070 when it was on sale over the weekend. So far I'm loving the game and it's scratching my SimCity itch... plus it's scifi which is even better.
    I did the same. I love the Anno games but the whole start game from steam, then log into uplay then start game from inside uplay. WHY UBISOFT, WHY DO YOU HATE US SO?

    It seriously makes me not want to play the game.
    Post edited by zehaeva on
  • Just beat the Tropico 4 campaign. I really enjoyed it. Fun strategy, hilarious writing, all around a good game. Getting the DLC now.
    I just started playing Tropico 4 and it's crazy how similar it is to Tropico 3. The majority of the buildings are the same, even with the same models.
  • Wanted to play BF3: 6GB update for levels I can't play bring the game up from it's original 10ishGB to 25GB after the expansions.
  • Wanted to play BF3: 6GB update for levels I can't play bring the game up from it's original 10ishGB to 25GB after the expansions.
    It is definitely some serious bullshit. It's not like it would be fucking hard to have a second download that just contains the shit you need - patches, maybe the models for new guns, camo or other things that can be used on any map that you might potentially end up using, and what have you - for people who don't have the expansion pack.
  • I think ea would rather you just buy the Dlc then go out of their way for the sake of convenience.
  • I just got Carnage Heary EXA and it's really cool + very complicated, but it's like advanced Custom Robo so hell yeah.
  • Civilization V. I know I'm late to the party.
  • Civilization V. I know I'm late to the party.
    I've been looking for people to play
  • edited March 2013
    That party's over. I've been loving Civ 4 lately.
    Post edited by Walker on
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