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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Civ 5 is actually pretty good with Gods and Kings, and I'm really excited about the next expansion. I can't really go back to 4 at all, it's just too degenerate in terms of UI and design.
  • Civilization V. I know I'm late to the party.
    I've been looking for people to play
    I have been trying to get that to work on my laptop but it won't fit to screen, have any of the menues or settings.

  • I played tons of Fire Emblem but for some reason it only shows me putting about 10 hours in it. I think it might be because my healers continually like to die from units bypassing my battle lines. ugh I wish there was some sort of lock to keep people from running past your tough guys effortlessly and killing your weaker units..
    The "trick" consists of carefully watching the ranges on yours enemies and/or finding a chokepoint and having your tanks form a shield wall.

    I fucking love Fire Emblem so much, although I'm currently at a point where I need to grind a few levels because I've been spreading experience too thin across my party, which is sapping my motivation.

    Also Tropico is so much better than Sim City 5.
  • Civilization V. I know I'm late to the party.
    I've also just started playing. 6 hours of my Saturday just disappeared as the ottomans wanted me to go to war with the Netherlands then when I wiped them out the ottomans were like you're a crazy bloodthirsty tyrant. What?! You wanted to war them!
  • After year(s?) of saying I'd do it, I finally started playing Skyward Sword. The experience of getting this game made me realize how much I hate consoles. Grabbed the Wii from Andrew's sister. Realized it needed a new sensor bar since the cats ate the last one (she ended up never using the Wii and just kinda kept it for a long time, so sensor bar was forgotten). So bought that, received the game from Amazon, then tried to play. Whoops forgot Andrew never had a nunchuk and we had always borrowed one from his old college roomies. Also game tells me I need a special new remote. So yeah, about $110 later I finally get to play the game. -_- (Yes I am dumb for not doing my research ahead of time). At least I have a pink remote now? Also, YAY I'm playing a Zelda game again, and something OTHER than a TES game! *gasp* :-P
  • [Requiring to do a bunch of work to make my game play] made me realize how much I hate consoles.
    This sounds backwards to me. Does anyone else have that feeling?
  • Consoles are more work for me, because I rarely use them and thus have to dust stuff off.

    PC gaming means I open steam and click on the game I want to play.
  • Yeah, let me just go ahead and use a PC in the year of our lord two thousand and thirteen ahahhaa.
  • Consoles are more work for me, because I rarely use them and thus have to dust stuff off.

    PC gaming means I open steam and click on the game I want to play.
    Here at TvH HQ, we use our console as a Netflix machine and Hulu machine, because we have an old ass TV with component cables. We have no such problem.
  • After playing my buddy in a wi-fi match last night, I can safely say that I am re-addicted to Pokémon White 2. I've finished nearly everything in the game, so now I just need to collect them all and amass an indestructible army for wi-fi competitions. Plus, with this weekend being a tournament and all, I need to be at my A-game and concentrate on it.
  • Wub introduced me to solar
  • Wub introduced me to solar
    I don't get the issue. It's like flow, except with planet formation instead of water creatures.
  • Wub introduced me to solar
    Is .wtf a file extension? That would be cool.
  • Downloading a game from the pirate bay is less work than consoles. Not so sure about Steam.
  • Downloading a game from the pirate bay is less work than consoles. Not so sure about Steam.
    It's about equal work with buying a game from XBL, except with greater variety.
  • edited March 2013
    Downloading a game from the pirate bay is less work than consoles. Not so sure about Steam.
    It's about equal work with buying a game from XBL, except with greater variety.
    EDIT: I misread the post and was talking about Pirate Bay, not Steam. Steam games don't bork your machine.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • Downloading a game from the pirate bay is less work than consoles. Not so sure about Steam.
    It's about equal work with buying a game from XBL, except with greater variety.
    and a greater likely hood of borking your machine
    Never had that happen because of steam. Or any game that I can think of, but I'm sure there's one out there that will do it.

  • Fired up the first generator in Quantum Conundrum. Am I the only one that runs around in fluffy world just so you can see everything?
  • I wasn't arguing Steam was more effort, just not less either. Piratebay is definitely less.
  • Lol no its not. It's never the case that I cant download something because no one is seeding it.
  • Also Steam never has problem with cracks that seem to work, but then have a problem somewhere so savegames don't actually work, until you save on extremely specific manner and if you don't your savegames just disappear.
  • Just played the Harmoknight demo on the 3DS. Fantastic!

    God, I'm going to be in heaven soon. Harmoknight, Etrian Odyssey 4, Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion!

    New Leaf and Pokemanz a little later.

  • I'm playing the first BioShock after I had given it a pass twice before. The third time is the charm and it got me I think it was the headphones that gave it the edge this time.
  • I'm playing the first BioShock after I had given it a pass twice before. The third time is the charm and it got me I think it was the headphones that gave it the edge this time.
    I started to replay the first Bioshock now that I have a machine that can run it better than 15fps. I'm not sure what it is, but for me something feels off with it. The poining, clicking, shooting dudes part just doesn't feel right and for me the feel of a game is important.
  • I'm playing the first BioShock after I had given it a pass twice before. The third time is the charm and it got me I think it was the headphones that gave it the edge this time.
    I started to replay the first Bioshock now that I have a machine that can run it better than 15fps. I'm not sure what it is, but for me something feels off with it. The poining, clicking, shooting dudes part just doesn't feel right and for me the feel of a game is important.
    Same here I think I just had the right combination of low expectation and ambiance that came with the headphones. The first time I tried it was on the Xbox 360 when it first came out and the second time was during a Steam sale a few years back where I got both the first and the second one. It didn't click until just now.

  • Bioshock's FOV is really low, that might be what you're picking up on.
  • Bioshock Infinite looks really good, and the reviews are pretty outstanding. Not sure it's worth $60-70 for a single-player game, though.
  • I got it free with my new video card, though I also got X-com for free as well..
  • edited March 2013
    I tried NS2. It wasn't a very good experience. The actual game part is fine. I'm looking forward to playing some more after watching a tutorial. But I get 30ish FPS with very low settings on a 7870XT. I should not. The only other recent games I've tried, Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite both run at 60FPS with vsync and fancy hair and what not. Those games look a lot better. Older games I tried are Metro 2033, runs just fine, F-Zero GX, just fine, Dark Souls, at least better than on Xbox and Hot Pursuit, which runs like dogshit.

    I also got other technical issues with the game. Booting up the game takes longer than it should, and escaping my mouse is buggy. The settings page shows my microphone as working. It works just fine in Skype. Yet in-game, my microphone doesn't transmit sound. And literally 20% of the game is spent looking from outside the map in, if you play as the default guy and walk along the walls.

    The first round, I had an awesome commander. Tons of fun, even though I was sucking, and had no idea what any of the names he said meant. But my microphone didn't work, so I couldn't ask to be tutorialized. Second round, third and fourth round, commander sucked. Said like 2 words during the entire thing.

    (First guy was clearly European, second clearly American. Just throwing that out there =P I don't think it's a good thing the communities have combined after all)

    Edit: First launch, I was met with a black screen for like.. 30 seconds. If when you press launch in Steam, and the game doesn't immediately work as advertised on any supported computer, you should not release that game. Fix it, then release it.
    Post edited by Aria on
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