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    So far I have 146 330!
    Possible game for the Grand Prix?
  • 305 so far
  • Playing Smite right now. It's a MOBA that might be Scott-approved.

    -You can pay $30 to get everything, forever
    -Everyone is side-grades anyway (ostensibly), and they set you up with a guy for every role to begin with, so people who don't pay aren't gimped when fighting you
    -No killing your own dudes
    -No auto attacks
    -No meta-leveling XP-grind component
    -You can set up automatic item and skill purchases for each character outside of matches, and they come with personalized pre-made sets for every character, which are so good that you only need to mess with it if you're at a crazy high level of play. You can turn these off mid-game if you realize you need something special.
    -There are multiple modes, some of which are shorter if you don't want a long-ass game.
    -It has Bacchus, Poseidon, and Odin as playable characters. Which, as far as I know, are the officially Geeknights-sponsored deities. (And it has a Tribes-themed Thor skin.)

    edit: -There is a real fucking tutorial, that will teach you about stuff like 'ganking' and 'jungling' and 'lanes' and such.
    I got to watch a pretty high-level Smite tournament at PAX (it was at the Twitch booth), and talk to some of the people who are pretty involved with the community. It's third-person, which in a sense offloads a lot of the movement work from your mouse to your WASD. In addition to taking out the stupid mechanics like killing your own dudes, they also changed the mechanics around so that it's not necessary to spend time farming, and you can instead get right into running down the lanes and killing the other team.
  • I'll admit, it's no DOTA. But, this is not an entirely good or bad thing.
  • I always played the Monkey king, because Sun Wukong is 100% legit.
    Sun Wukong is indeed the boss. While he's already quite famous, I'm also enjoying learning a bit about various other Chinese and Hindu gods while I wait for the matchmaking system.

    Also, apparently the matchmaking system is new and innovative? I'm not sure why or how, but I heard it on the internet.
  • 338!
  • I've been bouncing between Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon for 3DS, and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. All three are enjoyable, but I'm finding it difficult to get motivated to play any of them to completion. :/
  • edited April 2013
    I've been playing a ton of The Binding of Isaac as of late. Didn't get into it before the Wrath of the Lamb DLC and even when I played shortly after buying it I found it interesting but didn't fall deep into that rabbit hole.

    Well, now I can consistently beat Mom and have done so with Isaac, Cain, Magdalene, and Samson (yesterday). I also beat Sheol with Cain once.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Playing Smite right now...
    I like Smite. It still needs some serious polish, but it's got a lot going on for it.

    I disagree with you on the "No meta-Leveling XP-grind componet". You still need to level your skills and they still have "Last hitting".

    I actually would like a little more meta.

    30$ for everything ever is pretty nice. I'm hope the DC MOBA doe something similar.
  • I disagree with you on the "No meta-Leveling XP-grind componet". You still need to level your skills and they still have "Last hitting".
    I think that refered to a system like in LoL where you as a player get levels instead of just your hero for the match getting levels.

  • Crimson Shroud on 3DS is doing some cool things, but halfway in, I can feel a hug wall hitting, setting up a long stretch of loot-grinding. I don't know if I have it in me.
  • Planetside 2 mostly, Bioshock Infinite, Presona 3 and Fire Emblem Awakening when I get a chance.
  • Crimson Shroud on 3DS is doing some cool things, but halfway in, I can feel a hug wall hitting, setting up a long stretch of loot-grinding. I don't know if I have it in me.
    They do this really dumb thing in the second area where you need a drop from some skeleton mages who you have to actively spawn and whose drop isn't obviously the puzzle piece. It's in the underground part in the northeast corner where you fight the skeleton warriors/archers. You have to kill the archers first to force the mages to spawn (which still isn't 100%) and them from the mages you need some dark crystal geegaw that costs 100 points in the post-battle screen. It took me at least 30 minutes to figure that out, and probably another 30 minutes to figure out the item I needed already dropped and I'd picked up like two more of them trying to find the "key" or whatever it was.

    Otherwise there really isn't much loot grinding? Most of that game is just effectively setting up your combos so you get a lot of d10s/d12s, and stacking tons of stat buffs on top of each other. I barely paid attention to my gear.

  • Moar of the extra content in Borderlands 2. We finished the Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty DLC. It was a bit lower level than we expected. The Leviathan wasn't too bad and opening up all those chests was cool. Jeremy got a yellow or orange sniper rifle.

    We got the quest to go to the Leviathan again. Does that mean if we beat is again, we can open up the same chests to get other kinds of phat loots?

    Also fuck Cursed Pirates. Always made sure I had my Phaselock up for those bastards.
  • Yeah, you can open the chests one more time.
  • I'm just sitting here playing Poker Night 2 until Krieg comes out and finals are over.
  • I plan to pirate Poker Night 2 by watching clips on Youtube.
  • Smart move. Shame you can't pirate the soundtrack as of yet.
  • Time to go into the heart of the swarm.
  • On the multiplayer games side, it seems to be Dota 2 season for me. I think I'm getting better, at least I've gotten more wins than losses lately, which might mean that there is a ten loss streak waiting for me behind the corner.

    Also as I was away from my PC for the weekend, I played a bunch of Strange Journey on DS and I've kept playing it after returning home.
  • On the multiplayer games side, it seems to be Dota 2 season for me. I think I'm getting better, at least I've gotten more wins than losses lately, which might mean that there is a ten loss streak waiting for me behind the corner.

    Also as I was away from my PC for the weekend, I played a bunch of Strange Journey on DS and I've kept playing it after returning home.
    Is there some way to play Dota2 while also guaranteeing to not be playing with anyone who is actually any good?
  • On the multiplayer games side, it seems to be Dota 2 season for me. I think I'm getting better, at least I've gotten more wins than losses lately, which might mean that there is a ten loss streak waiting for me behind the corner.

    Also as I was away from my PC for the weekend, I played a bunch of Strange Journey on DS and I've kept playing it after returning home.
    Is there some way to play Dota2 while also guaranteeing to not be playing with anyone who is actually any good?
    Forum game?
  • edited April 2013
    Is there some way to play Dota2 while also guaranteeing to not be playing with anyone who is actually any good?
    The matchmaking is actually pretty good. If you are a noob, it matches you with other noobs. They might act and talk like they know what they are doing, but they don't. Or if you don't trust that find nine other newbs and play together with them.
    Forum game?
    Are you saying that there isn't any good players on the forums?

    Post edited by Apsup on
  • Forum game?
    Are you saying that there isn't any good players on the forums?
    No, I'm saying that there are probably enough people new to Dota2 on the forums that we could get a newbies game going.

  • I don't mind if it's someone I know who uses voice chat that is good. At least if I get ganked I just want to be told how it happened, and what I did wrong that allowed it to happen. Playing with strangers you just see a bunch of flashes of light, have no clue wtf is going on, and then you're respawning.
  • edited April 2013
    Are you saying that there isn't any good players on the forums?
    Joe Boomer is a fucking wrecking ball, and some of the Breakfast club are pretty good. Some will buy six agility slippers for no bloody reason, but others are good. But that aside, Omnutia has spoken of a forum scrub leauge, and that would be pretty cool.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • My friends made a game for the Ludum Dare competition, and it turned out pretty well! Should only take 10-20 minutes for seasoned gamers to beat. I had fun with it, so you guys probably will too.
  • Tried to get into Neverwinter Free-to-play D&D game but the queue on all three servers was over 6000!!!!
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