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  • One of my first good orbits. Unfortunately, I ran out of fuel while de-orbiting so poor Jebadiah Kermin is stuck up there.
  • Personality core.
    Are you playing that, or simply warning Omnutia of what to expect?

  • Nope. Just commenting Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.
  • I just finished Castlevania: Lord of Shadow -- Mirror of Fate. And by finished, I don't mean I beat it. I am just done with that game forever.

    I wrote up a review on my blog, listing my top 5 major offenses, but I'm going to assume that linking to another blog here is considered spam, or at least in bad taste.
  • Naw. It's fine. People don't click on links here anyways. :P You can always just copy paste what you put on there on a post.
  • Well, as long as nobody's actually going to click on it...

    But paste the whole thing? Wouldn't that take up like a whole giant block here? Or do you mean make a new thread about it?
  • edited May 2013
    Stop being the passive aggressive type KC. Just post a link and say how awesome your review is.

    I say this because I write lot of reviews and such and even have a tumblr, but it's just for fun so I don't link to it here (and it's shit). If you are even going to mention it, it means you want people to see it and you are proud of your work. Just say that don't be all like "nobody is going to click".

    Say "I wrote this badass review of a Castlevania that sucks.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Stop being the passive aggressive type KC. Just post a link and say how awesome your review is.
  • Well, as long as nobody's actually going to click on it...

    But paste the whole thing? Wouldn't that take up like a whole giant block here? Or do you mean make a new thread about it?
    My rule is don't make a new thread about something until it is brought up multiple times in multiple threads. New threads are not a common thing on here.

    There is of course the old < a href="url" > text < /a >, if you're worried about taking up a giant block. You know you're up shit creek without a paddle when Greg is teaching you how to do things with a computer...
  • Stop being the passive aggressive type KC. Just post a link and say how awesome your review is.
    Haha, you are correct, mate. I guess I was just testing the waters for how this community looks at this sort of thing. Never been a big forum guy, but I'm getting into it here for the first time in my life.

    I was just making a joke though about nobody clicking it though. I know my review is awesome, and you all want to click that $#@&;.
  • Rule 1, don't take anything seriously.

    You'll do just fine.
  • I know I'm late to the party, but I'm playing Skyrim.
  • My PS3 came back from repairs good as new, so I'm gonna hurry up and get that Platinum Trophy in Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time.

    Also, I'm playing through Twilight Princess. Currently in the Snowpeak Ruins.
  • I just finished Fire Emblem: Awakening on hard mode, which was surprisingly difficult. I'm probably going to try lunatic mode after I beat Cave Story +.
  • edited May 2013
    This is awesome:
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Current geoguesser high score of 15k. That IS fun, and educational!
  • edited May 2013
    Current geoguesser high score of 15k. That IS fun, and educational!
    Is that the total from 5 rounds, or just one?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • All the rounds. I think the max points per rounds is 5,000.
  • If you look at my screenshot on the previous page, I got 6472 in one round earlier.
  • I first score was 11.5k. I probably would have been much higher if I had not messed up on the first one as I knew the exact location of it but accidentally hit the guess button too early.
  • edited May 2013
    I got 21.5k on my first go. I really messed up those two in Brazil though.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Crimson Shroud on 3DS is doing some cool things, but halfway in, I can feel a hug wall hitting, setting up a long stretch of loot-grinding. I don't know if I have it in me.
    They do this really dumb thing in the second area where you need a drop from some skeleton mages who you have to actively spawn and whose drop isn't obviously the puzzle piece. It's in the underground part in the northeast corner where you fight the skeleton warriors/archers. You have to kill the archers first to force the mages to spawn (which still isn't 100%) and them from the mages you need some dark crystal geegaw that costs 100 points in the post-battle screen. It took me at least 30 minutes to figure that out, and probably another 30 minutes to figure out the item I needed already dropped and I'd picked up like two more of them trying to find the "key" or whatever it was.

    Otherwise there really isn't much loot grinding? Most of that game is just effectively setting up your combos so you get a lot of d10s/d12s, and stacking tons of stat buffs on top of each other. I barely paid attention to my gear.

    Finished Crimson Shroud just under the 8 hour mark. I had actually gotten through the part of the second area that Dave described above by getting the key I needed on the first try. Apparently, people have had to re-run this battle numerous times and somehow know that this is the right battle, and to kill everyone in a certain order to get a key to drop. I got lucky and just got the key the first time I went there.

    Aside from that, I was very worried about having to go back and grind before getting very far in the third area, b/c I was battling some monsters where my base physical attacks were only doing the minimum 1 damage. Managed to get all the way through that third act through smart use of dice and magic. The fourth act is a very short series of boss battles, the first of which I couldn't beat until I took about 45 min to go back and do that grind. My inventory was wiped clean, so I needed to stock up healing items. Getting a few extra copies of my weapons to meld together, and a new spell or two also helped me plow through that first boss battle, then the final boss was cake. Overall was a pretty decent RPG, especially considering it only cost like $5.
  • edited May 2013
    The way I'm playing GeoGuessr is this:
    Move around as much as you want, but you're not allowed to Google anything you see.

    That said, the game is relatively easy if you can move around a lot, though sometimes it can take loads of moving to get anywhere at all. I think the best way to handle this would be to have two components to the scoring - one based on the distance, and another based on time or how much you moved around.

    Also, sometimes you get fixed-point panoramas, where you can't move at all. Those tend to be really cool, but not being able to move leaves you with very little to go on.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Also interesting is playing while disallowing movement, which makes things quite hard.
  • Did a little SR3 to get ready for SR4
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